


1. 越 [yuè]越 [yuè]度过,超出:~过。~冬。~级。~轨。~权。~境。~位。~狱。~俎代庖。声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激~。声音清~。表示程度加深:~发(更加)。~加。~快~好。消散:“精神劳则~”。失坠,坠落:陨~。“射其左。~于……





汉语拼音:yuè zǎo






  1. 第二天清早。

    《廿载繁华梦》第一回:“一宿无话。越早起来,还未梳洗,便催 傅成 起程。”《洪秀全演义》第十一回:“着 徐福 两人乘夜打迭,准越早起程而去。”



  1. Today, the right time to start sketching seems to be getting earlier and earlier in the project (much to the project's benefit).


  2. The optimists will argue that the sooner prices are marked down in a transparent way, the sooner the recovery may begin.


  3. After months of rising tension they seem to be asking for a double showdown, sooner rather than later.


  4. Believe me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with George Staunton, the sooner you break them through the better.


  5. And we are still trying to get up with the chickens because our work hours are starting earlier and earlier, " he said. "


  6. The sooner that investors and policymakers wake up to this, the smoother the adjustment is likely to be.


  7. I do not know, you will like this, if known, the sooner I get out of.


  8. Its advantages and disadvantages, and pointed out that in Chinese as a second language, English is not the sooner, the better.


  9. If you start work earlier, you may get done earlier, giving you a chance to spend the early evenings with your kids before they go to bed.


  1. 越早越好。

    Le plus t? t sera le mieux.

  2. 越早了结越好。

    The sooner it is done, the better.

  3. 那么,越早越好。

    Well, the sooner, the better.

  4. 越早动手术越安全。

    The sooner we operate the safer.

  5. 是得。越早越好!

    Yes.? And sooner rather than later!

  6. 是的。越早越好!

    Yes.? And sooner rather than later!

  7. 您越早就医越好。

    The sooner you see the doctor, the better.

  8. 而且越早开始越好

    And it's good to start early.

  9. 越早开始治疗越好。

    It's never too early to start the treatment.

  10. 现在越早开刀越安全。

    The sooner we operate now the safer.

  11. 你去得越早越好。

    The sooner you go, the better it will be.

  12. 他越早认真做越好。

    The sooner he buckles down to it, the better.

  13. 越早越好, 星期二可以?

    The sooner, the better. How about Tuesday

  14. 我们越早处理它越好。

    The sooner we dispose of this, the better.

  15. 当然,行动得越早越好。

    Of course, the sooner you do this the better.

  16. 我们越早离开这里越好

    Sooner we get out of here, the better.

  17. 你动身越早,你回来就越早。

    The more you leave early, the more you come back just early.

  18. 我们就可以越早开始。

    The sooner we can begin.

  19. 越早发现得金属, 越稳定。

    The earliest discovered metal, reactive one.

  20. 越早发现的金属, 越稳定。

    The earliest discovered metal, reactive one.

  21. 解决台湾问题越早越好。

    The sooner to settle the question of Taiwan, the better it is.

  22. 那我越早找到他越好。

    Then the sooner I find him,the better.

  23. 那我越早找到他越好。

    Then the sooner I find him, the better.

  24. 我们越早解决掉萨维奇

    The sooner we end Savage.

  25. 我们走得越早就到得越早。

    The sooner we set off, the sooner we will arrive.

  26. 你出发越早, 到那里就越早。

    The sooner you start off, the sooner you will get there.

  27. 越早越好,你压住线了

    As soon as we can. you're on the cord.

  28. 但跟出版社接触越早越好

    but you should get to the publishers sooner than later.

  29. 他来得越早对你越有利。

    The sooner he comes, the better for you.

  30. 越早越好, 我下星期离开这里。

    The earlier the better. I'm leaving next week.