







汉语拼音:yóu mín






  1. 古代指无田可耕,流离失所的人。


  2. 今指没有正当职业的人。

    叶圣陶 《隔膜·恐怖的夜》:“本镇的现状何等危险!若是游民无赖乘机骚动,谁能去对付呢?”

  3. 指无固定职业的人。

    《大戴礼记·千乘》:“太古无游民,食节事时,民各安其居,乐其宫室,服事信上,上下交信,地移民在。” 王聘珍 解诂:“游民,不习士农工商之业者。” 宋 苏辙 《民政策下第一道》:“故臣欲收游民之庸调,使天下无侥倖苟免之人,而且以舒农夫之困。” 明 卢象昇 《屯政疏》:“务使所属无游民旷土,而芻粮赖以充盈。” 清 曹溶 《悯荒》诗之二:“游民轻去乡,担釜卧沟侧。”



  1. Years of living in New York City had trained me: The distress you hear is nothing serious. It's only a drunk or a bum .


  2. Or, more fearfully, he wrote of his 12-year-old self: "I might easily have been. . . a little robber or a little vagabond. "


  3. But despite his efforts, David is still jobless and has had to ask his father for a loan to prevent him losing his home in Bristol.


  4. it has seen service as an artillery range, a hobo farm during the Depression, and a National Weather Bureau Facility.


  5. Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there.


  6. the initiates also gave masters gifts to two homeless men , one of whom had been sleeping on a roadside under a plastic sheet.


  7. Glass jug He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant.


  8. I thought that perhaps you had locked the door because you were alone and were afraid of tramps.


  9. These people are not junk food environmentalists against waste, nor is it a poverty-stricken homeless, purely to save money.


  1. 游民生活。

    Tramps and vagabonds.

  2. 游民部落游戏

    vagrant clan game

  3. 我去看看这些游民。

    I've got to see to those vagrants.

  4. 南行记游民文化研究

    Research on the Culture of Vagrant in Heading South

  5. 一些无业游民经常聚众滋扰。

    Some jobless vagrants always get together and create trouble.

  6. 一些无业游民经常聚众滋扰。

    Some jobless vagrants always get together and create trouble.

  7. 游民成分太多, 当然不好。

    Of course, it is inadvisable to have too many of the latter.

  8. 装在各处的游民保健中心。

    I mean they're being installed in homeless clinics everywhere.

  9. 而你最后却不会成为游民

    You wouldn't end up homeless.

  10. 他们是无业游民中的圣战者。

    They are the lumpen jihadists.

  11. 无业游民通常指穷困潦倒的人

    Vagrant, usually destitute people.

  12. 而且我不是游民,你们这些青蛙警察!

    And I am not a bum, you police frog!

  13. 我说,我喜欢这些维也纳游民的变化。

    I gotta say, I like this Viennese variation of bum.

  14. 做了很长一段时间的无家游民。

    Got a long history of homelessness.

  15. 做了很长一段时间的无家游民。

    Got a long history of homelessness.

  16. 做了很长一段时间的无家游民。

    Got a long history of homelessness.

  17. 你比这的一帮游民强多了。

    You're better than the bums here.

  18. 我不再是个流浪游民了我现在有工作了

    I'm not a bum any more I even got a job now

  19. 流浪者, 游民流浪汉, 尤指带着铺盖卷。

    A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll.

  20. 同修为游民朋友供应食物并分发礼物。

    Fellow initiates serve food and distribute gifts to the homeless.

  21. 他应得的。我不会资助你去做游民的

    He earned it. I'm not gonna subsidize your being a bum.

  22. 不可避免地, 我以后注定会成为无业游民。

    Inevitably, I was designated to become a hobo in later life.

  23. 不可避免地,我以后注定会成为无业游民。

    Inevitably, I was designated to become a hobo in later life.

  24. 游民意识的最大特点是其反社会性。

    The biggest characteristic of vagrant consciousness is antisocial.

  25. 不难理解为什么他们会把你错当成游民。

    It's not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant.

  26. 那个无业游民说,那我就去死在街上。

    Then I'll die in the street! says the vagrant.

  27. 警察一点也不同情那些可怜无助的游民。

    The police do not pity those poor, pathetic and helpless homeless.

  28. 流浪者, 游民流浪汉, 尤指带着铺盖卷的人

    A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll.

  29. 驱集兜捕游民,酒鬼和其他不受欢迎的人。

    rounding up vagrants and drunks and other undesirables.

  30. 他是我的孙子,我不想他成为象你那样的游民。

    He's my grandson, and I don't want him to turn into a bum like you.


  1. 问:游民拼音怎么拼?游民的读音是什么?游民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游民的读音是yóumín,游民翻译成英文是 vagrant

  2. 问:游民罪拼音怎么拼?游民罪的读音是什么?游民罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游民罪的读音是yóu mín zuì,游民罪翻译成英文是 offense of vagrancy

  3. 问:游民无产者拼音怎么拼?游民无产者的读音是什么?游民无产者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游民无产者的读音是yóu mín wú chǎn zhě,游民无产者翻译成英文是 lumpen-proletarian