







汉语拼音:běi píng






  1. 北京市 旧称。详“ 北京市 ”。



  1. Organization of the mo sympathized with pain agreed to send her to yanan, spotted the carbuncle take her mo allow separate peiping.


  2. Within the space of a few days, North China's greatest port, Tientsin, fell to Lin Piao's fur- hatted Manchurians.


  3. Peiping is complicated and yet tangible. I can feel it by touch. I can feel the red wild jujubes growing on its ancient city wall!


  4. His words come out with a beautiful cadence, and the musical tones of the Peking accent have a graceful musical rise and fall.


  5. No, impossible to leave this dear bustling plaice , impossible to leave Tianqiao, leave Beiping.


  6. Chen Ruoju, 83, was one of the students of Beiping Art School (BAS), who volunteered to work on those portraits.


  7. Later, however, the Communists in Peiping practiced just as bad measures of intimidation against USIS.


  8. The requisition of Japanese technicians in Beiping City was conducive to the economic construction objectively alter the war.


  9. Since the Yongle Emperor moved the capital to Peking (Beijing), the more massive construction projects in urban construction repair off.


  1. 北平和平解放

    Bei Ping peace liberation.

  2. 国立北平图书馆

    Beiping National Library

  3. 北平脆皮锅贴

    fried dumplings of Peiping style.

  4. 北平二版航空邮票

    Second Peiping Print Air Mail Stamp

  5. 风花雪月楼老北平炸酱面

    Old Beiping Fried Bean Sauce Noodle

  6. 我之爱北平也近乎这个。

    The same is true of my love for Peiping.

  7. 十六岁时,他到了北平。

    When sixteen, he came to Peiping.

  8. 抗日救亡运动中的北平女性报刊

    The Female Press of Peiping in the National Salvation Movement against Japan

  9. 你可知道他到北平来为了什么?

    You know him to come to Beiping for the sake of what?

  10. 北平师范大学文学院国文学系毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese department of Literature Istitute of Beijing Normal University.

  11. 南京国民政府时期北平的交通管理

    Traffic Management of Transportations in Beijing by Former Kuomintang Government

  12. 只要他在北平,她就会找得着!

    As long as he stayed in town, she could hunt him down.

  13. 我想去北平一次, 买些药品器材。

    I shall make an attmept to get into Peiping to buy medical supplies.

  14. 他舍不得北平,天桥得算一半儿原因。

    The fact that he could not bear to leave Beiping was half due to this Tianqiao district.

  15. 陈垣与抗日战争时期的北平辅仁大学

    Chen Yuan and Fu Jen University in Beijing During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  16. 好,不再说了吧。要落泪了,真想念北平呀!

    I cannot continue, as my tears are rolling down. How I miss Peiping!

  17. 明朝朱元璋改称北平,永乐帝朱棣改北平为北京。

    Ming Dynasty, Yuanzhang renamed Beijing, Yongle Emperor Zhu Di to Peking to Beijing.

  18. 试述战后国民党当局对北平敌产的争夺

    The Postwar Scrambles between KMT Governments for Japanese Possessions

  19. 我的心好像早已深深埋在北平的城脚下了。

    My heart seems to root deeply at the foot of beeping city.

  20. 对于物质上,我却喜欢北平的花多菜多果子多。

    But I am keen on the flowers, vegetables and fruit in rich abundance in Peiping.

  21. 对于物质上,我却喜爱北平的花多菜多果子多。

    But I am keen on the flowers, vegetables and fruit which grow in rich abundance in Peiping.

  22. 我不能爱上海与天津,因为我心中有个北平。

    With Peiping possessing my heart, I can never become attached to either Shanghai or Tianjin.

  23. 我是一个北京人,旧的时候也称其为北平。

    I am a Beijinger, the old, they also called Peking.

  24. 北平的科学化运动是各分会中开展最好的一个。

    The Popularization of Science Movement of Beijing did best in all Branchs.

  25. 侵华日军驻北平及华北各地细菌部队研究概论

    A Survey of Japanese Bacteriological Warfare Troops in Beiping and North China

  26. 一九三六年日军北平特务机关长秘密报告

    Confidential Report to Japanese Army in the Northeastern Provinces of China by Chief of the Espinage Agency in Peiping

  27. 生活变得极端困苦,他常常产生跑回北平去得念头。

    Life was so terrible that he often thought to run back to Peiping.

  28. 生活变得极端困苦,他常常产生跑回北平去的念头。

    Life was so terrible that he often thought to run back to Peiping.

  29. 香片茶会由南而北,在北平经过双熏再往南方去。

    Originally from the south, scented tea had made its way north and after a double smoking process now returned to the South again.

  30. 一年后,寡居的母亲改嫁到山东,她随之离开了北平。

    One year later, she has to left BeiPing to Shang Dong due to her mother remarried.


  1. 问:北平拼音怎么拼?北平的读音是什么?北平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北平的读音是,北平翻译成英文是 peiping

  2. 问:北平人拼音怎么拼?北平人的读音是什么?北平人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北平人的读音是,北平人翻译成英文是 pekinese

  3. 问:北平的拼音怎么拼?北平的的读音是什么?北平的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北平的的读音是,北平的翻译成英文是 pekinese

  4. 问:北平水绵拼音怎么拼?北平水绵的读音是什么?北平水绵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北平水绵的读音是Běipíngshuǐmián,北平水绵翻译成英文是 Spirogyra peipingensis



北平,旧城市名。北京在历史上曾经使用的城市名称之一。明朝洪武元年,即1368年9月12日,大都更名为北平府,取“北方安宁平定”之意,北平第一次成为北京的名称。后于明朝永乐十九年(1427年)作为明朝的都城改名为北京,与南京对应,形成“两京十三司”,此为今名之始。 民国十七年(1928年)6月20日设立北平特别市,相当于今日的直辖市。日伪政府于1937年10月12日又将北平改为北京,1945年日本战败投降后,恢复原名北平。 1949年9月21日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议在北平中南海怀仁堂隆重开幕。会议通过了中华人民共和国首都设于北平市,同时将北平市改名为北京市。