




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:máo tóu







  1. 矛的尖端。常用以喻攻击时所指的方向。如:他在写作中常把讽刺的矛头对准那些坏人坏事。



  1. Specific questions about egg substitutes should be directed to the manufacturer or to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


  2. Yesterday the British government turned on the company, issuing an unexpectedly damning assessment of its behaviour.


  3. At the press conference, Rogge said the IOC would not probe the controversy over the age of Chinese gymnast He Kexin.


  4. Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gillian.


  5. The Supremes turned a stake aimed at the heart of the regulatory monster into a blunt matchstick.


  6. Point the finger at the predatory nature of men (and aggressive women) who "want only one thing" .


  7. I ain't pointing' fingers, heaven knows there never been a saint.


  8. " Jackson mused, laughing, referring to the government bailout of the banking giant. " He might have to give Citibank a loan.


  9. On the surface, the announcement of a Google operating system seems to many like a shot at rival Microsoft, an attack at MS's core business.


  1. 将矛头指向麦克。

    Pointed toward Mike.

  2. 将矛头指向麦克。

    Pointed toward Mike.

  3. 但是别把矛头指向我

    but do not turn around and try.

  4. 懒惰能磨去才智的矛头。

    Sloth tarnishes the edge of wit.

  5. 这矛头引出了许多问题。

    This spearhead raises many questions.

  6. 我喜欢矛头跟野兽男孩。

    I like Spearhead and the Beastie Boys.

  7. 瞧,把矛头转移到别人身上。

    See? Shifting blame onto someone else.

  8. 这番话的矛头指向了北京。

    That message was aimed at Beijing.

  9. 这番话得矛头指向了北京。

    That message was aimed at Beijing.

  10. 英国的矛头主要是对埃及的吗

    Did Britain direct the spearhead chiefly at Egypt

  11. 拳头成为了突然袭击的长矛矛头。

    The fist functioned as the jabbing tip of the spear.

  12. 当然, 他指桑骂槐, 矛头是针对我的。

    Of course, his bluster was directed against me as well.

  13. 漫画家把讽刺的矛头指向官僚主义。

    The cartoonist directed his satire at the bureaucracy.

  14. 锋利的矛从天而降, 矛头直指孩子。

    Sharp spears that were headed for the children came down from the sky.

  15. 锋利得矛从天而降,矛头直指孩子。

    Sharp spears that were headed for the children came down from the sky.

  16. 克林顿把攻击矛头对准共和党。

    Clinton directed his fire at the republican party.

  17. 但有时会有黑马打破这种矛头形。

    But sometimes dark horses do break the shape.

  18. 他们把矛头直接对准了腐败的官吏。

    They take a big shot at those corrupted officials.

  19. 她把抨击的矛头对准了工会的领导人。

    The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.

  20. 两人都将漫骂的矛头指向布什先生。

    Both direct volleys of abuse at Mr Bush.

  21. 她觉得普林先生诽谤的矛头直接指向了她

    And she felt mr prynne's diatribe was directed at her.

  22. 雅典把矛头指向其最有才有德的人。

    Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen.

  23. 法医的证据将怀疑的矛头明确地指向了他。

    Forensic evidence points the finger of suspicion firmly at him.

  24. 国会中的反对派把矛头集中指向那项议案。

    The congressional opponents zeroed in on the bill.

  25. 擒贼先擒王,我们把主要矛头直接对准美国。

    They follow the leader, we mainly directed against the United States of america.

  26. 会上,大家把批评的矛头都指向了老赵。

    At the meeting, Lao Zhao was the target of everybody's criticism.

  27. 会上,大家把批评的矛头都指向了老赵。

    At the meeting, Lao Zhao was the target of everybody's criticism.

  28. 军方还将矛头指向了塞拉亚总统的党羽。

    The military also appeared to be moving against Mr. Zelaya's allies.

  29. 尖端, 矛头, 枪刺尖状物或锐利的尖端, 如矛的顶端

    A spike or sharp point, as on the tip of a spear.

  30. 但哨兵不允许,还拿尖利的矛头刺伤了他。

    But they would not, and pricked him with their spears.


  1. 问:矛头拼音怎么拼?矛头的读音是什么?矛头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:矛头的读音是máotóu,矛头翻译成英文是 target

  2. 问:矛头虫拼音怎么拼?矛头虫的读音是什么?矛头虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:矛头虫的读音是,矛头虫翻译成英文是 Lonchodomas




拼音:máo tóu 基本解释 [spearhead] 矛的尖端,比喻攻击的锋芒 有正义感的作家应该把攻击的矛头指向敌人 详细解释 矛的尖端。常用以喻攻击时所指的方向。如:他在写作中常把讽刺的矛头对准那些坏人坏事。