







汉语拼音:xiàn mèi








  1. 为讨好别人而做出使人欢心的姿态、举动。

    明 陈汝元 《金莲记·湖赏》:“老爷翰苑蜚声,素羡风流太守;贱妾 平康 献媚,自惭窈窕佳人。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“有欲私其僕妇者,僕固黠,令其妻献媚勾引,而终不一任繾綣,主急甚。” 流沙河 《草木篇》诗:“她不想用鲜花向主人献媚,遍身披上刺刀。”



  1. They were just giving him taffy but he did not know.


  2. Julie made a pass at me. She gave me a love note and smiled at me.


  3. The workers are all sucking up to him because he's the one who decides who'll get the bonuses.


  4. If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old.


  5. Is there any form of female behaviour you don't interpret as finding you attractive.


  6. Greed, and elected representatives who are toadies to special interests, are decimating the American economy.


  7. The security services seem more concerned by leftist groups than rightist ones (some of which profess loyalty to the Kremlin).


  8. Love thyself last; cherish those hearts that hate thee; corruption wins not more than honesty.


  9. And I show respect and give gifts to my father's Concubines . Ah, I feel like a dog chasing dirty mice.


  1. 献媚, 拍马屁

    claw favour

  2. 献媚的样子

    insinuating manner.

  3. 浅薄和献媚

    trivial and Kitsch.

  4. 规矩一 不要献媚

    Rule number one, don't bother sucking up.

  5. 他竭力向王室献媚。

    He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family.

  6. 它表示向某人献媚眼。

    Give sb the glad eye.

  7. 见人就献媚, 谁也不待见。

    Those who seek to please everybody please nobody.

  8. 他总是对他的政界上司献媚。

    He always plays uptohis political boss.

  9. 她拒绝用献媚来获取好处。

    She refused to use insinuation in order to gain favor.

  10. 她拒绝用献媚来获取好处。

    She refused to use insinuation in order to gain favor.

  11. 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。

    A great man should disdain flatterers.

  12. 阿谀献媚者必弯腿曲背。

    Flatters are always bowing and cringing.

  13. 他总是向有势力的人献媚邀宠。

    He's always making up to influential people.

  14. 她一直向约翰献媚, 而约翰亦欣然接受。

    She flatters John all the time and John just laps it up.

  15. 同一个人不能既朋友和献媚。

    The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.

  16. 我的工作是到处睡,和对陌生人献媚。

    My duty is to sleep everywhere and fawn on strangers.

  17. 那些曾一度向他百般献媚奉承的朝臣们。

    Courtiers who had once flattered and fawned on him.

  18. 任何一个男人瞅她一眼, 她都会向他献媚。

    She throw herself at any man who will look at her.

  19. 能保你远离恶妇,远离外女献媚的舌头。

    keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife.

  20. 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴, 是最危险不过的。

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips.

  21. 骄傲得心碰上献媚得嘴,是最危险不过得。

    It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips.

  22. 他们只是在向他献媚,可是他一点也不知道。

    They were just giving him taffy but he did not know.

  23. 卑躬屈膝,献媚奉承卑躬地行进或低三下四地做

    To proceed or act servilely.

  24. 还有可爱的女士付给我们讨好献媚的满耳垃圾

    And Them Lovely Ladies Feed Me An Earfull Of Trash

  25. 这般纠缠于敌人,骗子和献媚之徒的愤怒与阴谋

    such wrath and plots of enemies, deceivers, sycophants

  26. 迂回用微妙和机灵的方式做介绍, 献媚求宠

    To introduce or insertby subtle and artful means.

  27. 抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。

    General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.

  28. 抽象得, 笼统得行善是恶棍, 伪君子和献媚者得托辞。

    Abstract and unspecific kindnesses are just quip of villians or hypocrites.

  29. 这个人没有什么真才实学,只会在领导面前谄谀献媚。

    This person is without any genuine ability and learning, they only know how to flatter their leaders.

  30. 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。一群谄媚奉承的支持者。

    A great man should disdain flatterers. a group of fawning admirers.


  1. 问:献媚拼音怎么拼?献媚的读音是什么?献媚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:献媚的读音是xiànmèi,献媚翻译成英文是 to try to ingratiate oneself with; to pande...

  2. 问:献媚的拼音怎么拼?献媚的的读音是什么?献媚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:献媚的的读音是,献媚的翻译成英文是 kittenish


