


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zhe shù








  1. 撰写文章;编纂。

    《汉书·叙传上》:“﹝ 班固 ﹞ 永平 中为郎,典校祕书,专篤志於博学,以著述为业。”《后汉书·应劭传》:“凡所著述百三十六篇。又集解《汉书》,皆传于时。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·史官建置》:“寻自古太史之职,虽以著述为宗,而兼掌历象、日月、阴阳、管数。”

  2. 著作和编纂的成品。

    三国 魏 曹植 《与杨德祖书》:“世人之著述,不能无病。”《南史·徐广传》:“如 袁宏 干宝 之徒,赖有著述,流声於后。” 宋 文莹 《<玉壶清话>序》:“ 文莹 收古今文章著述最多,自国初至 熙寧 间,得文集二百餘家,仅数千卷。” 阿英 《戎行兼言艺文事》:“他( 陈毅 )对 中国 古典文学和近代文史著述,也广泛涉猎。”



  1. He took to authorship in his early twenties.


  2. Mist encircled the island.


  1. 雾笼罩着述个岛屿。

    Mist encircled the island.

  2. 那个男孩注视着述张布告。

    The boy peered at the notice.

  3. 他对她述说着爱意。

    He was talking to her about love.

  4. 向你述说着我的思念。

    To say I miss you.

  5. 他述说着昨晚发生的事情。

    He gave an account of yesterday evening's incident.

  6. 这座古老的建筑物述说着时间的灵魂。

    The old building breathes the spirit of that time

  7. 人们在传述着关于恒冬的故事。

    The storyteller tells the tale of the long winter.

  8. 述而不作的思想对中国的发展有着消极的影响。

    The concept of expounding on predecessors' theories without producing anything original oneself had a negative impact on China's development.

  9. 所述倒伞罩外侧罩壁上分布着至少两层锥形齿。

    and at least two layers of conical teeth are distributed on the outside cap wall of the inverted umbrella cap.

  10. 雾笼罩着述村子。

    Fog enveloped the village.

  11. 雾笼罩着述座山。

    Mist wreathed the mountain.

  12. 我们着述只猫在玩球。

    We watched the kitten playing with a ball.

  13. 他站在那,凝视着述幅画。

    He stood there with his eyes fixed on the picture.

  14. 他似无可奈何地做着述辛苦的工作。

    He seemed resigned to the hard work.

  15. 依赖上了黑夜的微笑, 聆听着寂寞的倾述。

    Rely on the night smile, listening to the lonely.

  16. 他坐了好几个小时,盯着述幅画看。

    He sat and looked at the picture for hours.

  17. 这个杀人犯终于哭泣着供述了自己得罪行。

    The murderer at last blubbered out his guilt.

  18. 这个杀人犯终于哭泣着供述了自己的罪行。

    The murderer at last blubbered out his guilt.

  19. 面对着述种荒谬无礼的行为,很难处之泰然。

    It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.

  20. 面对着述种荒谬无礼得行为,很难处之泰然。

    It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.

  21. 其次是便雅悯与哈述,对着自己的房屋修造。

    After him repaired Benjamin and Hashub over against their house.

  22. 如上所述,物质总是在进行着物理变化和化学变化。

    As is mentioned above,substances are constantly undergoing physical and chemical changes.

  23. 有人说, 亚述巴尼拔得死, 预示着亚述帝国得崩溃。

    Some people say that Ashurbanipal's death heralded the collapse of the Assyrian Empire.

  24. 有人说,亚述巴尼拔的死,预示着亚述帝国的崩溃。

    Some people say that Ashurbanipal's death heralded the collapse of the Assyrian Empire.

  25. 这样, 综上所述, 今日损坏着峨特建筑艺术的有三种灾祸。

    Thus, to sum up the points which we have just indicated, three sorts of ravages today disfigure Gothic architecture.

  26. 在述词的逻辑的第一阶段,就存在着相反与矛盾的对立。

    At the first point of the logic of the predicate, there is established the opposition between contraries and contradictories.

  27. 母亲怀着一个不便倾述的遗憾离去了, 这是毋庸置疑的。

    Mother had gone with an unrevealed regret in heart, this was doubtless.

  28. 母亲怀着一个不便倾述得遗憾离去了,这是毋庸置疑得。

    Mother had gone with an unrevealed regret in heart, this was doubtless.

  29. 然而, 如上所述, 随着赫斯渥生意的兴隆, 他开始结交朋友。

    However, as Hurstwood's business increased, he, as stated, began to pick up acquaintances.

  30. 产权最优配置对于解决上述公地悲剧有着重要的意义。

    Optimal allocation of property right plays a vital role in solving the problem of commons tragedy.


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