




较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……



汉语拼音:shēng bǐ






  1. 音调相谐。

    《吕氏春秋·应同》:“气同则合,声比则应;鼓宫而宫动,鼓角而角动。”《汉书·公孙弘传》:“臣闻之,气同则从,声比则应。” 颜师古 注:“比亦和也。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《声无哀乐论》:“言比成诗,声比成音,杂而咏之,聚而听之。”



  1. There was no sweeter music to me than the sound of our kids laughing with their father.


  2. The expiratory sound lasts longer than the inspiratory sound, and a silent gap separates these two sounds.


  3. Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds.


  4. The sound of vomiting was heard above the drone of the propeller.


  5. Democratic forces are stronger and criticism from the West has more weight than in Russia.


  6. However, its precursor was the New Voice of Zhou King of the Shang Dynasty, which was older than the ceremonial music of Zhou.


  7. Soon I heard again a tapping somewhat louder than before.


  8. Miss Lee is a big boaster; her bark is bigger than her bite.


  9. Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong.


  1. 他的声比以前更高。

    His reputation stands higher than ever.

  2. 用微计算机测量声能比参量

    Acoustic Ratio Measurement with Aid of Microcomputer

  3. 声比光传播得慢。

    Sound travels more slowly than light.

  4. 呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的声音还要响。

    The sound of vomiting was heard above the drone of the propeller.

  5. 在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。

    Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong.

  6. 在一千公里范围内 叫声比噪音要大。

    It's louder than noise at a range of a thousand kilometers.

  7. 支气管得呼吸声比肺气泡得呼吸声音调更响, 更高。

    Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds.

  8. 支气管的呼吸声比肺气泡的呼吸声音调更响,更高。

    Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds.

  9. 我们知道在晚上青蛙蛤蟆的叫声比鸟大。

    We know that frog shouts louder than birds do at night.

  10. 我们知道在晚上青蛙蛤蟆得叫声比鸟大。

    We know that frog shouts louder than birds do at night.

  11. 注意超声比通氦或者真空处理的效果要差。

    Note that sonication was less effective than either helium or vacuum treatment.

  12. 她肺部的哮喘声比这辆汽车引吭高唱的赞歌还响。

    Her lungs rattled worse than this complimentary bus.

  13. 光比声传布快度钝。

    Lighttravels faster than sound.

  14. 光比声传播速读快。

    Light lipss tapeer tobacco spin.

  15. 杜比环绕声

    Dolby surround.

  16. 杜比数字环绕声

    DDSS Dolby Digital Surround Sound

  17. 请在比声后留下你的姓名和号码。

    Leave your name and number at the sound of the beep.

  18. 请在比声后留下你得姓名和号码。

    Leave your name and number at the sound of the beep.

  19. 帕比像个小孩似的傻笑一声。

    Pappy smirked like a child.

  20. 鲍比凯莉, 你能把音乐放大声点吗

    Bobby Kelly, can you turn the vibes up a little

  21. 众口一声, 总是比众口异声声音要高。

    Many people with one voice will always speak louder than many people with many voices.

  22. 浅谈家用杜比数字环绕声系统的调校

    The Opinions on Adjustments of Dolby Digital Surround Sound System in the Home

  23. 一种提高热声发动机压比的声学变压器

    An acoustical transformer capable of improving thermoacoustic pressure ratio.

  24. 听好了, 你会听到博比?佩鲁的撒尿声。

    Yall take a listen, youll hear the deep sound comin down from Bobby Peru.

  25. 差比校正法体内声衰减测试的临床验证

    The Verification for the Ultrasonic Attenuation Estimation in Vivo Using the DRC Method

  26. 那只是轻轻地一声,比海浪的耳语声更加轻柔。

    It was just a little sigh, softer than the whisper of a wave.

  27. 罗比泼了一些啤酒在她脚上,说了声对不住。

    Robby spilt some beer on her foot, and said, I beg your pudding.

  28. 这里婴儿车比汽车多, 空气中充满了炒菜声, 搓麻将声。

    Baby carriages outnumber vehicles the air is filled with the sound of woks being scraped and the clack of majiang tiles.

  29. 声电功率比

    acoustoelectric power ratio.

  30. 比马蹄声还响

    outring the noise of hoofs.