







汉语拼音:jiù shí







  1. 过去,昔日。

    《后汉书·东平宪王苍传》:“閒饗卫士於南宫,因閲视旧时衣物。” 唐 刘禹锡 《乌衣巷》诗:“旧时 王 谢 堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。”《儒林外史》第二七回:“五年前,我同一位知县到 广东 赴任去,在 三牌楼 找着一个旧时老邻居。” 柳亚子 《<燕子龛遗诗>序》:“邑庙新辟商场极绚烂,顾求旧时担饧粥者弗可得。”



  1. It was an old mine shaft. In a small clearing beyond I found the remains of a bucket and a rusting can.


  2. It's like pictures of children: You know they've grown up, but it's only when you look at the old pictures that you realize just how much.


  3. Some of the old teak rice barges are still around, and a few have been converted into floating hotels.


  4. On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.


  5. The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes.


  6. He must be permitted to speak of that Paris as though it still existed.


  7. Educated by his elegant mother from the royal family, Dharles behaves like an old-time prince.


  8. The belief comes from soldiers who knew that the light of the match could show the enemy where they were.


  9. These old-fashioned favourites are brilliant, easy to grow with a lengthy period of flowering from July to September.


  1. 旧时,从前

    in former times.

  2. 旧时民用铁臼

    Ordinary Iron Mortar Used in the Old Times.

  3. 却是旧时相识。

    But I recognize they are my old friends.

  4. 旧时文明的碎片

    The detritus of past civilizations.

  5. 旧时称帮会的首领

    Head of the underground gang

  6. 纪念一下旧时光

    For old times'sake.

  7. 使旧时的仇敌和解。

    bring about a reconciliation between former enemies

  8. 旧时京城行刑的场所

    A place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient China

  9. 旧时影片剪辑,接合器材。

    Film Cutter with a strip of film. Griswold Film Splicer.

  10. 旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。

    Human victims were immolating to the Thunderer.

  11. 君子不念旧时恶。既往不咎。

    Let bygones be bygones.

  12. 长矛, 长枪旧时步兵用的长矛

    A long spear formerly used by infantry.

  13. 旧时英国金币, 面值一英镑

    Former British gold coin, originally worth one pound

  14. 大人们重申他们旧时的权威。

    The adults had reasserted their old authority.

  15. 旧时西班牙通用的银币。

    an old small silver Spanish coin.

  16. 他使旧时的仇敌和解了。

    He brought about reconciliation between former enemies.

  17. 这种风俗是旧时留下来的。

    The custom hangs over from the old days.

  18. 加快折旧时减免税优待

    accelerated tax amortization

  19. 旧时以为无后便是不孝。

    Having no male heir was once considered as an unfilial behaviour.

  20. 轮着唱旧时的圣诞节颂歌。

    Troll the ancient Yuletide carol. Falalalala, lalalala.

  21. 当代轿车比旧时轿车更具流线型。

    Contemporary cars are more streamlined than older ones.

  22. 旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。

    Oldfashioned housewives were usually very saving.

  23. 老爷爷回忆起旧时得一些逸事。

    Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

  24. 老爷爷回忆起旧时的一些逸事。

    Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

  25. 旧时希腊人不把女人当人看。

    The Greeks treated women as subhuman.

  26. 这是一个旧时的香烟广告。

    This is one of the older tobacco commercials.

  27. 在旧时, 年关是穷人的鬼门关。

    In the old days, the end of the year was a terrible time for the poor.

  28. 一种旧时在英国使用的金币

    a gold coin formerly used in England

  29. 旧时的自我约束是至关重要的。

    Selfdiscipline, unfashionably, is vital.

  30. 我不愿和旧时校友失去联系。

    I'd hate to lose contact with my old school friends.


  1. 问:旧时拼音怎么拼?旧时的读音是什么?旧时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧时的读音是jiùshí,旧时翻译成英文是 "old times; old days; in former times"

  2. 问:旧时音乐朋友拼音怎么拼?旧时音乐朋友的读音是什么?旧时音乐朋友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧时音乐朋友的读音是jiùshí yīnyuè péngyou,旧时音乐朋友翻译成英文是 Friends of Old-Time Music