






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:yǒu àn kě jī








  • 【解释】:案:案卷,文书;稽:查考。指有证据可查。
  • 【示例】:尊重中国行政和信封的完整,以及反对任何外国控制中国等等,这是~的。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;指事情的根据


  1. The health benefits of breastfeeding have been well documented, but can breastfeeding actually make your baby smarter?


  2. This is the first well documented case of infection by M. anisopliae in a mammalian host.


  1. 这是有案可稽得事实。

    It's a matter of record.

  2. 这是有案可稽的事实。

    It's a matter of record.

  3. 这在历史文档中是有案可稽的。

    It is documented in the historical archives.

  4. 这源代码的设计是简单,有案可稽的。

    This source code is designed to be as simple and well documented as possible.

  5. 有案可查的

    for the record.

  6. 有案可查的事项

    matter of record

  7. 有案可查的事件

    a matter of record

  8. 白纸黑字, 有案可查。

    The declarations are written down and recorded.

  9. 白纸黑字,有案可查。

    The declarations are written down and recorded.

  10. 我知道,我也有案底

    I know. And I had a record.

  11. 这是有案可查的。

    This is on the record.

  12. 但他们大多数都有案底

    Most of them have records.

  13. 因为你们的公司有案可查。

    You have a track record.

  14. 议案应当有案由、案据和方案。

    Bills and proposals submitted shall consist of subjects, grounds and schemes.

  15. 安理会这方面不足是有案可查的。

    The Council's shortcomings in those areas are a matter of record.

  16. 你向我们提出的申请书有案可查吗

    Do you have an application on file with us

  17. 你向他们提出的申请书有案可查吗?

    Do you have an application on file with them?

  18. 这是真的,和密克罗尼西亚都有案底

    West Virginia and I am not making this up Micronesia?

  19. 使用集束弹药造成的人道主义问题有案可查。

    The humanitarian problem caused by the use of cluster munitions has been well documented.

  20. 关于每个优胜者的材料,至今仍有案可查。

    A record of every winner still exists.

  21. 这次考试没有人不及格,这是有案可查的事实。

    It is a matter of record that nobody has ever failed this examination.

  22. 由实际发生的,有案可查的事件的参与者改编成剧本

    A dramatization by actors of actual recorded events.

  23. 全部的事情是一个有案可查的事项,我厌烦地说。

    The whole thing's a matter of record.

  24. 米切尔确信外星人存在的观点,之前也是有案可查的。

    Mitchell's belief in the existence of aliens is well documented.

  25. 你那位新邻居在警察局登记有案,你最好把门锁上。

    Your new neighbor is known to the police, so you'd better lock your door.

  26. 他是但丁给他写过家谱,在神曲里有案可查呀。

    Dante for a genealogist, and could reckon back to the Divine Comedy.

  27. 这在之前得极移之后有案可查, 地球一度一年360天。

    It is of record that after a previous pole shift, the Earth once had a360 day year.

  28. 这在之前的极移之后有案可查,地球一度一年360天。

    It is of record that after a previous pole shift, the Earth once had a360 day year.

  29. 为有案可查而作的说明应记录事后发出的例外的采购订单。

    Notes for the record should document exceptional purchase orders issued after the event.

  30. 亚历山大与那宗抢劫案有牵连。

    Alexander was implicated in the robbery.

