





  1. 亦作“取说”。取得别人的喜欢,犹讨好。

    宋 欧阳修 《夏日学书说》:“可以乐而不厌,不必取悦当时之人,垂名於后世,要於自适而已。” 丁玲 《母亲》:“她懂得了她是应该取悦于妈的,要亲热她,却不能闹了她。”



  1. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, "You're just saying that to make me feel good. "


  2. SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery.


  3. But on the streets of Athens, there is a sense that this latest effort to placate Greece's lenders may be a last straw for the public.


  4. She was gentle and warm, but eager to please her, protect her and support her desire to have been setbacks, and finally disappeared.


  5. The clarity of his position in the end is what helped him win such a decisive victory. He did not try to be all things to all men.


  6. Val is always making insulting remarks and I don't see why I should go out of my way to be pleasant to her.


  7. My father did not swear. He was a man of honor and competence and humor, and he was the parent I sorely wanted to please.


  8. Here in the United States, most men come to expect a lady isn't required to serve him, to want to please him, and love him for who he is.


  9. Once upon a time, there was a cat. The cat was able to change his color. He always changed his color to please others.


  1. 这就是取悦

    is the verb to please.

  2. 难以取悦的人

    pickle puss

  3. 女人很难取悦!

    Women are hard to please!

  4. 取悦各方, 谈何容易

    It is hard to please all parties

  5. 女人很难取悦!

    Women are hard to please!

  6. 知道如何取悦别人

    Knowing how to please people?

  7. 试着取悦我吧

    To try and please me.

  8. 你想取悦神吗?

    Do you seek to please God?

  9. 他竭尽全力取悦父亲。

    He did his level best to please his father.

  10. 我煞费苦心取悦女友。

    I took great pains to please my girlfriend.

  11. 他以表演取悦他们。

    He delighted them with his performance.

  12. 如何取悦女人和男人

    Ow to treat a woman or a man

  13. 为了取悦警察而修改

    Edited to please the PC Police

  14. 老师讲故事取悦孩子们。

    The teacher amused the children with a story.

  15. 我从未刻意取悦别人。

    I've never gone out of my way to propitiate people.

  16. 他极力地取悦于她。

    He make a great effort to please her.

  17. 旨在取悦观众的装腔作势

    an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds

  18. 她总是急欲取悦别人。

    Shes always very eager to please.

  19. 我没必要试图取悦你。

    I don't have to try to please you.

  20. 女人说男人很难取悦!

    Females say that men are hard to please!

  21. 女人说男人很难取悦!

    Females say that men are hard to please!

  22. 意在取悦父母的行为。

    behavior intended to please your parents.

  23. 是为了取悦你的男朋友

    to make your boyfriend happy.

  24. 布什为何取悦非法移民

    Why cater to the legal immigrants

  25. 他的演出取悦了他的父母。

    His performance pleased his parents.

  26. 莫莉有的人真是难以取悦。

    Molly Some people are hard to please.

  27. 狗通过摇尾巴取悦主人。

    The dog wigwags their tail to please their owners.

  28. 狗通过摇尾巴取悦主人。

    The dog wigwags their tail to please their owners.

  29. 模仿老师来取悦逗乐朋友

    amused friends by imitating the teachers.

  30. 他设法取悦于他的女朋友。

    He tried to ingratiate himself with his girl friend.


  1. 问:取悦拼音怎么拼?取悦的读音是什么?取悦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取悦的读音是qǔyuè,取悦翻译成英文是 please

  2. 问:取悦欲拼音怎么拼?取悦欲的读音是什么?取悦欲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取悦欲的读音是qǔ yuè yù,取悦欲翻译成英文是 desire to please




拼音:qǔ yuè 词性:动词 释义:取得别人的喜欢;讨好, 例如: 取悦上司等 基本

解释: [woo ingratiate one self with;try to please] 取得别人的喜欢,犹讨好 这位青年试图通过大量幽默取悦他的读者 详细

解释: 亦作“取说”。取得别人的喜欢,犹讨好。 宋 欧阳修 《夏日学书说》:“可以乐而不厌,不必取悦当时之人,垂名於后世,要於自适而已。” 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第五十回:“岸贾阿谀取悦,言无不纳。” 丁玲 《母亲》:“她懂得了她是应该取悦于妈的,要亲热她,却不能闹了她。”