



  1. 承受;遵行。

    《左传·昭公七年》:“ 婴齐 受命於 蜀 ,奉承以来,弗敢失陨。”《汉书·晁错传》:“愚臣何足以识陛下之高明而奉承之。” 宋 曾巩 《兵部尚书制》:“究宣朕意,使吏能奉承。”

  2. 继承。

    《后汉书·袁安传》:“陛下奉承洪业,大开疆宇。” 宋 曾巩 《为人后议》:“不能割弃私爱,节之以礼,故失所以奉承正统,尊无二上之意也。”

  3. 侍奉。

    《墨子·兼爱下》:“奉承亲戚,提挈妻子。”《后汉书·列女传·鲍宣妻》:“既奉承君子,唯命是从。” 宋 黄庭坚 《留王郎》诗:“留我左右手,奉承白头亲。”《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“老鴇又説:‘我儿,用心奉承,不要怠慢他。’”

  4. 奉祀;祭祀。

    《汉书·霍光传》:“ 孝武皇帝 曾孙 病已 ……可以嗣 孝昭皇帝 后,奉承祖宗庙,子万姓。” 汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·勾践入臣外传》:“ 越王 曰:‘夫国者前王之国,孤力弱势劣,不能遵守社稷,奉承宗庙。’” 宋 叶适 《宝婺观记》:“然而禬禳每效,福嘏频集,邦人奉承,无敢不肃。”

  5. 逢迎,阿谀。

    《金史·世宗纪中》:“儿辈尚幼,若奉承太过,使侈心滋大,卒难节抑,此不可长。”《古今小说·木绵庵郑虎臣报冤》:“此时 刘八太尉 在贵妃面上,巴不得奉承 贾似道 。”《红楼梦》第一○五回:“ 李御史 今早又参奏 平安州 奉承京官,迎合上司,虐害百姓。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部三五:“ 徐义德 没理会 梅佐贤 的奉承,他焦急地想早一点了解党和政府的意图。”

  6. 奉送,馈赠。

    《西游记》第九八回:“ 三藏 无物奉承,即命 沙僧 取出紫金鉢盂,双手奉上。”《醒世恒言·刘小官雌雄兄弟》:“若过往客宦,偶然银子缺少,在下就肯奉承。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷八:“ 陈大郎 也年年往他州外府,觅些奇珍异物奉承。”



  1. Mr Irving was savvy enough to be polite about Jews and ingratiatingly grateful to his hosts, but he came across as a broken, paranoid man.


  2. It sounds as if you are the last person to be able to get this right with him.


  3. Now and then, to sort of flatter the boss, I'd go up to him and ask politely what such and such a word might mean.


  4. Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns, but when he talks to his supervisor, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.


  5. So, people spend so much time, you know, sucking up to the owner, or the manager, you know, trying network. . .


  6. He said that all of it, the flattery and the secret meetings, were only to make me sorry for what I had done.


  7. And though he received less (and less fawning) coverage, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, proved to be a bit of a seducer himself.


  8. Yet there has always been a churlish undercurrent of criticism beneath the adulation.


  9. Arriving at Forbes, he found a second-rate investment magazine running flattery about corporations.


  1. 奉承,讨好

    To coddle or cajole.

  2. 他奉承她。

    He flattered her.

  3. 奉承的顺从

    tame oBedience.

  4. 奉承的态度

    a slimy manner.

  5. 巧妙的奉承

    a wily blandishment.

  6. 奉承或诱骗

    To flatter or cajole.

  7. 他奉承老板。

    He is subservient to his boss.

  8. 他奉承鲍勃。

    He danced attendance on Bob.

  9. 受恭维话奉承

    to be beslavered with compliments.

  10. 奉承我没什么用。

    I don't do compliments.

  11. 她讨厌别人奉承。

    She hated being flattered.

  12. 这通常不是奉承。

    Often it was not flattering.

  13. 奉承是行不通的。

    Flattery will get you nowhere.

  14. 他喜欢别人奉承他。

    He likes to be flattered.

  15. 他讨厌别人奉承他。

    He hated being flattered.

  16. 她总是奉承她哥哥。

    She always sucks up to her brother.

  17. 用奉承的言词

    in flattering terms

  18. 奉承他几句吧!

    Butter him up a little!

  19. 他是在奉承你。

    He is flattering you.

  20. 不受奉承的人

    a man insusceptible to flattery.

  21. 讨好某人, 巴结某人, 奉承某人

    Ingratiate oneself with sb.

  22. 我不要你们奉承。

    I want none of your blarney.

  23. 奉承性的论证

    argumentum ad verecundiam.

  24. 他奉承她做饭好。

    He flattered her on her cooking.

  25. 用奉承话诡辩。

    Sophisticate rose water with geraniol.

  26. 她变得顺从、奉承。

    She has become submissive and subservient.

  27. 他常喜欢奉承别人。

    He often indulged in flattery'.

  28. 那位侍从善于奉承。

    The attendant is good at flattery.

  29. 当面奉承,背后捣鬼。

    Say nice things to a person's face, but play devil with him behind his back.

  30. 她习惯于受人奉承。

    She was used to being made much of.


  1. 问:奉承拼音怎么拼?奉承的读音是什么?奉承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉承的读音是fèngcheng,奉承翻译成英文是 flatter

  2. 问:奉承地拼音怎么拼?奉承地的读音是什么?奉承地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉承地的读音是,奉承地翻译成英文是 fawningly

  3. 问:奉承的拼音怎么拼?奉承的的读音是什么?奉承的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉承的的读音是,奉承的翻译成英文是 fawning

  4. 问:奉承者拼音怎么拼?奉承者的读音是什么?奉承者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉承者的读音是,奉承者翻译成英文是 lickspittle

  5. 问:奉承话拼音怎么拼?奉承话的读音是什么?奉承话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉承话的读音是,奉承话翻译成英文是 blarney




拼音:fèng cheng


解释:奉:奉 fèng 恭敬地用手捧着:奉觞(举杯祝酒)。奉献。承:承 chéng 在下面接受,托着:承重。承受。基本解释