


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……





汉语拼音:dì lǎo shǔ







  1. 烟火的一种。

    宋 周密 《齐东野语·御宴烟火》:“ 穆陵 初年,尝於上元日 清燕殿 排当,恭请 恭圣太后 。既而烧烟火於庭,有所谓地老鼠者,径至大母圣座下。大母为之惊惶,拂衣径起。”《金瓶梅词话》第四二回:“霸王鞭,到处响喨;地老鼠,串遶人衣。” 清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·烟火》:“烟火花炮之製,京师极尽工巧……其不响不起盘旋地上者曰地老鼠,水中者曰水老鼠。”

  2. 即田鼠。

    峻青 《老水牛爷爷》:“只见就在我们的窝棚根底下,有一个茶碗口大的地老鼠洞,堤外的河水,咕嘟嘟地从洞口里向堤里面冒了出来。”



  1. The next time the Field Mouse came to the village he brol4ght a piece of soap and a towel which he asked the worker's wife to give him.

  2. Besides being a propagandist, the Field Mouse was also a literary man of sorts.

  3. As a result, the next time the Field Mouse came, both men and women put on clothes and came outdoors when he called a meeting.

  4. Yet the Field Mouse did much of his work behind the lines with the aid of peasant women.

  5. Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse.

  6. Both men and women would gather in a courtyard or in a field and sit in an informal circle while the Field Mouse addressed them.

  7. Originally, Tou Mali had a much stronger force, but the Field Mouse had whittled it down.

  8. The Field Mouse kept simple notes on all his operations.

  9. When the Field Mouse plugged the chief gunman, the other two turned their hats around in token of surrender and gave up their arms.


  1. 地老鼠的朋友们都很担心。

    The Field Mouse's friends were greatly worried.

  2. 后来,他想安排与地老鼠见一面。

    Then he wanted to arrange a meeting with the Field Mouse.

  3. 地老鼠把自己所有的活动都简要地记录下来。

    The Field Mouse kept simple notes on all his operations.

  4. 这就是一个十分卓越的小伙子 地老鼠的英雄事迹。

    Such were the exploits of Field Mouse's truly remarkable boy.

  5. 地老鼠接受了这种赞扬,但是,仍然同父亲保持疏远。

    Field Mouse accepted the praise but remained aloof.

  6. 地老鼠马上参加了民兵,在土墙外边站岗放哨。

    The Field Mouse immediately enlisted as a militiaman and stood sentry duty outside the dirt walls.

  7. 地老鼠并不反对见面,但他担心这是个陷阱。

    The Field Mouse was not averse to meeting Mali, but he was afraid of a trap.

  8. 地老鼠嘱咐他等自己溜出营房后,对空鸣枪。

    Field Mouse persuaded him to fire into the air as he sneaked out of the encampment.

  9. 地老鼠不单单是个宣传家,他还会写文章哩。

    Besides being a propagandist, the Field Mouse was also a literary man of sorts.

  10. 这个家伙还意识不到这一点, 仍想设计抓地老鼠。

    The Home Returning Corps leader was not unaware of this and he began to set traps for the Field Mouse.

  11. 地老鼠常常在夜里来到窦马庄看望这些人的家属。

    Field Mouse used to come into Toumachuang at night to see the wives of these men.

  12. 然而, 地老鼠在敌后的许多工作还是多亏了农村妇女的帮助。

    Yet the Field Mouse did much of his work behind the lines with the aid of peasant women.

  13. 还有一次,窦马利派他的主要射手和几个打手去伏击地老鼠。

    Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse.

  14. 即然能简单地想老鼠,为何不能推及人?

    So if it's so easy to imagine that for the rat, why not for us?

  15. 但是如果你不时地给老鼠小丸, 他就会永远推围栏了。

    But if every now and then you give a rat a pellet, he will push the bar forever.

  16. 新娘一看见老鼠就从座位上跳了起来,并拼命地向老鼠扑去。

    No sooner did the bride see this than she jumped up from her seat and tried to pounce upon the mouse.

  17. 猫一动不动地等着老鼠出洞。

    The cat remained motionless, waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole.

  18. 老鼠敏捷地从地板上跑过。

    The mouse ran alert across the floor.

  19. 老鼠敏捷地从地板上跑过。

    The mouse ran alert across the floor.

  20. 这只老鼠急速地跑进洞去。

    The mouse whisked into its hole.

  21. 那只老鼠敏捷地窜回洞里。

    The mouse scampered into its hole.

  22. 小老鼠得意洋洋地把细细的尾巴伸出来了。

    Just now the mouse leaked its thin tail.

  23. 有几只老鼠自告奋勇地承担了这一任务。

    Several mice offered themselves for this mission.

  24. 小老鼠出来了, 小猫猛地扑过去, 把小老鼠津津有味地吃掉了。

    When the small mouse came out, the cat rushed fiercely, and ate the mouse gustoly.

  25. 狮子一把抓住那只小动物, 而老鼠害怕地颤抖着, 哭着求饶。

    The lion caught the little creature and the mouse, shivering with fear, cried out for mercy.

  26. 同时,老鼠偷偷地溜到小舟上在船桨边啃了一个大洞。

    Most innercity youths have never been in anything like a wilderness, never paddled a canoe or camped in the woods.

  27. 这只猫坐着一动也不动地等着逮老鼠。

    The cat sat motionless as it waited for the mouse.

  28. 老鼠一点一点地啃着花生。

    The mouse nibbled at the peanuts.

  29. 老鼠一点一点地把乾酪都啃光了。

    Mice have nibbled all the cheese away.

  30. 我不能残酷地弄死那只老鼠。

    I couldn't kill the mouse in cold blood.

