






  1. 鲜明;美丽;好看。

    《说文·糸部》“纅,丝色也” 清 段玉裁 注:“谓丝之色光采灼然也。《考工记》曰:‘丝欲沉。’注云:‘如在水中时色。’今人谓之漂亮。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二章:“而最漂亮的还是她那双忧郁的然而动人的眼睛。” 叶紫 《星》第一章:“她们谈着漂亮、新鲜、时髦的布料。” 巴金 《在尼斯》:“这里是一所相当漂亮的别墅,房内还有各种古玩陈设。”

  2. 精彩,出色。

    鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·<狗·猫·鼠>》:“独有这一篇童话却实在不漂亮;结怨也结得没有意思。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“这次事我帮您做得相当漂亮。” 秦牧 《长河浪花集·湘阴热浪记》:“他亲自指挥、领导剿匪部队和民兵,激战在 洞庭湖 畔,打了一个个漂亮仗。”

  3. 喻通达情理。

    叶圣陶 《线下·潘先生在难中》:“他没有不终于吃败仗的。他若肯漂亮点儿让了,战事早就没有了。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十六:“不要说了……再说就不漂亮了哇!”



  1. If this can be taken to the butterflies stop at green belt branch, if able to spend stopped at the beautiful, would not wish fulfilled.


  2. The beads were beautiful against his hand as he held the necklace up for her to see.


  3. The jewels sparkled and gleamed with such fire that the children thought they had never seen anything so beautiful.


  4. A young Chinese woman in the U. S. was complimented for the lovely dress that she was wearing.


  5. Later one of my friends was pretty pissed about what had happened so she went up to one of his friends and asked him what happened.


  6. I knew that love was being passed through the heart of this beautiful woman directly into my heart.


  7. She was beautiful with her smooth curves, fair skin and raven hair, holding a gold arrow in one hand and a blood red apple in the other.


  8. Jimmie was there, his face red as a beet, and beside him was his spouse, a fine buxom Frenchwoman with glittering eyes.


  9. He took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank.


  1. 真漂亮,真漂亮。

    It's gorgeous,just gorgeous.

  2. 真漂亮,真漂亮。

    It's gorgeous, just gorgeous.

  3. 不错,漂亮

    Oh, great. Very nice.

  4. 相当漂亮。

    The jade bracelets are rather pretty.

  5. 黑得漂亮!

    Good joke!

  6. 它很漂亮。

    It's beautiful.

  7. 她真漂亮。

    She's so beautiful.

  8. 她真漂亮。

    She's so beautiful.

  9. 您真漂亮。

    You're so beautiful.

  10. 回答得漂亮

    Nice one.

  11. 她很漂亮。

    She is such a knockout.

  12. 好漂亮啊。

    Wow,those are gorgeous.

  13. 射得漂亮!

    That's a beautiful shot!

  14. 地方很漂亮

    Nice place.

  15. 漂亮的小姐

    a bonny lass.

  16. 漂亮的帽子

    a jaunty hat.

  17. 漂亮的睫毛

    On eyelashes.

  18. 看上去漂亮

    to look pretty

  19. 漂亮的新居

    smart new houses

  20. 你的确漂亮

    You're beautiful.

  21. 漂亮的画卷

    a pretty picture.

  22. 漂亮的大衣

    a snappy overcoat.

  23. 而且很漂亮

    And it's beautiful.

  24. 戒指真漂亮

    That's a nice ring.

  25. 照片很漂亮

    It's great picture.

  26. 我觉得漂亮。

    I feel pretty.

  27. 裙子很漂亮

    That's a nice dress.

  28. 她非常漂亮

    she's ever so pretty

  29. 噢,十分漂亮。

    Ooh. Nice.

  30. 漂亮的文稿

    beautiful manuscripts.


  1. 问:漂亮拼音怎么拼?漂亮的读音是什么?漂亮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮的读音是piàoliang,漂亮翻译成英文是 good-looking; wonderful

  2. 问:漂亮话拼音怎么拼?漂亮话的读音是什么?漂亮话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮话的读音是piàolianghuà,漂亮话翻译成英文是 fine words

  3. 问:漂亮地拼音怎么拼?漂亮地的读音是什么?漂亮地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮地的读音是,漂亮地翻译成英文是 gallantly

  4. 问:漂亮的拼音怎么拼?漂亮的的读音是什么?漂亮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮的的读音是,漂亮的翻译成英文是 bonnie

  5. 问:漂亮丽蛛拼音怎么拼?漂亮丽蛛的读音是什么?漂亮丽蛛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮丽蛛的读音是piàolianglìzhū,漂亮丽蛛翻译成英文是 Chrysso pulcherrima

  6. 问:漂亮朋友拼音怎么拼?漂亮朋友的读音是什么?漂亮朋友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮朋友的读音是,漂亮朋友翻译成英文是 Bel Ami

  7. 问:漂亮的人拼音怎么拼?漂亮的人的读音是什么?漂亮的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮的人的读音是,漂亮的人翻译成英文是 looker

  8. 问:漂亮衣服拼音怎么拼?漂亮衣服的读音是什么?漂亮衣服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮衣服的读音是,漂亮衣服翻译成英文是 plumage

  9. 问:漂亮整洁地拼音怎么拼?漂亮整洁地的读音是什么?漂亮整洁地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮整洁地的读音是,漂亮整洁地翻译成英文是 dapperly

  10. 问:漂亮风毛菊拼音怎么拼?漂亮风毛菊的读音是什么?漂亮风毛菊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮风毛菊的读音是piàoliangfēngmáojú,漂亮风毛菊翻译成英文是 Saussurea bella



“漂亮”是个多义词,它可以指漂亮(陶晶莹1996年专辑《漂亮》), 漂亮(汉语词语), 漂亮(韩雪演唱歌曲), 漂亮(基础含义)。