











汉语拼音:piào liàng péng yǒu






  1. Laura: This dress is really nice. Friend: How much is it? Laura: There's no price on the label. Let's ask the salesgirl.


  2. I remember when I was in middle school, I would often read some world masterpieces, such as "Little . . . "


  1. 有刘海了阿!依旧很漂亮啊朋友!

    You have bangs! You look as beautiful as ever my friend!

  2. 我一漂亮空姐朋友的私密生活自拍。

    My private interests of one beautiful stewardess friend secret life auto heterodyne.

  3. 他从自己漂亮的朋友那儿得到灵感创作了许多诗歌。

    His beautiful friend inspired him to write many poems.

  4. 无话不谈的死党, 漂亮的女朋友, 合适的工作?

    No words don't talk about chums, beautiful girlfriend, suitable work?

  5. 也许, 你和你漂亮的新朋友能做个裁决?

    Maybe you and your fine new friend here can referee?

  6. 她穿上最漂亮的衣服出席朋友的婚礼。

    Done up in her best dress, Jane came to her friend's wedding party.

  7. 麦克说你得朋友莉莉非常漂亮。

    Mike said your friend Lily was very beautiful.

  8. 麦克说你的朋友莉莉非常漂亮。

    Mike said your friend Lily was very beautiful.

  9. 我得朋友喜欢任何漂亮得人或事物。

    My friend loves anybody and anything that is pretty.

  10. 我的朋友喜欢任何漂亮的人或事物。

    My friend loves anybody and anything that is pretty.

  11. 我相信你能为你的朋友找到一些漂亮的发夹的。

    I'm sure you can find some nice hair clips for your friends.

  12. 你好, 你很漂亮, 能交个朋友吗?

    Hi, you very beautiful, Can become friends?

  13. 曾经有个时期,怀特先生有一座漂亮的房子,而且朋友众多。

    Time was when Mr White had a fine house and many friends.

  14. 而且你朋友的湖畔别墅很漂亮

    and your friends'lake house is beautiful.

  15. 他送给朋友一块织得很漂亮的小地毯作为礼物。

    She gave her friend a finely woven rug as a present.

  16. 他送给朋友一块织得很漂亮的小地毯作为礼物。

    She gave her friend a finely woven rug as a present.

  17. 漂亮得女孩请和我做朋友好吗?

    Pretty girl, Could you make friend with?

  18. 漂亮女孩喜欢拿相貌平平得朋友作为陪衬。

    Pretty girls like plain friends as foils.

  19. 你和一帮朋友去一个聚会,看见一位漂亮女生。

    You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number.

  20. 我的朋友去了中国,给我带回了一个漂亮的梳子。

    My friend went to China and brought me back a beautiful comb.

  21. 我遇上了一位漂亮的女孩并成为了好朋友。

    I met a beautiful girl and we became good friends.

  22. 他有一座漂亮的城堡,还有许多富有而高贵的朋友。

    He had a fine castle and many rich and noble friends.

  23. 我健康, 漂亮。我有个好工作, 一个幸福的家庭, 一群好朋友。

    I'm health, pretty. I have a good job, a happy family, good friends.

  24. 非常漂亮的明信片是一位来自瑞士苏黎世的朋友。

    Come from a friend in Zurich of Switzerland.

  25. 还带着许多漂亮迷人得小伙子, 她都唤他们叫朋友。

    She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends.

  26. 还带着许多漂亮迷人的小伙子,她都唤他们叫朋友。

    She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends.

  27. 杰克你的那个朋友金色头发,他很漂亮。她是干什么工作的

    Jake So your friend blond hair. Shes pretty. What does she do


  1. 问:漂亮朋友拼音怎么拼?漂亮朋友的读音是什么?漂亮朋友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂亮朋友的读音是,漂亮朋友翻译成英文是 Bel Ami