









汉语拼音:xī yáng shēn






  1. 多年生草本植物。形似人参,但根状茎上的鳞片薄而早萎。原产于 北美洲 等地。我国引种栽培。根入药,性凉,味苦甘,有养阴、清火、生津等功能。



  1. The first merchant vessel to sail from New York to Canton in 1784 was on a tea-buying voyage, but the cargo it had to exchange was ginseng.

  2. Authentic american ginseng is exclusively distriButed-By Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation .

  3. Canada goldenrod was first described for science in 1753 by the great Swedish father of modern plant taxonomy Carl von Linne (Linnaeus).

  4. The product made of is ginseng. It is a health food and produced by new advanced techniques .

  5. The contents of the amino acids in Lijiang P. ginseng and P. quinquefolium have been determined and compared with those in Jilin's.

  6. abstract: Objective To establish an ICP-AES method for the determination of inorganic elements in Radix Ginseng.

  7. In American ginseng, autotoxin activity is high chemically in the stems, leaves, fibrous roots and hydrophobic root exudates.

  8. The invention provides a sports health product, consisting of active ingredients of ginseng extract and L-carnitine.

  9. In the past years, FAMILY GINSENG Farm and Shop has developed several popular ginseng products at a variety of price ranges.


  1. 西洋参胶囊

    American ginseng capsule.

  2. 西洋参提取物

    Panax quinquefolium extract.

  3. 人参和西洋参

    Panax Ginseng and American Ginseng

  4. 西洋参种子

    American ginseng seed.

  5. 西洋参果酒

    Panax quinguefolium L. wine.

  6. 西洋参总皂苷

    Total saponins of Panax quinquefolium L.

  7. 西洋参蜂王浆

    oral liquid of American ginseng and royal jelly.

  8. 西洋参多糖

    polysaccharides in Panax quinquefolium. L.

  9. 西洋参金钱龟合剂。

    Xiyangshen Jinqiangui Mixture.

  10. 西洋参的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Panax quinquefolium

  11. 西洋参鲜果汁

    Fresh juice of Panax quinquefolium L.

  12. 鲜西洋参精口服液

    fresh American ginseng essence oral liquid

  13. 西洋参真菌病害的生物防治

    Biological Control of American Ginseng with Fungus Disease

  14. 蜜炼鲜西洋参补液

    Nourishing liquor of Panax quinquefolium L. smelted by honey

  15. 姜块,马鞭草,西洋参,黑胡椒。

    Ginger root, verbena, ginseng, black pepper.

  16. 人参、西洋参的荧光光谱鉴别

    Identification of Radix Ginseng and Radix Panacis Quinquefolii and Its Forgery with Fluorescence Spectrum

  17. 西洋参非常贵重,有益身体健康。

    American ginseng is very precious, and is good for one's health.

  18. 西洋参施用菌肥效果的研究

    Study on Effect of Bacterium Fertilizer on American Ginseng

  19. 土壤添加剂对西洋参的生物效应

    Biological Effects of Supplements on Soil Properties and the Growth of Panax quinquefolium.

  20. 人参和西洋参的红外光谱鉴别

    IR Spectra Identification of Radix Ginseng and Radix Quinquefolii

  21. 林下栽培西洋参的试验研究

    Study on experiment of American ginseng culture under the forest land

  22. 西洋参总皂甙含量高于吉林人参。

    And that the total saponin content of panax quinquefolium was higher than that of panax ginseng.

  23. 西洋参悬浮细胞培养条件的研究

    A Study on the Optimum Conditions of Cell Suspension Culture of Panax Quinquefolium

  24. 西洋参和人参的可溶蛋白电泳鉴别

    The analyses of soluble protein in America ginseng and ginseng by PAGE

  25. 洗脱曲线对西洋参含量测定的影响

    Influence on Content Determination of American Ginseng by Elution Curve

  26. 在威斯康星州,是西洋参的资本。

    The state of Wisconsin is the capital of American ginseng.

  27. 人参, 西洋参及三七参指纹图谱鉴别。

    HPLC Fingerprints Identification of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.

  28. 初探西洋参须根皂甙提取的新方法

    Preliminary Study New Method of Extraction Panaquilon from P. Qumquefolius L. Fibrous Root

  29. 精选大枝西洋参,送礼自用两相宜。

    Carefully selected Big american ginseng is good Both as a present and for personal use.

  30. 我认为西洋参蜂皇浆很适合您。

    I think this American ginseng royal jelly is suitable for you.


  1. 问:西洋参拼音怎么拼?西洋参的读音是什么?西洋参翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西洋参的读音是xīyángshēn,西洋参翻译成英文是 perennial herb, similar to ginseng in form, the ro...

  2. 问:西洋参甙拼音怎么拼?西洋参甙的读音是什么?西洋参甙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西洋参甙的读音是,西洋参甙翻译成英文是 panaquilon



西洋参(学名:Panax quinquefolius)是五加科人参属多年生草木植物,别名花旗参、洋参、西洋人参、American ginseng,原产于加拿大的大魁北克与美国的威斯康辛州,现在中国北京怀柔与长白山等地也种植。其中加拿大产的叫西洋参、美国参产的叫花旗参。服用方法分为煮、炖、蒸食、切片含化、研成细粉冲服等。