









汉语拼音:piào liang huà






  1. (今读piào-)不兑现的好听话。

    巴金 《家》三六:“你们都可以向我说什么反抗,说什么奋斗。我又向那个去说这些漂亮话?” 冯雪峰 《寓言·水牛和货车》:“不要跟说漂亮话的人竞赛,而要向老实工作的人学习。”



  1. Mr. Wickham's adieus were much more affectionate than his wife's. He smiled, looked handsome, and said many pretty things.


  2. At town-hall meetings, he does not fob voters off with a single sound-bite; he lets them ask follow-up questions.


  3. But I, I, feel honored to have been in it and I'm not snowing you, and this is a great way to make a living.


  4. Adrian was a leader who said all the right things, but betrayed his true nature in team meetings.


  5. You always promise to do better next time but never make it. I am tired of your soft soap.


  6. Remarkably, this detente - weaved with fine words rather than built with concrete actions - has held, and even flourished.


  7. She reiterated many of the same arguments. But this time both sides wanted more than soothing rhetoric.


  8. For all Mr Obama's fine talk, says the Grand Old Party, Democrats fall back on their traditional job-killing cure-all.


  9. "They all talk a wonderful talk, " she says, "but the forest keeps getting destroyed. "


  1. 切勿轻信漂亮话。

    Never trust to fine words.

  2. 漂亮话已经说不少。

    Many beautiful words have been said.

  3. 漂亮话填不饱肚子。

    Fair words fill not the belly.

  4. 咱们少说漂亮话,多谈实质问题吧。

    Let's strip away the cant and get down to bedrock.

  5. 你是要我讲漂亮话,还是真想知道些情况?

    Do you want me to be polite, or are you asking for information?

  6. 建立国际新秩序并不是说漂亮话,这事关常识。

    Building a new international order is no rhetorical turn of phrase; it is a matter of common sense.

  7. 我也许不会说漂亮话,但我确实承诺将用成果表示。

    I may not offer soaring rhetoric, but I do promise results.

  8. 干这项工作,仅仅能随便说几句漂亮话是不够的。

    It isn't enough in this job to be able to toss off a few bright remarks.

  9. 不幸的是,范文同这些漂亮话并未见诸于他的国家的行动。

    Unfortunately, Pham Van Dong's eloquence was not matched by his country's actions.

  10. 只在纽约说几句漂亮话不会实现冲突中妇女状况的改善。

    Improving the situation for women in conflict will not come about just with fine words in New York.

  11. 某个成员的话漂亮地概括了这层含义。

    And the words of a gang member capture it quite nicely.

  12. 但是我想你是有点傻, 如果你真的认为你不漂亮的话。

    But I have to assume you're a little nutty if you really believe you're not beautiful.

  13. 如果我吻了别的漂亮女孩的话,我的女朋友决不饶恕我。

    My girlfriend was never tolerant if I kissed some other babe.

  14. 我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。

    I regarded myself a literate person and frown on his way of haggling.

  15. 你把话说的这么漂亮,甜心,但我不觉得我会相信这些。

    You're piling it pretty high there, sweetheart. I'm not sure I'm buying.

  16. 所以他没必要漂亮地包装他想说的话。

    He doesn't have to sugarcoat what he has to say.

  17. 无话不谈的死党, 漂亮的女朋友, 合适的工作?

    No words don't talk about chums, beautiful girlfriend, suitable work?

  18. 那位漂亮得女服务员脸红了没答他话。

    That beautiful air hostess blushed to did not answer his word.

  19. 那位漂亮的女服务员脸红了没答他话。

    That beautiful air hostess blushed to did not answer his word.

  20. 那只漂亮的母鹿听到这些恭维话,笑了。

    The pretty village doe was flattered, so she smiled.

  21. 说老实话, 我没想到能看到这么漂亮的时装。

    To be frank, I had not expected such gorgeous creations.

  22. 说老实话,我没想到能看到这么漂亮得时装。

    To be frank, I had not expected such gorgeous creations.

  23. 如果我能出去的话,我要把这只漂亮的戒指给她。

    If I can get out I will give her this beautiful ring.

  24. 裕子是个近三十得漂亮女人, 一说话脸就会泛红晕。

    Yuko a pretty woman in her late twenties who glows as she speaks.

  25. 裕子是个近三十的漂亮女人,一说话脸就会泛红晕。

    Yuko a pretty woman in her late twenties who glows as she speaks.


  1. 问:漂亮话拼音怎么拼?漂亮话的读音是什么?漂亮话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮话的读音是piàolianghuà,漂亮话翻译成英文是 fine words