




1. 熨 [yùn]2. 熨 [yù]熨 [yùn]烧热后用来烫平衣服的金属器具,称“熨斗(dǒu )”。用烙铁、熨斗烫平:~衣服。熨 [yù]〔~帖〕a.用字、用词合适,恰当,妥帖;b.心情安宁、舒畅;c.方言,事情完全办妥。均亦作“熨贴……





汉语拼音:diàn yùn dǒu






电熨斗 [diàn yùn dǒu]
  1. 利用电能发热的熨斗。也称为「熅斗」、「熨斗」。

电熨斗 [diàn yùn dǒu]
  1. 利用电能发热旳熨斗。

    【造句】母亲用电熨斗将我的衬衫熨得十分平整。 △熨斗



  1. I'm interested in buying a new car. What's the price of that electric iron? How much is this rug?


  2. Miyakawa went back down, because he forgot to turn off his iron and was afraid it would catch fire.


  3. It has a one bedroom, bathroom with washer & dryer, a kitchenette, and a living room with two separate murphy beds.


  4. The paper is smoothed and pressed to remove trapped air. You can use a common electric iron used for pressing clothes.


  5. THE sign for the American Beauty Electric Iron building in Detroit has only five letters left, spaced far apart in a gap-toothed grin.


  6. Just one call to the reception and in less than 5 minutes room service delivered ironing board and a steaming iron.


  7. Just like when you're halfway to the beach and suddenly remember that you left the iron on at home.


  8. Wife: Oh, stop the car quickly! I forgot to turn off the electric iron.


  9. When a certain temperature is reached, the circuit breaks and the electric iron is turned off.


  1. 电熨斗水箱

    Water tank for electric iron.

  2. 电熨斗大身

    electric iron body.

  3. 电熨斗压板

    pressing plate of electric iron.

  4. 电熨斗的花线

    a flex for an electric iron

  5. 嘉利牌电熨斗

    Galy electric iron.

  6. 电熨斗,也非常成功

    The electric iron, also very big.

  7. 巴基斯坦求购库存电熨斗

    CR Iron Product Surplus Stocks

  8. 蒸汽电熨斗,得心应手。

    This steam iron can Be applied with high proficiency.

  9. 那种电熨斗卖多少钱?

    What's the price of that elctric iron?

  10. 如果你插上电熨斗, 则。

    If you put on the iron, the fuse will blow out.

  11. 那个电熨斗的价格是多少?

    What's the price of that electric iron?

  12. 她用电熨斗烫平衣服。

    She smoothed her dress with an electric iron.

  13. 衬衫让电熨斗给烧焦了。

    The shirt was scorched by the electric iron.

  14. 她和电熨斗把皱纹烫平。

    She smoothed the creases out with electric iron.

  15. 你可否教我使用这个电熨斗?

    Can you tell me how to use this electric iron ?

  16. 所属行业电吹风电熨斗理发器

    Industry Hair dryer Iron Hair clipper.

  17. 她用电熨斗把皱褶烫平。

    She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron.

  18. 电熨斗温度控制器材料的研究

    On Material of the Temperature Controller of Electric Iron

  19. 我让电熨斗狠狠地电了一下。

    I got a nasty shock from the electric iron.

  20. 我们经常用电熨斗熨平衣服。

    We often use an electric smoothing iron to make the clothes smooth.

  21. 我用电熨斗砸碎了她的头。

    With electric iron. Smashed her head in.

  22. 可以用机器、电熨斗等熨烫的衣物。

    Ironing that can be done mechanically.

  23. 我们有两个电熨斗, 但都坏了!

    We have two electric irons, and both are broken!

  24. 妈妈用电熨斗在给我熨衬衣。

    Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.

  25. 你能将这只电熨斗修理一下吗?

    Can you patch up this electric iron?

  26. 她在商店买了一个电熨斗。

    She bought an electric iron in the shop.

  27. 电熨斗火灾残留物鉴别方法的研究

    The study of differentiation method for fire residue caused by electric iron

  28. 你若触摸热的电熨斗,手会烫伤的。

    Your hand will burn if you touch the hot electric iron.

  29. 她买的第一样东西是电熨斗。

    The first item she bought was electric iron.

  30. 我母亲昨天买了一只电熨斗。

    My mother bought an electric iron yesterday.


  1. 问:电熨斗拼音怎么拼?电熨斗的读音是什么?电熨斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电熨斗的读音是diànyùndǒu,电熨斗翻译成英文是 electric iron; iron, for ironing clothes


