






  • 【解释】:指没有生机和活力。死又死不了,活着又受罪。
  • 【出自】:参见“半死半生”。
  • 【示例】:想跑,水裹住他的脚,他就那么~的,低着头一步一步的往前曳。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;指人或事物没有生气


  1. Witnessing the original flower-like daughter become so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.


  2. There's lots of screaming and growling and he comes out with his clothes all torn, covered in blood an half dead.


  3. The prince was lying half-dead in his ship, when it sank at last with a terrible shock into the branches of a large tree in the wood.


  4. And Howard looked at their product line , and he said, what you have is a dead tomato society .


  5. Of course it was silly really to connect this half -dead bed- wetting still spiteful old woman with a mountain .


  6. The camera showed pitiful young campaign volunteers lying comatose on a couch or wandering aimlessly through a park.


  7. Laid-off women in the street before a bookstall, business in general. Dead man in a business to work, wages were low.


  8. Bartender: Dent! I thought you were dead! Harvey Dent: Half. . .


  9. Wuertz: Dent! I thought you were dead! Harvey Dent: Half. . .


  1. 这人已是半死不活。

    The man is more dead than alive.

  2. 我真希望你现在半死不活。

    I like you better now that you're dying.

  3. 那些行凶抢劫者把那老人打得半死不活。

    The muggers beat up the old man within an inch of his life.

  4. 经过3天的旅行,我回到家时已半死不活。

    After three days journey, I arrived home more dead than alive.

  5. 经过3天得旅行,我回到家时已半死不活。

    After three days journey, I arrived home more dead than alive.

  6. 他曾在这里斋戒和祈祷,以致弄得半死不活。

    Here gone through fast and vigil, and come forth half alive.

  7. 他曾在这里斋戒和夜祷, 以致弄得半死不活

    here, gone through fast and vigil, and come forth half alive

  8. 我不想要扔掉一把刀片之后把自己搞的半死不活。

    And I didn't wanna drop one blade and leave myself half done.

  9. 我想把你打个半死不活。若不是你喝醉了, 我一定会那么干的。

    I should like to thrash you within an inch of your life. If you werent drunk I would.

  10. 我们都在这半死不活的。

    While we're all lying around here near dead.

  11. 过半死不活的生活,一个活死人。

    To live a life half dead, a living death.

  12. 连半死不活的囚犯都用上了。

    We even have to use the dying prisoners.

  13. 这孩子看上去半死不活的,真可怜。

    The poor child looks more dead than alive.

  14. 半死不活的男爵向四周看了一看。

    More dead than alive, he looked around him.

  15. 那男孩由于饥饿已经半死不活的了。

    The boy was half dead from hunger.

  16. 这个男的, 半死不活, 被带进来, 锁在地窖中。

    The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar.

  17. 这个男得, 半死不活, 被带进来, 锁在地窖中。

    The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar.

  18. 我现在是半死不活,菲茨比尔斯喘着气说道。

    I am half dead, gasped fitzpiers.

  19. 我已被淹得半死不活,昏头昏脑了,但还知道往船尾跑。

    Bewildered and half drowned as I was, I had the sense to rush aft.

  20. 他不如死了更好,免得受这种半死不活,虽生犹死得痛苦。

    Better if he had died instead of having to suffer a living death.

  21. 直到清晨,一个警察才发现她被打得半死不活地躺在公园里。

    It wasn't till the early hours of morning that a policeman found her lying, more dead than alive, in the park where she had been beaten up.


  1. 问:半死不活拼音怎么拼?半死不活的读音是什么?半死不活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半死不活的读音是bànsǐbùhuó,半死不活翻译成英文是 lifeless


形容筋疲力尽,精神不振的样子。形容死又死不了,活又活不旺 。也形容没有生气或活力。