




1. 熟 [shú]熟 [shú]食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。……



汉语拼音:zhōng shú






  1. Ripe, about fruit development period 32 days, bear the continuous cropping, easy to form fruit.

  2. The medium maturing type was between premature type and late maturing type.

  3. Konglongdan'- a New Cultivar of Hybrid between the Species of Plum and Apricot'

  4. Introduction culture of excellent mid-ripen pear cultivar-'Lubaoshi'

  5. Cook steak, in two batches if necessary, until browned, 2 to 3 minutes per side for medium-rare.

  6. The specific flavonoids in wild malus species were a flavanol and two kinds of dihydrochalcone.

  7. Huangguan and Housui are the most important early middle maturity of pear-cultivars, demand exceeds supply in domestic and overseas market.

  8. Study on genetic improvement of major agronomic characters of mid-maturity soybeans in Heilongjiang Province

  9. Study on Developing Tendency of Main Agronomic Characters of Mid-maturity Soybeans in Heilongjiang province


  1. 在法国橡木桶中熟成6个月。

    It was aged for6 months in French oak barrels with battonage.

  2. 优良中熟品种梨绿宝石的引种栽培

    Introduction culture of excellent midripen pear cultivarLubaoshi

  3. 早稻中熟新品种田间性状比较试验

    Trial of compare early rice middle ripe new varieties field properties

  4. 中熟甜油桃红珊瑚引种栽培初报

    Preliminary report on introduced Hongshanhu, a medium sweet nectarine variety

  5. 属中熟品种抗病,抗倒伏,抗旱,耐瘠薄能力较强。

    This hybrid has the character of high resistance and lodging, endurable to drought and barren resistance.

  6. 中熟高产优质两系杂交早稻潭两优921的选育与应用

    The breeding and application of mid season, high yield, good quality, early two line hybrid rice tan liang you921

  7. 我国早、中熟苹果品种的生产现状、选育进展及发展展望

    Current situation of production of early and mid season apple cultivars in China and progress in breeding for early and mid season apple cultivars

  8. 优质抗稻瘟杂交早籼中熟组合华优8830的特性和栽培技术

    Characteristics and cultural techniqres of Huayou 8830, a new early Indica hydrid condination comdination with fine quality and blast resistence

  9. 赤霉素对西洋参种子后熟中蛋白质、脂肪酸和糖的影响

    Effect of GA on Protein, Fatty Acid and Sugar During Afterrioening of American Ginseng Seed

  10. 先煮土豆, 然后涂橄榄油, 最后在烤箱中烤熟。

    Boil the potatoes, brush then with some olive oil and then finish off in the oven.

  11. 先煮土豆,然后涂橄榄油,最后在烤箱中烤熟。

    Boil the potatoes, brush then with some olive oil and then finish off in the oven.

  12. 棉麦两熟种植方式对中熟直播棉棉铃发育的影响

    Effect of planting ways on the Boll Development of the field planting cotton with middle maturity variety in cotton wheat double cropping

  13. 买回的紫薯把表皮洗干净后,放入蒸锅中蒸熟。

    Making 1, bought the purple sweet potato to skin cleaned, steamed into the steamer.

  14. 该品种是从美国引进得加工型专用番茄, 自封顶, 中晚熟。

    This processing tomato is introduced from the USA and is middle late maturity processing tomato variety.

  15. 该品种是从美国引进的加工型专用番茄,自封顶,中晚熟。

    This processing tomato is introduced from the USA and is middle late maturity processing tomato variety.

  16. 取约100克黏糯米面, 加水和成面团, 放在开水中煮熟。

    Add water into the flour and make a flatten dough. Cook it in boiled water and take out until done.

  17. 豆瓣酱后熟过程中氨基酸和风味物质的变化

    Changes of free amino acid and volatile flavor compound in the process of aging of broadbean sauce

  18. 中熟秋花椰菜品种比较试验

    Comparison Experiment of Mid Mature Cauliflower Species in Autumn

  19. 中熟组合特优136的选育与应用

    Breeding and application of medium maturity combination Teyou136

  20. 中熟龙眼种质比较研究初报

    A preliminary study on germplasm comparison experiment of medium mature longan.

  21. 中熟玉米新品种产量稳定性分析

    Stability analysis for yields of middle maturing hybrids in Maize.

  22. 高产中熟杂交稻新组合五丰优316

    Wufengyou316, a NewHybrid Rice Combination with High Yield and Medium Maturity

  23. 降低氧化铝生产中熟料折合比的探讨

    Discussion on reducing convertion ratio of clinker in alumina production

  24. 中熟,植株粗壮直立,生长势及分枝力强。

    The plant is upright with strong branches.

  25. 一种硬面揉制的布丁, 在布袋中煮或蒸熟

    a stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed

  26. 中熟, 果实发育期32天左右, 耐重茬, 易坐果。

    Ripe, about fruit development period 32 days, bear the continuous cropping, easy to form fruit.

  27. 杜夫布丁一种硬面揉制的布丁,在布袋中煮或蒸熟

    A stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed.

  28. 一批早中熟品种的不断问世填补了夏秋期间的需求空挡。

    A batch early in of ripe breed out ceaselessly fill the demand neutral during Xia Qiu.

  29. 在牧场中喂饲未煮熟的厨房废肉是小猪群的一个传染来源。

    Feeding of uncooked table scraps on the farm is a source of infection in small herds.

  30. 将熟石灰稀释到油中, 然后加入粉笔, 制成优质的颜料。

    Dilute the hydrated lime in oil and add chalk to obtain a fine quality paint.


  1. 问:中熟品种拼音怎么拼?中熟品种的读音是什么?中熟品种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中熟品种的读音是zhōng shú pǐn zhǒng,中熟品种翻译成英文是 medium variety