




讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián yán









  1. 前人的言论。

    《国语·晋语四》:“夫必追择前言,求善以终。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《声无哀乐论》:“今若復谓之诬罔,则前言往记,皆为弃物,无用之地。” 宋 俞文豹 《吹剑四录》:“始余作此编,盖即前言往事,辨证发明,以庽劝戒之意。” 清 龚自珍 《己亥杂诗》之三○二:“多识前言畜其德,莫抛心力贸才名。”

  2. 以前说过的话。

    《论语·阳货》:“ 偃 之言是也,前言戏之耳。” 唐 刘禹锡 《乐天示过敦诗旧宅有感一篇吟之泫然追想昔事因成继和以寄苦怀》:“忽忆前言更惆悵,丁寧相约速悬车。” 所云平 史超 《东进东进》第七场:“ 陈将军 ,听说省 韩 终于撕下伪装,背弃前言,出动大军向 黄桥 进攻了?”

  3. 文体名。刊印在图书正文前面,用以说明写作目的、经过和资料来源等或对图书内容加以评介。

    曹靖华 《采得百花酿蜜后》:“总之,这些前言、后记,可以说是交给读者的一把开门入室的钥匙吧。”



  1. The key point of treating warm diseases is expelling pathogen, and of the total letting-out-therapy is particularly important.


  2. In recent years, the phenomenon that the intellectual died of being tired is often seen in medium, resulting in huge social effect.


  3. She said that no o ne could beat her at tennis, but she had to eat her words after losing several games.


  4. Not always, however: Andrew Breitbart did not hide when he "broke" the Shirley Sherrod story, as described in the Introduction.


  5. Presently the matter "indoor air quality" (IAQ) has been serious. Something conflicting about this occurs.


  6. With the above point in mind, it is a particular pleasure for me to be asked to contribute a foreword to this book.


  7. As the surface hardness of low carbon steel billet is rather low, when billet is blasted, pit defects will occur on its surface.


  8. The method of "Mechanical sweeping lines" can be used for improving the surface quality of aluminium profiles.


  9. "I knew what I was doing that day, " he wrote in the introduction of his best-selling book, also titled The Last Lecture.


  1. 前言在书本的开端。

    The front matter is at the beginning of the book.

  2. 第一部分,前言和导言

    Part one, Foreword and introduction

  3. 他不得不取消前言。

    He had to swallow his words.

  4. 这前言本身就是完整的。

    The preface is complete in itself.

  5. 仔细阅读调查表的前言。

    Read the introductory paragraph at the top of the questionnaire. b.

  6. 本文包括前言、主文和结论。

    The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

  7. 她收回前言并道了歉。

    She withdrew her previous remarks, and apologized.

  8. 本文包括前言,正文和结论。

    This dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

  9. 有精彩前言和注释的书

    a book with an excellent introduction and notes

  10. 那本书有序文,没有前言。

    That book has a preface, not a foreword.

  11. 这本书的前言极其简短。

    The introduction to the book is extremely brief.

  12. 全文由前言, 正文, 结束语构成。

    The article includes the foreword, the text and the conclusion.

  13. 詹姆斯小说的前言总是重要的。

    Jame's prefaces are always important.

  14. 论文包括前言和四章正文。

    This paper consists of foreword and four chapters.

  15. 除前言外,本文共有四章。

    Besides a preface, this dissertation includes four chapters in total.

  16. 前言说明如何使用这本词典。

    The preface explains how to use the dictionary.

  17. 前言卡尔顿。科尔已经走了。

    The givens Carlton Cole has gone.

  18. 她为一本食谱写了前言。

    She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.

  19. 前言总是放在书的前部。

    The introduction is always in the front of the book.

  20. 我知道自己前言不搭后语。

    I know that I am getting my words muddled up.

  21. 前言中有对书的简单介绍。

    There was a brief introduction of the book in the preface.

  22. 我已读过这本书的前言。

    I have read this preface of book.

  23. 这是欧文斯通写的前言。

    This is Owens links wrote the foreword.

  24. 论文由前言和五章正文组成。

    This thesis is composed of a preface and five chapters.

  25. 本论文包括前言和正文二章。

    This thesis includes a preface and two chapters preface.

  26. 本论文包括前言和正文五章。

    This thesis consists of preface and five chapters of the text.

  27. 论文包括前言和正文两大部分。

    This paper includes the foreword and main text.

  28. 这本书的前言长达6页。

    The foreword of the book runs for six pages.

  29. 这本书得前言长达6页。

    The foreword of the book runs for six pages.

  30. 前言部分说明各章的编排情况。

    The introduction explains how the chapters are organized.


  1. 问:前言拼音怎么拼?前言的读音是什么?前言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前言的读音是qiányán,前言翻译成英文是 foreword

  2. 问:前言的拼音怎么拼?前言的的读音是什么?前言的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前言的的读音是,前言的翻译成英文是 introductive

  3. 问:前言取消拼音怎么拼?前言取消的读音是什么?前言取消翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前言取消的读音是,前言取消翻译成英文是 retractation

  4. 问:前言语行为拼音怎么拼?前言语行为的读音是什么?前言语行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前言语行为的读音是qián yán yǔ xíng wéi,前言语行为翻译成英文是 prelinguistic behavior


