








1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……


1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……



汉语拼音:rén shēng rú zhāo lù






  1. is transient, while virtue is lasting.


  1. 人生如朝露

    human life is like the morning dew.

  2. 人生几何。人生如朝露。

    Life is but a span.

  3. 人生如梦。

    Life Is like A Dream.

  4. 人生如乐。

    Life as music, music consort with the life.

  5. 人生如浴。

    Life is a bath. All paddle about in its great pool.

  6. 人生如梦思想

    Life is Like a Dream Ideology

  7. 人生如梦, 去梦吧。

    Life is a dream, dream it.

  8. 人生如梦,去梦吧。

    Life is a dream, dream it.

  9. 人生如梦真不错。

    Life, what is it but a dream?

  10. 人生如梦一场空吗?

    Is life an empty dream?

  11. 人生如梦, 岁月如梭,

    Years having gone by when life is like a dream

  12. 人生如梦, 一樽还酹江月。

    A man grey before his time.

  13. 人生如下棋,多谋得胜利

    In life, as in chess, forethought wins

  14. 人生如外语, 人人都会读错。

    Life is a foreign language, all men mispronounce it.

  15. 人生如下棋,多思则能胜。

    In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

  16. 人生如在水面雕刻,土上书写。

    But limns the water, or but writes in dust.

  17. 人生如梦,流失了,弥散了,分开了

    Life started to wastage, the diffusion separate

  18. 人生如梦, 是漫长的, 也是简短的。

    Life is but a dream, be endless, be also brief.

  19. 正所谓人生如梦吧,若再带。

    Life is like dreams, it is just more consistent.

  20. 我们俩的人生如枝叶缠绕的藤蔓。

    Deke and I have spent our lives next to one another.

  21. 祝愿你的人生如玫瑰色一样璀璨!

    Hope your life as beautiful as the color of roses.

  22. 祝愿你得人生如玫瑰色一样璀璨!

    Hope your life as beautiful as the color of roses.

  23. 等我们该走的时候就走,人生如歌,边走边唱。

    We should go when it is time for us, as life is a song.Sing while we leave.

  24. 等我们该走得时候就走,人生如歌,边走边唱。

    We should go when it is time for us, as life is a song. Sing while we leave.

  25. 历经多年人生如梦, 最后终于领悟生命的真谛。

    Dreaming all these years, finally the right decision.

  26. 人生如梦, 来来匆匆, 一眨眼就十几年过去了。

    The life like dream, comes in a hurry, the twinkling of an eye several years passed by.

  27. 即使人生如梦,也应让这场梦不失其色彩。

    Even if life is a dream, one is not supposed to let it lose its color.

  28. 人生如梦, 要像梦想一样美妙人生又不能仅仅是梦

    Er.guys have a look at the pics tt ive foundjust click on the links below.

  29. 我们面对无可?避得死亡, 叹光阴似箭, 人生如白驹过隙。

    We remark that time flies as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise.

  30. 我们面对无可?避的死亡,叹光阴似箭,人生如白驹过隙。

    We remark that time flies as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise.



词目 人生如朝露 发音 rén shēng rú zhāo lù 释义 朝露:早晨的露水,比喻存在的时间短。比喻人生短促。 出处 《汉书·苏武传》:“人生如朝露,何久自苦如此。” 示例 日月如跳丸,~,生死事大,无常迅速。(明·赵弼《觉寿居士传》) 例句、林青霞在《笑傲江湖之东方不败》中曾感叹,“人生如朝露,难得酒逢知己”,进来吧!