









汉语拼音:yīn sēn sēn







阴森森 [yīn sēn sēn]
  1. 幽黯的样子。




  1. That dour, delicate revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over the nearly four years of secret meetings in Paris.


  2. Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man.


  3. They reached the corner house in an angle of a dismal street, through the open door of which two men had just gone in.


  4. The sun had completely gone when she reached the bend in the road above Shantytown and the woods about her were dark.


  5. Out of the midst of them, the ghostly face would rise, and he would ask it again.


  6. The plain lay like a vast and deserted charnel-house, without men whisper to disturb the slumbers of its numerous and hapless tenants.


  7. Stupid coat of her own, from the Shangri-La Salon, looming like a walrus or and angel of death, watching her.


  8. The opening sequence featured a severed fish head, which seemed to be floating gruesomely just inches from my face.


  9. Pulled to ascend to jilt to jilt together the beard of chest, hazily smiled, say: Float soft, be so self-confidence!


  1. 阴森森的老房子

    a spooky old house

  2. 森林阴森森怪吓人得。

    The woods are scary and dark.

  3. 森林阴森森怪吓人的。

    The woods are scary and dark.

  4. 幽暗的极为黑暗的或阴森森的

    Very dark or gloomy.

  5. 他沿着阴森森的走廊走着。

    He made his way along the sepulchral corridors.

  6. 那里阴森森的,道士说有妖气。

    It is somber there, they say there are evil monsters there.

  7. 那里阴森森的,道士说有妖气。

    It is somber there, they say there are evil monsters there.

  8. 你是否听到那阴森森的音调?

    Do you hear sepulchral tone?

  9. 废品站平时总是阴森森空荡荡的。

    The yard is usually eerily vacant.

  10. 我走在高高的阴森森的楼群中间。

    I walked between the tall shadowy buildings.

  11. 这个阴森森的山谷给我可怕的感觉。

    The spooky hollow gave me bad vibes.

  12. 我要去一个阴森森的山洞探险。

    I'll explore a stygian cave.

  13. 汽车的前灯刺破了阴森森的黑夜。

    The car's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness.

  14. 汽车得前灯刺破了阴森森得黑夜。

    The car's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness.

  15. 阴森森得眼珠不知道盯着什么地方。

    Darting, one never knows where, their tenebrous orbs.

  16. 阴森森的眼珠不知道盯着什么地方。

    Darting, one never knows where, their tenebrous orbs.

  17. 一座古塔阴森森地矗立在山腰上。

    An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.

  18. 我每次来这都觉得这里阴森森的。

    Every time I come here Im going to get a chill.

  19. 阳光透过迷雾笼罩在阴森森的陵墓上。

    Sun shining through fog on mausoleums.

  20. 那座房子的窗户居高临下阴森森地对着她。

    The windows of the house stared bleakly down at her.

  21. 阴森森的光线和黑乎乎的阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  22. 阴森森得光线和黑乎乎得阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  23. 阴森森的光线和黑乎乎的阴影使他身上长满了黄斑。

    The dire light and dark shadows foxed him.

  24. 当我们在街上玩耍时,一幢幢房屋变得阴森森的。

    When we played in the street the houses had grown sombre.

  25. 那阴森森的脸相又出现在它们之中,于是他又问它。

    Out of the midst of them, the ghostly face would rise, and he would ask it again.

  26. 那阴森森得脸相又出现在它们之中,于是他又问它。

    Out of the midst of them, the ghostly face would rise, and he would ask it again.

  27. 阴森森得天空罩在地球上, 好象要把它压扁似得。

    The dark vault surrounded the terrestrial globe as if to crush it.

  28. 斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍得一个阴森森得警告。

    Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning.

  29. 斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。

    Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning.

  30. 在简短的仪式之后,在元首的居处摆下了阴森森的结婚早餐。

    After the brief ceremony there was a macabre wedding breakfast in the Fuehrer's private apartment.


  1. 问:阴森森拼音怎么拼?阴森森的读音是什么?阴森森翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阴森森的读音是yīnsēnsēn,阴森森翻译成英文是 Ghastly and bloodcurdling; spooky

  2. 问:阴森森的拼音怎么拼?阴森森的的读音是什么?阴森森的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阴森森的的读音是,阴森森的翻译成英文是 charnel

  3. 问:阴森森地迫近拼音怎么拼?阴森森地迫近的读音是什么?阴森森地迫近翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阴森森地迫近的读音是,阴森森地迫近翻译成英文是 loom