


1. 勃 [bó]2. 勃 [bèi]勃 [bó]突然,忽然:~然(a.突然,如“~~大怒”;b.兴起的样子,如“~~作色”)。变色的样子:~腾腾(怒气上冲的样子)。旺盛,兴起:~起。~发。~蓬。勃 [bèi]古同“悖”,违背事理,惑乱糊涂……


1. 勃 [bó]2. 勃 [bèi]勃 [bó]突然,忽然:~然(a.突然,如“~~大怒”;b.兴起的样子,如“~~作色”)。变色的样子:~腾腾(怒气上冲的样子)。旺盛,兴起:~起。~发。~蓬。勃 [bèi]古同“悖”,违背事理,惑乱糊涂……




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:bó bó shēng jī



  1. Decades of years later, as the birth of the new generation of elites of law, the culture of law began to be dynamic again.


  2. Somewhere seems to be a feeling: the joy of my heart where you can feel a certain spring morning, it had the vitality and joy of singing.


  3. They then move out to the next one, and in the course of just a few weeks the grass just enters this blaze of growth.


  4. Just over a year after the recovery started, its initial vigor has abruptly subsided, thrusting the world into a new period of uncertainty.


  5. His aliveness streams out to them and affects them most strongly and purely when he has no thought of affecting them.


  6. The sky is cloudless; the sun shines bright and warm; the songs of birds, and the burst of vitality, fill the air.


  7. You need to reform with the time if you want to stand up in the competition, and keep a good development.


  8. It is only inventing the man-using policy and integrating news human resources continually, the television could be active and prosper.


  9. Perhaps the most perfect state of life is like under the blue Danube undercurrents, hidden under the appearance of calm vitality.


  1. 早晨充满了勃勃生机。

    The morning was full of a new creation.

  2. 在非洲,资本主义仍然表现出了勃勃生机。

    Capitalism is alive and well in Africa.

  3. 那尊雕塑表现出的勃勃生机让人振奋。

    The sheer exuberance of the sculpture was exhilarating.

  4. 感谢你们,是你们领我们来到这勃勃生机的世界。

    Thanks you, is you gets us to arrive this full of vitality world.

  5. 连片得蟹滩为盘锦生态增添了勃勃生机。

    The coastal waters teem with fat crabs.

  6. 连片的蟹滩为盘锦生态增添了勃勃生机。

    The coastal waters teem with fat crabs.

  7. 摆放在室内更显一片勃勃生机, 充满了丰收得景象!

    Placed in a room more vitality and filled with the harvest scene!

  8. 故而,利用企业文化力进行营销必能给企业带来勃勃生机。

    Therefore, we could use power of corporate culture for marketing bring vitality.

  9. 自由的鸟儿在树枝上鸣啭,给山林带来了勃勃生机。

    Free birds are twittering on the branches, and make the wood exuberant and vigorous.

  10. 自由的鸟儿在树枝上鸣啭,给山林带来了勃勃生机。

    Free birds are twittering on the branches, and make the wood exuberant and vigorous.

  11. 不管烈火怎样燃烧,只要春风一吹,野草又出现了勃勃生机。

    No matter how the fire burning, as long as the spring wind blows, the grass appeared vitality.

  12. 这样一款精美的摆件放在您的室内,为室内增添了勃勃生机。

    One such exquisite furnishing articles on your room, the indoor add vitality.

  13. 想法正是心智由静到动的转化过程中,绽放出的勃勃生机。

    Thought is therefore vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind.

  14. 她曾是一个快乐的小姑娘,但此时却失去了往日的勃勃生机。

    She had been a gay young girl, but by this time had lost her high spirits.

  15. 或花瓣裹蕊, 含苞待放, 书房四壁和书本文具平添了勃勃生机。

    Or petal wrap around pistil, ready, library books and stationery took a cold energy.

  16. 你看这眼前的春景, 正包孕着勃勃的生机。

    Spring is coming. Everything is filled with vitality.

  17. 你看这眼前的春景,正包孕着勃勃的生机。

    Spring is coming. Everything is filled with vitality.

  18. 我们让优雅的校园,充满勃勃生机。

    Our school is elegant and full of vitality.

  19. 炙热得土地再一次变得勃勃生机。

    Once again, parched earth is transformed into an exuberance of growth.

  20. 炙热的土地再一次变得勃勃生机。

    Once again, parched earth is transformed into an exuberance of growth.

  21. 在美国的土地充满了光荣和勃勃生机。

    The glory and youthfulness of our American lands.

  22. 她的眼泪止住了, 重新焕发出勃勃生机。

    her tears ceased to flow, and her great spirit rose to its full stature again.

  23. 具有悠久历史的新疆维吾尔医药正焕发出勃勃生机。

    The medicine of Er of Xinjiang Wei Wu that has long history coruscate goes out exuberant opportunity of survival.

  24. 我看到风霜雨雪袭击下依然发芽、生长且充满勃勃生机的生命。

    I see sprouting, crawling, flying life, undeterred by weather.

  25. 以勃勃的生机面对任何的挑战。

    To the great vitality in the face of any challenge.

  26. 我国的节庆文化正在显示出勃勃的生机。

    Our festival culture was showing the great vitality.