





  1. Today, I moved in with my boyfriend. Up until now, I thought my cat was the only four year old I had to deal with. FML.


  2. Science is doing its best to turn every weapon you doodled in notebooks as a kid into a reality.


  3. I can't couch surf with a three year old and five year old (well , I could but then those people wouldn't ever want to talk to me again).


  4. If you use Americanisms just to show you know them, people may find you a tadtiresome, so be discriminating.


  5. I was a young kid when I came here, and. . . . . . I wanna do something before the whole thing, and I hope you guys let me do this.


  6. And that goes for everyone, not just the little brats of the international family.


  7. You cry again for the tenth time to see the Diary of a wimpy kid.


  8. What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?


  9. If we were going to have Oprah's butthole and vagina and the gun and everything, it should have been in a show with the boys, not the towel.


  1. 因为这个小屁孩

    cause that bundle of joy's.

  2. 你就是个小屁孩

    You are a child.

  3. 小屁孩们的想法似的

    prep school kids think.

  4. 刚刚那个小屁孩就是

    Well that moron is a moron.

  5. 詹姆斯你这个小屁孩!

    James You snotty little brat!

  6. 詹姆斯你这个小屁孩!

    James You snotty little brat!

  7. 小屁孩,这能说明什么?

    Being snotty, alas, is not an argument.

  8. 你身边的两个小屁孩。

    Either of those kids you're hanging around with.

  9. 喂,叫你呢,其他小屁孩呢?

    Hey you. Where are the other morons?

  10. 詹姆斯你这个小屁孩!开门!

    James You snotty little brat! Open up!

  11. 所以别再像个小屁孩一样了

    so stop acting like a little brat.

  12. 三个小屁孩首次相聚的快乐时光!

    The first time we were together happily!

  13. 讨厌的小屁孩,我说出声来了吗

    Yuck, kids. Whoops, did I say that out loud?

  14. 一群穿着西服的小屁孩到处乱跑。

    Bunch of little boys in suits running around.

  15. 那时候我们还是玩小黄鸭的小屁孩呢

    rubber duckies were involved.

  16. 你觉得他们那时候还想养个小屁孩?

    You think they'll want to start over with that baby shit?

  17. 你的情商只有一个15岁的小屁孩那么多

    You have the emotional maturity of a horny 13 year old.

  18. 我们都是带着手术刀屁颠屁颠乱跑的小屁孩

    We're all just toddlers running around with 8blades.

  19. 哦,对了,你就是那个小屁孩我见过你几次。

    Right, you're that little mongrel I fetch here sometimes.

  20. 现在, 给我听好, 你这个被宠坏的小屁孩

    you listen here, you spoilt little brat,

  21. 这就是那个小屁孩在我们卧室作的?给你关爱?

    So that's what the teenager was doing in our bedroom filling you with love?

  22. 你这个小屁孩,因为有一匹这样的马,沙皇曾将奖章授给了我。

    With a horse like that, the Czar gave me a medal.



读音:xiǎo pì hái 小屁孩&amp释义:字面意思是光屁股的小孩子, 在我国的很多地方,用来形容学龄前儿童穿开裆裤,方便大小便。



近年来,一个短片动画在中国出现,名为《小破孩》 小破孩是近年来网络的卡通巨星。
