





外型 [wài xíng]
  1. 外在的形貌。 【造句】她的外型亮丽高&@@@@@e@@@@@_@@@@@_@@@@@gif;,十分引人注目。



  1. Yes girls need to keep up their appearance, but I don't feel they need to be so preoccupied with it.


  2. It has hard buttons and a square shape again (the last model nixed both in favor of a smaller design).


  3. Once, back in the time of the memories, everything had a shape and size, the way things still do, but they also had a quality called color.


  4. She isn't threatened by the dolls she knows I'm not going to run off with an 80lb piece of silicone shaped like a woman.


  5. Its profile is now vertical at the top as opposed to the bottom, with the bottom, not the top, sloping outwards.


  6. The iPad 2 is said to be twice the speed of its predecessor; it has cameras on the front and back and also features improved graphics.


  7. As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical attractiveness and intelligence may be due to one of two reasons.


  8. Small size, light weight, appearance consistent with the principles of ergonomics, easy to operate.


  9. CNN said, the taste of the eggs, which are scary, like the devil also strange raw eggs.


  1. 外型异构体

    exo isomer.

  2. 肝外型胆道闭锁

    extrahepatic biliary atresia

  3. 鞋楦的外型的改变。

    Shape of last used in manufacturing of footwear.

  4. 外型小巧玲珑, 方便携带。

    Dapper appearance easily taken.

  5. 此钟不仅外型巨大,

    It is not only of immense size

  6. 我不喜欢它的外型。

    I do not like its external appearance.

  7. 低外型有源薄型天线

    Low external model with active cell antenna

  8. 您能选购的外型如下。

    You can choose Form as below.

  9. 极外型腰椎间盘突出症。

    Lateral lumbar disc herniation.

  10. 新潮外型新不新潮,你说了算。

    New sculpt If you really observe it, we can believe in you liking it.

  11. 短抛物线外型, 六刀翼设计。

    Short parabolic profile. Six blades design.

  12. 短抛物线外型, 四刀翼设计。

    Short parabolic profile. Four blades design.

  13. 随后的绘略图确立了它的外型。

    Subsequent sketches built up the TIE's form.

  14. 随后得绘略图确立了它得外型。

    Subsequent sketches built up the TIE's form.

  15. 儿童肝外型门脉高压症的诊治

    Treatment of Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension in Children

  16. 那架飞行器的外型略微象一只鸟。

    The flying machine is shaped something like a bird.

  17. 他有人的外型,所以他仍旧会跟人交往。

    He still associates with other people because of his human figure.

  18. 外型设计款式多变, 引领潮流, 时尚美观。

    The patterns of the appearance design are changeable, leading the trend, fashionable and beautiful.

  19. 老爷车外型古董烟灰缸,可以把烟头放里头。

    For sale Antique ashtray shaped like a classic car. You can park your butts in it.

  20. 它使用按键按钮, 再次回归到正方形的外型。

    It has hard buttons and a square shape again.

  21. 此钟不仅外型巨大,而且走时也非常准确。

    It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurated as well.

  22. 卵生的。卵被包在角状的外型突起中。

    Feeds on shrimps and crabs. Oviparous. Eggs are encased in horny shells.

  23. 加入血精灵的一个原因很明显是外型。

    One reason for the Blood Elves choice was obviously looks.

  24. 以下哪种内衣的外型设计最让你喜欢?

    What kind of appearance design you like best for the underwear?

  25. 您可以选择探头直径和外型如下图所示。

    You can choose Pipe diameter and Form as below.

  26. 我很爱这些生物,我很喜欢牠们的外型和触感

    I love these creatures. I love the way they look, the way they feel.

  27. 对你来说,另一伴的外型有多重要

    Algo, lo bonito no se come aunque le da mejor sabor al asunto.

  28. 阳极导杆接触面的外型尺寸和表面质量。

    Outside dimension and quality of the contact surface for the anodes.

  29. 体积细小,设计简单,外型高贵,而且非常容易使用。

    Small, simple, elegant, and very easy to use.

  30. 外型不是最重要的 而是外形如何反射光线

    It's not about the shapes, it's how the shapes reflect light.


  1. 问:外型加成拼音怎么拼?外型加成的读音是什么?外型加成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外型加成的读音是wài xíng jiā chéng,外型加成翻译成英文是 exo addition

  2. 问:外型异构体拼音怎么拼?外型异构体的读音是什么?外型异构体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外型异构体的读音是wài xíng yì gòu tǐ,外型异构体翻译成英文是 exo isomer