




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:tǎo hǎo








  1. 奉承拍马,献殷勤,以求得他人好感。

    《醒世恒言·李汧公穷邸遇侠客》:“同僚官又在县主面上讨好,各备筵席款待。”《红楼梦》第九回:“他不但不去管约,反‘助 紂 为虐’讨好儿。” 清 秋瑾 《精卫石弹词》第五回:“可笑讨好无处讨,祗落得 长门 冷落作幽囚。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十五:“像只格外讨好的狗似的,总在人多的地方摇摆尾巴。”

  2. 取得好效果。

    《老残游记》第十三回:“他为自小儿没受过这个折蹬,所以就种种的不讨好。” 郭沫若 《屈原赋今译<天问>解题》:“翻译是非常困难的,很不容易讨好。”



  1. Teaching can be a tiring, thankless job that requires you to be "on" at all times.


  2. I sped up the massage and suggested we switch on HGTV. "They're remodeling bathrooms! " I said, a little too eager to please.


  3. It was amusing the way he tried to shine up to us when he realized that we were Kent's sisters.


  4. I gave up and shut the door. She drove away, still without looking at me.


  5. Marek was always trying to be agreeable, poor fellow, as if he had it on his mind that he must make up for his deficiencies.


  6. It took me a year of begging, cajoling6 and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me.


  7. A desire to please led me to laugh at modest jokes like a parent on the opening night of a school play.


  8. The movie first half part, is flattering the child audience as if, is filling each kind of interesting movement and thelaughingstock.


  9. Javier: I saw Terry cozying up to you this morning. What was that about?


  1. 奉承,讨好

    To coddle or cajole.

  2. 比较讨好?

    And,you know,supportive?

  3. 讨好的恭维

    soapy compliments.

  4. 他讨好雇主。

    He ingratiated himself with his employer.

  5. 两面都讨好。

    Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

  6. 讨好女人的人

    knave of hearts

  7. 两面讨好的人

    Jack of both sides.

  8. 别试图讨好我。

    Don't try to butter me up.

  9. 两边讨好,两边落空。

    If you try to please both sides, you will please neither.

  10. 她想讨好老板。

    She tired to make up to the boss.

  11. 她讨好她的阿姨。

    She is kissing up to her aunt.

  12. 你喜欢讨好别人

    You're a people pleaser.

  13. 他老是两面讨好。

    He is always trimming.

  14. 不能两面讨好。

    You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounds.

  15. 他急于讨好客人。

    He was anxious to please his guests.

  16. 不应两面讨好。

    One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

  17. 他们竭力讨好卖乖。

    Theyre eager to please.

  18. 你是想讨好我?

    Are you trying to flatter me?

  19. 讨好某人却适得其反

    stroke the fur the wrong way

  20. 讨好某人, 巴结某人, 奉承某人

    Ingratiate oneself with sb.

  21. 送她点花,讨好她。

    Send her some flowers. Make nice.

  22. 他只想讨好别人。

    He is intent on pleasing people.

  23. 想讨好我是什么

    If you want to impress me What is that.

  24. 然后就会讨好玛姬。

    So he'll try to impress Maggie.

  25. 然后就会讨好玛姬。

    So he'll try to impress Maggie.

  26. 他费尽心机讨好他爱人。

    He took great pains to please his lover.

  27. 我吃力不讨好。

    I try so hard to please, and all I get is a slap in the face.

  28. 两面讨好做不到。

    He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.

  29. 你不可能两面讨好。

    You cannot have it both ways.

  30. 恭维话容易讨好他。

    He is easily pleased by flattery.


  1. 问:讨好拼音怎么拼?讨好的读音是什么?讨好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨好的读音是táohǎo,讨好翻译成英文是 curry favour with; get a good result

  2. 问:讨好地拼音怎么拼?讨好地的读音是什么?讨好地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨好地的读音是,讨好地翻译成英文是 fawningly

  3. 问:讨好的拼音怎么拼?讨好的的读音是什么?讨好的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨好的的读音是,讨好的翻译成英文是 claptrap

  4. 问:讨好自己拼音怎么拼?讨好自己的读音是什么?讨好自己翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨好自己的读音是,讨好自己翻译成英文是 Please Myself



“讨好”是个多义词,它可以指讨好(张韶涵演唱歌曲), 讨好(汉语词语), 讨好(许茹芸音乐专辑)。