







汉语拼音:jiān lì








  1. 艰深;高深。


  2. 尖厉。

    清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异七·花仙》:“其貌瘦健而长髯,声甚尖利,不类人。” 李广田 《没有太阳的早晨》:“正迟疑间,忽然从正厅那边传来了尖利的喊声:‘贱骨头,还不给我滚出去!’”

  3. 锐利。

    《太平广记》卷四六三引 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》:“ 真腊王 取大牛肉,中安小剑子,两头尖利。”《西游记》第九一回:“威雄声吼如雷振,獠牙尖利赛银针。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“他的眼睛里消失了勇悍尖利的光彩。”



  1. As he thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him like a knife and made each delicate fibre of his nature quiver.


  2. "You want me to see a shrink? " My voice was a shade sharper as I realized what he was getting at.


  3. The next option was to encase the leak in a large box with a pointed top, to funnel the oil to the surface for collection.


  4. Do not use many fingers on sharp objects or use designated LCD screen, the LCD screen of any damage may lead to products not normally used.


  5. Jeyne Poole let out a shrill, high scream. "Oh, bloody shit, " said Holly. "That will bring the kneelers down on us, and no mistake. Run! "


  6. He has intelligent eyes, his mouth is closed over sharp teeth, his fur is soft and creamy, and his owner's long fingers rest gently on him.


  7. They have sharp stingers on the heels of their rear feet and can use them to deliver a strong toxic blow to any foe.


  8. The one good thing about it getting steadily weaker was that it wasn't so loud any more.


  9. Soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp teeth, and the lion was happy to be free again.


  1. 尖利的笑声

    a brittle laugh.

  2. 尖利的抗议声

    strident protests

  3. 尖利的步枪声

    the sharp crack of a rifle shot

  4. 极尖利得10千赫音。

    A ten kilohertz sound, which is very high pitched.

  5. 极尖利的10千赫音。

    A ten kilohertz sound, which is very high pitched.

  6. 嗖嗖或沙沙的尖利声。

    A brushing or rustling sound.

  7. 她正受到尖利的质问。

    she was being sharply questioned.

  8. 感觉到它爪子的尖利。

    Feeling the sharpness of his claws.

  9. 他的角看起来非常尖利。

    His horns look very sharp.

  10. 这种喊叫, 声音大而尖利。

    It is a very loud, highpitched noise.

  11. 我有很多尖利的牙齿。

    I have many sharp teeth.

  12. 她用尖利的声音骂我。

    She shrieked curses at me.

  13. 警报器的声音总是很尖利。

    The pitch of a siren is usually sharp.

  14. 砰的一声突然尖利的爆炸声

    A sudden sharp, explosive sound.

  15. 鸥鸟尖利的歌声那样清澈。

    Shrill song of gulls scavenging.

  16. 玩这种尖利的棍子有危险。

    The edgy stick may be dangerous to play with.

  17. 所以她对他很尖利的说。

    So she says to him really shrill.

  18. 总是你踩到尖利的铁钉。

    It is always you who steps on a sharp nail.

  19. 管弦乐队演奏得曲调尖利刺耳。

    The orchestra was brittle in tone.

  20. 管弦乐队演奏的曲调尖利刺耳。

    The orchestra was brittle in tone.

  21. 短促、尖利的叫喊声或狗叫声。

    A short, sharp cry or bark.

  22. 尖利的岩石撕破了他的裤腿。

    The sharp rocks cut through his pants legs.

  23. 我问。我的声音象是尖利的回声。

    I asked, my sounding like a shrill echo.

  24. 我问。我得声音象是尖利得回声。

    I asked, my sounding like a shrill echo.

  25. 尖利的石块划破了他的脚。

    The sharp stones lacerated his feet.

  26. 硬而脆的碎裂时声音尖利的。

    Firm and crisp,and making a sharp sound when broken or crushed.

  27. 发出砰的一声发出短促,尖利的爆裂声

    To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.

  28. 声音令人愉快不刺耳或者不尖利。

    pleasing in sound not harsh or strident.

  29. 吠, 叫喊发出尖利, 高亢的犬吠声叫喊

    To emit a sharp, high pitched barkyelp.

  30. 一个高而尖利的声音或嗓音

    A high, shrill sound or voice.


  1. 问:尖利拼音怎么拼?尖利的读音是什么?尖利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尖利的读音是jiānlì,尖利翻译成英文是 sharp

  2. 问:尖利的拼音怎么拼?尖利的的读音是什么?尖利的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尖利的的读音是,尖利的翻译成英文是 edgy



1.尖利常指人、事或物的表面给外部世界一种外在的印象。尖:尖锐,利:锋利 2.眼力、视力特别好 3.尖利,锐利