









汉语拼音:wǔ chē shū






  1. 网络
  2. cynosure

  1. 学富五车, 才高八斗

    be a universal genius

  2. 图书馆将把这车书保留到周末。

    The library will hold the book for you until the weekend.

  3. 所幸的是,独立思考并不需要智力超群或学富五车。

    Fortunately, you dont have to be particularly intelligent or well educated to think independently.

  4. 他在全球有百万计的忠实粉丝,同时又财富五车。

    He was loved by millions of fans around the world, and had a mass of fortune.

  5. 现有五辆车。

    We have five cars on hand.

  6. 有多少本书?五本书。

    How many books? Five books.

  7. 箱子里至多有五本书。

    There are not more than five books in the case.

  8. 现在他已经出了五本书

    He's now been published in five books.

  9. 我在师范学校读了五年书。

    I was a student in the normal school for five years.

  10. 你一次最多可借五本书。

    You can borrow up to 5 books at a time.

  11. 书桌上有一枝钢笔和五本书。

    There is a pen and five books on the desk.

  12. 麦克在五个月内看了五本书。

    Mike read five books in as many months.

  13. 你一次只能从图书馆借五本书。

    You can get five books out of the library at any one time.

  14. 这位老师在这所学校已经教了五年书了。

    The teacher has taught at this school for years.

  15. 在那里伺候了五年的书了。

    Book Slave there for, like, five years now.

  16. 我把书忘车里了。

    I leave my book in the car.

  17. 这本篮球书由五部分组成。

    This basketball book is composed of five parts.

  18. 五套洛哈特的书!金妮还需要长袍和魔杖什么的

    Five sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs robes and a wand and everything.

  19. 你怎么可以在车里看书而不感到晕车的呢?

    How do you read in the car without feeling sick?

  20. 我租的车行驶五公里后抛锚了。

    The car that I rent drop anchor after five kilometers are driven.

  21. 逾期的话,每天每本书罚款五毛钱。

    You'll have to pay a fine of 50 cents per book for each day overdue.

  22. 好的,五分钟后车会到那儿,请告诉司机你的名字。

    All right, sir. A taxi will there in about minutes. When it arrives, please give the driver your name.

  23. 他有三辆豪华型的车和五辆普通型的车。

    He possesses three luxurious cars and five ordinary ones.

  24. 逾期得话, 每天每本书罚款五毛钱。

    You'll have to pay a fine of 50 cents per book for each day overdue.

  25. 你还可以留意到御夫座正南方的五车五。

    Also, notice the star Elnath at the southern tip of Auriga.

  26. 礼拜五晚上我要驾车五英里去不雅看我喜欢的拳击赛。

    I'd drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like.

  27. 我花了五美元买这些书。

    I paid five dollars for the books.

  28. 一天,我和爸爸乘公交车去图书城买书。

    One day, me and father the city bus to buy the book.

  29. 一共有五辆带篷的车, 骡子中间还有一匹小马驹。

    There were five covered carts, with one pony among the mules.

  30. 五楼是所有书的留底儿, 不允许外借, 但可以随便看。

    Five buildings are all books leave a stub, does not permit the external loan, but may look casually.