




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……




1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:shēng mìng zhì liàng



  1. He said that, as well as kidney patients, the technique might improve the lives of those receiving other organs.


  2. This article reviews the quality of life of breast cancer patients from measuring content, measuring tool and its main influencing factors.


  3. The growth and development of embryos will directly affect the quality of human life and that of an entire nation.


  4. ICD shocks in the month preceding a scheduled assessment were associated with a decreased quality of life in multiple domains.


  5. The proposal of the quality of life doctrine is to provide a reliable and reasonable basic theory for the medical treatment decision-making.


  6. Among patients with different educational background, the scores of quality of life of those with junior college education were the highest.


  7. Company's objectives: To keep a high credit standing of the company, to maintain a high quality standard service.


  8. Conclusions : It is quite necessary to introduce the evaluation of life quality to community health service.


  9. Objective To observe the quality of life in geriatric patients of different genders following coronary artery bypass grafting.


  1. 象征着各个国家的生命质量和数量。

    It's like quality and quantity of life in nations.

  2. 用生命质量评估量表评价其效果。

    The influences are assessed according to the Assessment of Life Quality.

  3. 浅谈瑞典姑息护理中的生命质量测评

    Application of the Measurement of Quality of Life in Palliative Care in Sweden

  4. 提升人的生命质量是创造教育的终极目的。

    Lifting life quality of man is the ultimate aim of creative education.

  5. 孕产期健康教育与产褥期妇女生命质量调查

    Investigation on prenatal health education and quality of life of puerperal women

  6. 农民工社会支持与生命质量典则相关分析

    Canonical correlation analysis on social support and quality of life among migrant workers in Guiyang

  7. 实施越冬疗养的煤工尘肺患者生命质量评价

    Quality of Life Assessment of Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis Patients Undergoing Overwintering Convalesce

  8. 不断超越与提升人的生命质量是人之生命永恒的追求。

    To surmount and promote peoples life quality constantly is peoples pursuit.

  9. 医务人员的生命质量和平均寿命低于普通人群

    The life quality and the average life expectancy of the the health care workers are both lower than that of the general population.

  10. 慢性乙型肝炎病人生命质量的调查研究及临床意义。

    A study on living quality of patients with chronic hepatitis B and its clinical significances.

  11. 肢体重复性劳损症还会影响你得生命得质量。

    RSI also affects your quality of life.

  12. 肢体重复性劳损症还会影响你的生命的质量。

    RSI also affects your quality of life.

  13. 人生有时候就是活一种心情, 心情质量也是生命的质量。

    Sometimes living life is mental state is, the quality feeling is also the quality of life.

  14. 公司注重技术投入, 视质量为生命。

    The company stresses the technology puts, the apparent mass is the life.

  15. 水利工程建设, 质量是生命, 管理是关键。

    Construction of water conservancy project, quality is life, management is crucial.

  16. 公司视用户为上帝, 诚信为根本, 质量为生命。

    Companies as customers for God, as the fundamental integrity the quality of life.

  17. 视产品质量如同生命, 这是我们一贯不变的初衷。

    Considering quality as own life is our unchangeable thought.

  18. 视产品质量如同生命,这是我们一贯不变得初衷。

    Considering quality as own life is our unchangeable thought.

  19. 视质量为生命,以优质高效求发展,高起点,严要求。

    Depending on the quality of life, quality efficient development, a high point and strict requirements.

  20. 公司宗旨关爱生命,呵护健康,质量为本,信誉至上。

    Company principle love life, health care, qualityoriented, the supremacy of credibility.

  21. 关爱健康,珍惜生命,是人类生活质量提高的永恒主题。

    Caring health and treasuring life is the everlasting subject of improving human life quality.

  22. 质量是企业的生命。

    Quality is vital to an enterprise.

  23. 公司奉行质量是企业的生命之原则。

    Our tenet Quality is the life of our company.

  24. 质量是霓虹珠片的生命和尊严。

    Quality is the heart's blood and the dignity of RAINBOW SEQUIN.

  25. 本报讯燃气具得产品质量关系着消费者得生命安全。

    A gas appliance products related to the quality of life and safety of consumers.

  26. 本报讯燃气具的产品质量关系着消费者的生命安全。

    A gas appliance products related to the quality of life and safety of consumers.

  27. 质量是成人高等教育的生命。

    Quality is the life of higher education for adults.

  28. 生命不用时间丈量,重要的是质量,而非时间短长。

    A life isn't measured in hours or minutes. It's the quality, not the length.

  29. 给定质量的物质所能容纳的生命数量有没有限度?

    Is there a limit to how much life a given quantity of matter can hold


