




  1. 快乐;高兴。

    《战国策·中山策》:“ 长平 之事, 秦 军大尅, 赵 军大破; 秦 人欢喜, 赵 人畏惧。”《后汉书·光武帝纪上》:“及见司隶僚属,皆欢喜不自胜。老吏或垂涕曰:‘不图今日復见 汉 官威仪。’” 元 耶律楚材 《再过西域山城驿》诗:“主人欢喜铺毛毯,驛吏仓忙洗瓦钟。”《红楼梦》第三一回:“人以为欢喜时,他反以为悲慟。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·<二十四孝图>》:“昨天看这个,今天也看这个,然而他们的眼睛里还闪出苏醒和欢喜的光辉来。”

  2. 喜爱。

    元 关汉卿 《金线池》第三折:“他真个不欢喜我了,更待干罢!只得到俺哥哥那里告他去。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“ 商小姐 见兄弟小时母子伶仃,而今长大知事,也自欢喜他。”

  3. 懽喜:高兴;快乐。

    《汉书·萧望之传》:“窟穴黎庶莫不懽喜,咸曰将军其人也。”《世说新语·贤媛》“帝以 明君 充行” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 注:“ 元帝 以后宫良家子 王嬙 字 明君 赐之。单于懽喜,上书愿保塞。” 宋 叶适 《朝请大夫沉公墓志铭》:“士懽喜诵説,以为自 赵元镇 、 陈应求 纔有此尔。”



  1. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.


  2. The word 'dad' delighted his ear and he grew intoxicated with the repetition of it.


  3. Like the era itself, "Pleasure Bound" is restrained and a bit of a tease.


  4. After eating the pancakes, overflowing with happiness, the old collector said he would take a nap.


  5. When I am older and remember the things that we gave up to be with one another, I will be pleased because I was able to be with you.


  6. I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the truth just as we have been commanded by the Father.


  7. Woman face seems to have joy, seem to have lost: " sister . . . Younger sister. Well, I go with you. "


  8. In every well-ordered family one finds the father delighting in his children, and the children rejoicing in their father's presence.


  9. The door opened and I ran towards it full of joy. But there was a strange servant at the door.


  1. 瑞雪欢喜地

    Land with Happiness and Pretty Snow.

  2. 有时欢喜有时忧

    Some days are better than others.

  3. 应当欢喜快乐

    Rejoice and be exceedingly glad

  4. 令诸佛欢喜

    It pleases the Victorious Ones.

  5. 让我欢喜让我忧

    Let Me Happy and Sad

  6. 他欢喜得发狂。

    He is beside himself with joy.

  7. 走过欢喜走过忧伤

    Go through hilarity and sadness

  8. 小孩欢喜小东西。

    Little things amuse little minds.

  9. 随时充满了欢喜。

    Full of joy at any time.

  10. 使孩子满心欢喜。

    Gladden the heart of a child.

  11. 孩子们真惹人欢喜。

    They are an absolute delight.

  12. 让我为你欢喜

    Let me be your delight.

  13. 巴兹尔满心欢喜。

    basil basked

  14. 他沉浸于欢喜中。

    Joy lapped over him.

  15. 心生欢喜欲歌唱

    To give your heart a song to sing

  16. 他太欢喜抽烟了。

    He is too partial to tobacco.

  17. 他有欢喜的神态。

    He has an air of cheerfulness.

  18. 他欢喜得忘形了。

    He went beyond himself with joy.

  19. 在欢喜山一带。

    Somewhere in Mount Pleasant.

  20. 我欢喜, 是呀, 我满心欢喜,

    And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart

  21. 分享的欢喜是加倍的欢喜。

    And shared joy is double joy.

  22. 欢喜岭油田南部

    South Huanxiling Oilfield

  23. 忙得快乐, 累得欢喜。

    Be busy but happy, and tired but joyful.

  24. 使某人欢喜, 为某人效劳

    do sb. the pleasure of

  25. 忙得快乐,累得欢喜。

    Be busy but happy ,and tired but joyful .

  26. 就一定会欢喜幸福。

    I will forever be joyful and fortunate.

  27. 她欢喜拉手风琴。

    She likes to play the accordion.

  28. 我,在最后,满心欢喜。

    I am, at last, filled with joy.

  29. 爱玲欢喜他的派头。

    Aileen liked his manner.

  30. 爱玲欢喜他得派头。

    Aileen liked his manner .


  1. 问:欢喜拼音怎么拼?欢喜的读音是什么?欢喜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢喜的读音是huānxǐ,欢喜翻译成英文是 overjoyed; be fond of

  2. 问:欢喜地拼音怎么拼?欢喜地的读音是什么?欢喜地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢喜地的读音是,欢喜地翻译成英文是 joyfully

  3. 问:欢喜的拼音怎么拼?欢喜的的读音是什么?欢喜的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢喜的的读音是,欢喜的翻译成英文是 joyful

  4. 问:欢喜之歌拼音怎么拼?欢喜之歌的读音是什么?欢喜之歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢喜之歌的读音是,欢喜之歌翻译成英文是 Yorokobi no Uta

  5. 问:欢喜寿院拼音怎么拼?欢喜寿院的读音是什么?欢喜寿院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢喜寿院的读音是Huānxǐshòuyuàn,欢喜寿院翻译成英文是 Kankijuin