







汉语拼音:sòng lǐ







  1. 指退还礼物。

    《后汉书·周燮传》:“ 延光 二年, 安帝 以玄纁羔币聘 燮 及 南阳 冯良 ,二郡各遣丞掾致礼…… 良 亦载病到近县,送礼而还。” 李贤 注:“送礼,谓送其所致之礼也。”

  2. 赠送礼物。

    《金瓶梅词话》第九七回:“他家如何送礼来与你,是那里缘故?”《儿女英雄传》第二四回:“这是作什么呀?年也过了,节也过了,又给我们娘儿们送礼来了不成?” 王西彦 《刀俎上》:“他儿子满月,就算是皇上太子吧,也总不能强压老百姓送礼呀!”

  3. 犹送聘。

    明 孟称舜 《娇红记·演喜》:“小子聘得 娇娘 为妻,约在今月送礼,十月成婚。”



  1. But others believe that giving gifts shows how much you care.


  2. His wife aside out of revenue and expenditure accounts, in addition to fuel, the gift that treat, give how much to decent?


  3. but i never stopped imagining who the giver might be. some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.


  4. If you are going to collect some money for a gift for her, you can count me in.


  5. One way to cozy up to the leader of the free world is to give him and his wife opulent gifts.


  6. "The bottom line is always, 'Don't give something that touches the body, '" she said. Avoid clothes or perfume.


  7. The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something.


  8. They are sweet and lend any garden the air of a seaside spree but, for me, the giver, they had not quite hit the spot.


  9. Waldfogel's work is often misinterpreted as suggesting that gift-giving is pointless.


  1. 她送礼大方。

    She was lavish in her gifts.

  2. 全年欢迎送礼。

    Gifts are welcome throughout the year.

  3. 硬给朋友送礼

    to press a gift on a friend.

  4. 他送礼很慷慨。

    He is lavish of his presents.

  5. 用公款请客送礼

    spend public funds on dining and gifts

  6. 您支持企业送礼

    Are you in support of corporate gift giving.

  7. 恭请参加婴儿送礼会。

    Come to a baby shower.

  8. 圣诞节送礼是一种风俗。

    Giving presents on Christmas is an institution.

  9. 我们今年就不要送礼了!

    Let's not gift this year!

  10. 在节日里,我们很少送礼。

    We rarely gifts during festivals.

  11. 送礼应该没有任何附加条件。

    A gift should be given with no strings attached.

  12. 新生儿送礼会是女人家的事。

    Baby showers are for women.

  13. 生日送礼是一种风俗习惯。

    It is customary to give people gifts on their birthdays.

  14. 我们办个宝宝送礼派对怎么样

    What if we threw her a baby shower?

  15. 鲜花永远是节日送礼之佳品。

    Fresh flowers are always the ideal gift for all festive occasions.

  16. 送礼不当可能会使你惹祸上身。

    Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.

  17. 我们这个星期六安排了送礼会。

    We plan to have a bridal shower this Saturday.

  18. 送礼给他人是有它的含意的。

    There's meaning in giving gifts to others.

  19. 二曰不送礼。至少党内不要送。

    The second is a ban on gifts, at least in the Party.

  20. 邻居为姑娘举行了一个送礼会。

    The neighbors held a shower for the girl.

  21. 精选大枝西洋参,送礼自用两相宜。

    Carefully selected Big american ginseng is good Both as a present and for personal use.

  22. 你是讨厌送礼会?还是讨厌兰妮办的?

    Would any baby shower bother you or is this one worse because it's Laney's?

  23. 当然, 宴会, 送礼等事情就在所难免了。

    Of course, matters such asentertainment and gift presentation are unavoidable.

  24. 办个宝宝送礼派对都要讨吃的

    having to beg food for a baby shower.

  25. 盒装纯精火腿肉,送礼自用两相宜。

    The Boxed lean ham is good Both as a present and for one's own enjoyment.

  26. 天秤座会决定明年再送礼物。

    Libra will reach a decision sometime next year.

  27. 我们千万不可质疑送礼者的判断力。

    We should never question the judgment of the donor.

  28. 我要为女儿办一场宝宝送礼派对,我。

    Well, I'm throwing a baby shower for my daughter, and I.

  29. 鲍勃想以送礼得方式来讨好老师。

    Bob tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher by giving her presents.

  30. 椰雕工艺品, 构思美妙独特, 送礼好选择。

    Coconut shell carvings, uniquely wonderful in design, are good for presents.


  1. 问:送礼拼音怎么拼?送礼的读音是什么?送礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:送礼的读音是sònglǐ,送礼翻译成英文是 give sb a present; present a gift to sb; sen...

  2. 问:送礼物拼音怎么拼?送礼物的读音是什么?送礼物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:送礼物的读音是,送礼物翻译成英文是 gift