







汉语拼音:yōu jìng








  1. 寂静;清静。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《神女赋》:“既姽嫿於幽静兮,又婆娑乎人间。” 宋 苏舜钦 《上范希文书》:“况夫体幽静则谋精而威,气张鋭则令烦而堕。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“我爱那几竿竹子,隐着一道曲栏,比别处幽静些。” 茅盾 《幻灭》十三:“她早已迫切地需要幽静恬美的生活,现在,梦想的生活,终于到了。”



  1. 'Ah! ' he said, not understanding my look. 'Its quiet position makes you think of the country. I quite agree. Goodbye, Mr Pip. '


  2. A waning moon was shining, and a hushed sense of growing life filled the air, for it was nearing spring again.


  3. however , it is also effective as both a solo instrument and ensemble instrument , and is often played in the accompaniment of song.


  4. Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden.


  5. The Center is a quiet and beautiful place in a lush country setting, with numerous two-story buildings and much greenery.


  6. The cloisters still retain something of the quiet and seclusion of former days.


  7. Wyoming's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers, a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range.


  8. In a winter afternoon, along a quiet forest path, there was no one but two of us.


  9. each of us must have experienced at least once in our lifetime the marvelous feeling of relief that comes upon retreating to a quiet corner.


  1. 修道院的幽静。

    the calm of the cloister

  2. 房子周围很幽静。

    Its very peaceful and secluded around the house.

  3. 幽静。潜鸟的大陆

    Solitudes Land of the Loon

  4. 园中非常雅致幽静。

    It's elegant, peaceful, and secluded.

  5. 花园中荫凉幽静的角落。

    A shady nook in the garden.

  6. 幽静的花园式露天餐厅。

    A quiet gardenstyle outdoor restaurant.

  7. 在词园幽静的一处。

    A place unto itself in the words gardon.

  8. 他们喜欢自家花园的幽静。

    They love the seclusion of their garden.

  9. 那一抹幽静让人留恋!

    That one rubs peaceful let person be reluctant to leave!

  10. 我们去一个,幽静的地方。

    We'll go somewhere. secluded.

  11. 我们去一个,幽静的地方。

    We'll go somewhere. secluded.

  12. 墓周古柏笼罩, 幽静肃穆。

    Cooper over the tomb of weeks, a quiet solemnity.

  13. 这地方风景如画, 十分幽静。

    The place was picturesque, secluded.

  14. 他一定打搅你的幽静生活了。

    He must have disturbed your privacy.

  15. 玖珑湖坐拥秀丽风光, 环境幽静。

    Lake Dragon is set a scenic, tranquil area.

  16. 因此养兔的环境幽静很重要。

    Rabbitry quiet environment, therefore is very important.

  17. 他转进苏合的幽静的角落里。

    He turned into the quiet corner in Soho.

  18. 初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!

    What silence, too, arrived with the and seclusion!

  19. 在幽静的藤架下拥坐在一起。

    Sit close together in the sequestered pergola.

  20. 大家都很友好,环境相对比较幽静。

    People are friendly, relatively quiet.

  21. 这条多阴的小道凉爽而幽静。

    This shadowy path is cool and quiet.

  22. 这条多阴得小道凉爽而幽静。

    This shadowy path is cool and quiet.

  23. 修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。

    The nuns live in a cloister of calm.

  24. 村子隐藏在一个幽静得山谷中。

    The village is tucked away in a quiet valley.

  25. 村子隐藏在一个幽静的山谷中。

    The village is tucked away in a quiet valley.

  26. 他那幽静家座落在庭院里端。

    His quiet home sits back in his yard.

  27. 在幽静的黄昏, 我坐在她的孩子们中间。

    In the quiet evening I am sitting among her children.

  28. 对我的心来说,幽静是珍贵的安慰。

    Solitude is delicious calm to my heart.

  29. 她的态度那样幽静娴雅,她的神气那样脉脉含情。

    She was so modest, so expressive.

  30. 山中岩洞较多,险峰竞秀,幽静奇特。

    Mountain caves more Xianfeng Jing Xiu, quiet strange.


  1. 问:幽静拼音怎么拼?幽静的读音是什么?幽静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽静的读音是yōujìng,幽静翻译成英文是 peaceful

  2. 问:幽静的拼音怎么拼?幽静的的读音是什么?幽静的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽静的的读音是,幽静的翻译成英文是 lonesome


