







汉语拼音:hòu jì








  1. 文体名。也称跋、书后。由作者或他人撰写,刊印在书刊的正文后面。

    巴金 《探索集·灌输和宣传》:“我的唯一办法就是在自己的作品书前写序,写小引,写前记;书后写后记,写附记,写跋。” 孙犁 《关于编辑和投稿》:“应该学学他在每期刊物后面写的‘后记’。”



  1. Postscript: Commercial Pedestrian Street was the symbol of city visualize, just like the business card of a city.


  2. "Every woman in the front row was a child sitting next to a fat old man, " one insider laughed afterwords.


  3. Now, in a delightful epilogue, he has a new set of pictures of some of the same people reenacting the moment captured all those years ago.


  4. Sheng writes in an afterword to a new edition of her novel, published this year.


  5. Postscript: hibiscus flowers open evening falls, but each time the die is to the next more flowers open.


  6. I can tell by the look on your face that I'm going to have to write an afterword to the paperback.


  7. Afterword, if two people love each other more adherence, more do not break up courage, would be less regret, less tragedy.


  8. Postscript fount: A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer OR image-setter.


  9. Part 3 is the end of my dissertation. Conclusion, reference books and articles, postscript are the main content.


  1. 写好教学后记

    To make good teaching postscript.

  2. 朗诵序言和后记

    recites the prologue and epilogue

  3. 改善后记打印输出。

    Improved Postscript print output.

  4. 学会写教学后记吧!

    Learn to write teaching Postscript bar!

  5. 如何写好物理教学后记

    How to Write the Afterword about Physics Teaching Well

  6. 教学反思的一种形式教学后记

    Teaching postscripta kind of teaching introspect

  7. 教学后记的作用及其撰写方法

    The Function of Teaching Postscript and It's Writing Method

  8. 论文分引言, 主体, 后记三个部分。

    The paper is composed of introductory, body and postscript.

  9. 坚持写好教学后记的几点体会

    Learn from persist in writing teaching postscript

  10. 提高撰写教学后记的自觉性和艺术性

    Improving Consciousness and Art in the Writing of Teaching Postscript

  11. 全文分前言, 正文, 结束语, 后记四部分。

    It consists of four parts a preface, a text, concluding remarks and a postscript.

  12. 全文除前言, 后记外, 由五章组成。

    The whole dissertation is composed of five chapters except preface and postscript.

  13. 本篇关于流和副作用的后记。

    There's a postscript to this solution regarding streams and side effects.

  14. 本篇关于流和副作用得后记。

    There's a postscript to this solution regarding streams and side effects.

  15. 养心殿造办处史料辑览后记

    Postscript to Collection of Historical Documents of the Palace Workshops of the Hall of Mental Cultivation

  16. 尾章, 结束语, 后记, 跋最后的一张或一段

    A final chapter or phase.

  17. 后记一个完美的分号, 开始又一段新的征程。

    Postscript, a perfect semicolon, to start a new journey.

  18. 本文还对如何记教学后记做了一些探索。

    The paper explores on how to make teaching postscript.

  19. 论文共分目录,正文,后记,参考文献四大部分。

    The paper is divided into four parts content, body part, acknowledgements and bibliography.

  20. 楚雄旧志全书校注后记五则

    Five pieces postscript on collation and annotation of Ancient Local Chronicles of Chuxiong Prefecture

  21. 对于搜神后记,人们首先争议的是作者问题。

    For the sou shen hou ji, people first dispute is the author problem.

  22. 诺顿还有他的 投弹瞄准器的故事 还有个后记

    There's a postscript to the Norden story of Carl Norden and his fabulous bombsight.

  23. 本篇论文除引言和后记外,正文分为五章。

    The paper has five chapters except foreword and postscript.

  24. 后记青春当如抗倍特板, 千磨万砺, 毫发无损。

    Postscript Youth should be like Compact Grade Laminate, wearresistant.

  25. 每一篇选择性的修改都需附上一篇新的后记。

    For each Optional Revision that you include, attach new Postwrite.

  26. 小说的后记部分淡化了捕鲸船悲惨毁灭的一幕。

    The novels epilogue tempers the tragic destruction of the ship.

  27. 全文除引言 结束语和后记外,共分为五个部分。

    The thesis contains five parts besides preface, summarize and postscript.

  28. 后记中主要对互联网未来发展作简要介绍和展望。

    In the postscript, it introduces the future of theInternet and gives the bright perspective.

  29. 后记略谈自己论文写作和三年来学习的感受。

    The postscript talks about in brief my feeling about writing this paper and three years of study.

  30. 后记,总结全文,指出新课程实施还有很大的空间。

    Postscript sums up the whole thesis and points out the great gap in new curriculum implement.


  1. 问:后记拼音怎么拼?后记的读音是什么?后记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后记的读音是hòujì,后记翻译成英文是 postscript


