



  • 【解释】:说死没死,说活未活。形容没有生气或处境尴尬。
  • 【出自】:宋·朱熹《朱子语类》卷四八:“箕子虽不死,然便死却又到了,唯是被囚不死不活,这地位如何处,直是难。”
  • 【示例】:你买东西忙什么呢?先来给我送个信儿多好,叫人家盼望的~的干么呢?
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容没有生气


  1. "Neither dead nor alive" is the Bush administration's verdict on the collapsed Doha round.


  1. 真不知道汤姆是怎么啦, 一副要死不活得样子。

    I wonder what's the matter with Tom, he looks like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.

  2. 他手头不活泛。

    He has no money to spare or lend.

  3. 外层不活亦答烘不活。

    Inner plate should also be baking sheet.

  4. 为什么不活得更长久?

    Why not live longer?

  5. 人活着没有尊严, 不如不活。

    The do not have dignity, inferior to alive person block of wood lives.

  6. 要是不能走了,我就不活了

    I don't want to live if I can't walk.

  7. 死地, 吾将示之以不活。

    On desperate ground, I would proclaim to my soldiers the hopelessness of saving their lives.

  8. 就抓住权不放, 下边搞不活

    They keep a tight grip on power, making it impossible for the lower levels to act on their own.

  9. 你杀了他,我也绝不活下去。

    If you kill him, I'd rather die.

  10. 他们连养条金鱼,都养不活一天。

    They can't keep a goldfish alive for more than one day.

  11. 是得,你无时无刻不活在我们得心中。

    In our hearts every minute of every day.

  12. 是的,你无时无刻不活在我们的心中。

    In our hearts every minute of every day.

  13. 耗费每一个铜不活为了企业不败长。

    A copper plate in order to reduce the development of enterprises.

  14. 约莫一个钟头以后这些鹅醒了,宿醉得要死不活。

    It was about an hour later that the geese woke up. They had devastating hangovers.

  15. 可怜的老汉一定是要死了。他肯定是救不活了。

    The poor old man must be dying, he's certainly past praying for.

  16. 图所示为刚性印制不活蚀刻的铜导线的载流量。

    Shown as rigid PCB etching of the capacity copper wires.

  17. 给使移印版洋腐化得图像与覆墨不活得处事办法相成婚。

    To make the print version of the image and covering ink plate works to match.

  18. 都活不下来

    don't survive.

  19. 对 确实活不了。

    No,they do not.

  20. 他也活不下去

    in him for much longer.

  21. 老树移栽活不成。

    Remove an old tree, and it will wither to death.

  22. 我看他活不长。

    I'm afraid he will never make old bones.

  23. 老树移种活不成。

    Remove an old tree, and it will die.

  24. 我没有你活不下去。

    I can't live without you.

  25. 卖老要活不长的。

    Flaunt your age and you must not have much longer to live.

  26. 这个小男孩活不了

    This little boy is gonna die.

  27. 他可能活不下去了。

    He doesn't figure to live.

  28. 赶牲畜的活不好干。

    A drive of cattle is not easy.

  29. 赶牲畜得活不好干。

    A drive of cattle is not easy.

  30. 没有食物人就活不了。

    Nobody will live without food.


  1. 问:不死不活拼音怎么拼?不死不活的读音是什么?不死不活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不死不活的读音是bùsǐbùhuó,不死不活翻译成英文是 half dead



词目 不死不活 发音 bù sǐ bù huó 释义 形容没有生气或处境尴尬。 出处 《朱子语类》卷四八:“箕子虽不死,然便死却又到了,唯是被囚不死不活,这地位如何处,直是难。” 示例 你买东西忙什么呢?先来给我送个信儿多好,叫人家盼望的~的干么呢?(清·刘鹗《老残游记续集》第三回)