






  1. 犹大事。

    《逸周书·祭公》:“汝无以小谋败大作。” 孔晁 注:“大作,大事也。”

  2. 创办大事;大办。

    《易·益》:“初九,利用为大作,元吉,无咎。” 孔颖达 疏:“大作,谓兴作大事也。”《尚书大传》卷四:“ 周公 将作礼乐,优游三年不能作……将大作,恐天下莫我知也;将小作,恐不能扬父祖功业德泽。”

  3. 大兴土木。


  4. 大起。

    晋 嵇含 《南方草木状》卷上:“芒茅枯时,瘴疫大作。” 宋 苏轼 《再论积欠六事四事札子》:“臣访闻 浙西 饥疫大作, 苏 、 湖 、 秀 三州人死过半。”

  5. 显著表现。

    唐 韩愈 《与鄂州柳中丞书》:“此由天资忠孝,鬱於中而大作於外。”

  6. 称人作品的敬词。

    《儒林外史》第二二回:“小弟 董瑛 在京师会试,於 冯琢庵 年兄处得读大作。” 毛泽东 《给陈毅同志谈诗的一封信》:“你的大作,大气磅礴。”



  1. A few years later, I read Helen's book and wrote her about how much I liked it. She was famous now in New York.


  2. At the bottom of her heart she despised the other people, who carped and were loud over trifles.


  3. Isn't it sort of silly to ask God to relieve our trivial aches and pains?


  4. I'd be sitting there trying to record a podcast episode and if it wasn't the phone ringing or the doorbell, it was the clocks gonging away.


  5. Whenever the wind masterpiece, it is always the kind of indomitable spirit of its own against the wind abhorrent.


  6. I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the wind became too strong.


  7. It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank.


  8. You're not hurt badly, Tom. Stop trying to make mountain out of a molehill with crying.


  9. His head fell forward and he began to snore.


  1. 铃声大作。

    Bells were pealing.

  2. 狂风大作。

    The wind blew fierce.

  3. 小题大作的借口

    a hair to make a tether of

  4. 小题大作不相宜。

    Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.

  5. 这绝对是大作

    This is a strong piece.

  6. 小题大作,没有用处。

    Mickle ado, and little help.

  7. 把某事小题大作

    make a big deal out of sth.

  8. 鞭炮声大作。

    There was a sudden loud noise of firecrackers.

  9. 外面狂风大作。

    There was a sharp wind outside.

  10. 号角长鸣, 警铃大作

    By the long horns blowing and the warning bells rising

  11. 近处鼓声大作。

    Drums are banging somewhere.

  12. 华娱顶级枪战大作!

    China Entertainment top gunfight masterpiece!

  13. 破晓时枪声大作。

    Rifle fire broke out at dawn

  14. 华娱顶级枪战大作!

    China Entertainment top gunfight masterpiece!

  15. 言过其实。夸大困难。小题大作

    make a mountain out of a molehill

  16. 狂风大作,时速达164英里。

    The wind gusted up to 164 miles an hour.

  17. 报纸对丑闻大作文章。

    Merriam Webster The newspaper had a field day with the scandal.

  18. 门铃蜂鸣声大作。

    The doorbell buzzed loudly.

  19. 山上暴风雨大作。

    A storm blew up over the mountains.

  20. 钟声大作,昭告胜利。

    The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.

  21. 你回去雕琢你的大作吧

    Go take care of your masterpiece.

  22. 你回去雕琢你的大作吧。

    Go take care of your masterpiece.

  23. 雪地大作战小游戏

    Black World War foreign stars Games

  24. 想象力丰富的大作家

    a great imagination writer

  25. 船得四周风雨大作。

    The elements were howling around the ship.

  26. 船的四周风雨大作。

    The elements were howling around the ship.

  27. 拯救大作战没有输赢。


  28. 大惊小怪, 小题大作, 无事自扰

    much ado about nothing

  29. 哀乐大作,他已经准备停当。

    When the chanting began, he was ready.

  30. 狂风大作,海面上波浪起伏。

    A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy.


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    答:大作的读音是dàzuò,大作翻译成英文是 masterpiece

  2. 问:大作广告拼音怎么拼?大作广告的读音是什么?大作广告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大作广告的读音是,大作广告翻译成英文是 blurb

  3. 问:大作投机拼音怎么拼?大作投机的读音是什么?大作投机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大作投机的读音是dà zuò tóu jī,大作投机翻译成英文是 plunge

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    答:大作曲家的读音是,大作曲家翻译成英文是 maestro