







汉语拼音:biāo shū






  1. Please read this entire project description before placing bids. It's important to understand what we re trying to realise.


  2. Be sure to fill it out completely; items not completed will be considered part of the bid price.


  3. This Invitation for Tenders is open to any contractor registered with the Tender Board of Oman as an Excellent Contractor.


  4. Each bid is submitted in writing and is referred to as a sealed bid.


  5. He says he told bidders specifically what their offers need 'to look like in order for you to participate. '


  6. Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation.


  7. The obligations that a contractor accepts when he submits a tender are determined by the form of the invitation to tender.


  8. All pages of the tender where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the tender.


  9. The tenderer must acquaint itself fully with the terms and the conditions referred to in the Tender.


  1. 如何获得标书

    How to obtain bid document.

  2. 投标评估。标书评审。标书评估

    tender assessment

  3. 指导标书制作, 并负责递交标书。

    Guides proposals from inception to completion.

  4. 在四月末之前必须提交标书。

    Bids must be submitted by the end of April.

  5. 在四月末之前必须提交标书。

    Bids must be submitted by the end of April.

  6. 翻译投标文件并制作投英语标书。

    Translating bid documents and preparing for them.

  7. 按时制作具有竞争力的高质量标书。

    To make the competitive tender with high quality on time.

  8. 农业机械标书评价指标体系设计原理

    Designable Principles of Index System for Bidding Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery

  9. 关于如何编好锅炉标书的几点看法

    A Few Opinions about How to Prepare Boiler Bidding Document Better

  10. 标书5月份递交,本欲10月份才予以公布。

    The bids were submitted in May and were meant to have been kept under wraps until October.

  11. 这项设施日后可能会扩展至包括其他标书。

    The facility may be extended to other tenders in due course.

  12. 起草标书,分析投标文件,为决定中标单位提供意见。

    Draft the tender document, Analysis bidding document, Select winner.

  13. 投标者可提供一份完全符合投标文件要求的基本标书。

    The tenderer shall submit a basic tender which complies fully with the requirements of the tender documents.

  14. 标出书中要点

    Mark the main points in a book

  15. 介绍国际工程投标过程中研究标书文件的一些技巧。

    The techniques in studying the bid documents of international projects are introduced?

  16. 承包人在提交标书时他所应负的责任是邀标书中规定的。

    The obligations that a contractor accepts when he submits a tender are determined by the form of the invitation to tender.

  17. 彩色书标新用途

    New Use of Colour Bookmark

  18. 本文探讨了书标分类打印系统的设计与实现方法。

    This paper discussed how to devise the printing bookmark classified system.

  19. 标引工具书是主题标引时必不可少的参考工具书。

    Indexing reference books are the essential tools for subject indexing.

  20. 标引工具书是主题标引时必不可少得参考工具书。

    Indexing reference books are the essential tools for subject indexing.

  21. 注意到在邀标书中并没有具体说明是否分割授标。

    It was noted that the invitation to bid did not specifically indicate whether to split award or not.

  22. 读书时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出。

    In reading, I usually mark out what I regard as important in the book.

  23. 读书时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧得处所标出。

    In reading, I usually mark out what I regard as important in the book.

  24. 读书的时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出。

    In doing my reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book.

  25. 读书得时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧得处所标出。

    In doing my reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book.

  26. 套配书帖星标

    starred signature

  27. 投标标书评价模型的研究

    Study of the Model of Bid Evaluation

  28. 我现在正望一标英文书。

    I'm redriving instructorng a new English arra newge now.

  29. 类书编纂与章回小说的标目

    Compilation of Encyclopedias and Couplet Chapter Headings of Traditional Chinese Novels

  30. 汉语是用语标符号来书写得。

    Chinese is written logogrammatically.


  1. 问:标书拼音怎么拼?标书的读音是什么?标书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:标书的读音是biāoshū,标书翻译成英文是 biding document

  2. 问:标书有效期拼音怎么拼?标书有效期的读音是什么?标书有效期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:标书有效期的读音是biāo shū yǒu xiào qī,标书有效期翻译成英文是 bid validity