







汉语拼音:jiǔ rén







  1. 古官名。掌造酒。


  2. 好酒的人。

    《史记·刺客列传》:“ 荆軻 虽游於酒人乎,然其为人沉深好书。” 裴駰 集解引 徐广 曰:“饮酒之人。” 清 周亮工 《立春后一日游汉叟过我次箑上韵》:“酒钱不易得,空负酒人名。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<哀范君>诗之三》:“把酒论当世,先生小酒人。”



  1. So the contemporary drinkers can not mention in the same breath with the traditional drinkers.


  1. 生理性醉酒人

    the physiological drunks.

  2. 警务人员要用警绳约束举止失控的醉酒人。

    The police officers use police ropes to discipline drunkards.

  3. 警务人员要用警绳约束举止失控的醉酒人。

    The police officers use police ropes to discipline drunkards.

  4. 警务人员要用警绳约束举止失控得醉酒人。

    The police officers use police ropes to discipline drunkards.

  5. 醉酒人犯罪刑事责任的立法比较与法理分析

    Comparison of legislation of criminal responsibility of crime committed by a drunkard and analysis of its legal theory

  6. 这里的大部分土地都被分得很细,属于不同的产酒人。

    Much of the land is divided into myriad tiny plots with different owners, all of whom make their own wine.

  7. 那个人酒喝得过了量。

    The man drank a little more than was good for him.

  8. 法官判决那个人酒醉开车有罪。

    The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.

  9. 吉卜赛人酒喝得多了点。

    The Gypsy had been affected by the wine.

  10. 酒好人自来

    Good wine needs no bush

  11. 醉酒让人没个人样。

    Drunkenness unmans the man.

  12. 那个醉酒之人跌跌撞撞。

    The drunk man stumbled about.

  13. 醉酒得人不能开车。

    A drunkard is unfit to drive.

  14. 醉酒的人不能开车。

    A drunkard is unfit to drive.

  15. 酒减弱人的抑制力。

    Wine weakens a man's inhibitions.

  16. 酿私酒和私卖酒的人。

    Someone who makes and sells illegal liquor.

  17. 肉和酒使人早死。

    Fresh pork and new wine kill a man before his time.

  18. 一群醉酒的人正在喧闹。

    Mobs of drunken men were whooping it up.

  19. 善于鉴别艺术、酒、人的个性的人

    A good judge of art, wine, character

  20. 偷过边界走私酒的人。

    Someone who illegally smuggles liquor across a border.

  21. 这款酒适合懂酒之人和女性。

    This wine for understand wine with women.

  22. 在人群中搜索洒酒的人。

    Or scan the crowd for somebody spilling a drink.

  23. 你们却给拿细耳人酒喝,嘱咐先知说,不要说预言。

    But ye gave the Nazarites wine to drink and commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not.

  24. 烹饪离不开大蒜及酒的人。

    Addicts of garlic and wine cookery.

  25. 一个喝醉酒的人沿街箧而行。

    A drunken man shambled along the street.

  26. 喝醉酒的人从来都是不安静的。

    The drunken are always unrestful.

  27. 公共汽车上有一个喝醉酒的人。

    There was a drunk man on the bus.

  28. 醉酒得人犯罪, 应当负刑事责任。

    Any intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.

  29. 醉酒的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。

    Any intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.

  30. 卖酒的, 侯爵大人。酿私酒和私卖酒的人。

    Monsieur the Marquis, vendor of wine.'someone who makes and sells illegal liquor.


  1. 问:酒人部拼音怎么拼?酒人部的读音是什么?酒人部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酒人部的读音是Jiǔrénbù,酒人部翻译成英文是 Sakahitobe

  2. 问:酒人内亲王拼音怎么拼?酒人内亲王的读音是什么?酒人内亲王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酒人内亲王的读音是,酒人内亲王翻译成英文是 Princess Sakahito