











汉语拼音:shì lì fàn wéi






  1. 势力所能达到、控制的区域。

    茅盾 《列那和吉地》:“这一带的狗们都划有势力范围,回家时 吉地 (狗名)要通过人家的防地,也颇不容易。” 叶君健 《火花》一:“在他的势力范围之内,他是不准有什么‘兴旺’的庄稼人存在的。”

  2. 特指帝国主义国家将其力量所能控制的某国领域的一部或全部,划为自己进行经济、政治侵略而不许他国势力侵入的特殊地区。

    吴玉章 《从甲午战争前后到辛亥革命前后的回忆》:“它们把 中国 划分为若干势力范围,各在其内以主人自居。”



  1. and prisons shifted firmly back to state control, at least where states existed, for the next two centuries.


  2. It has sought to become a more substantial player in a region where the United States traditionally holds far more sway.


  3. He said the old Cold War assumption that America and Russia can only exist as antagonists who compete for spheres of influence is wrong.


  4. If the girl was born in a more prominent family the poor lad would be evicted out of the family's sphere of influence.


  5. China cannot pretend to be in charge of a sphere of influence when a rogue neighbor behaves as North Korea is behaving.


  6. The planet and its neighbours are bathed in the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun.


  7. of the greatly aged, of almost anyone unfortunate enough to be sick in his realms of influence.


  8. And then, the America joined forces with a band of foreign expansion. It began to contest colony with other countries.


  9. In the week before the Olympic committee's decision, the New Yorker magazine ran a chilling account of a Rio drug lord and his fief.


  1. 划分势力范围

    carve out spheres of influence

  2. 争夺势力范围

    scramble for spheres of influence

  3. 他勾画了英国的势力范围。

    He outlined the limits of British power.

  4. 他的势力范围延伸至全球。

    His sphere of influence extended around the globe.

  5. 他的势力范围延伸至全球。

    His sphere of influence extended around the globe.

  6. 他的势力范围主要是金融界。

    His main sphere of influence is the world of banking.

  7. 冷战期间,西欧是美国的势力范围。

    During the Cold War, Western Europe was America's sphere of influence.

  8. 他们活在撒但魔鬼的势力范围里。

    They are living in Satan's domain.

  9. 你不会愿意我侵犯您的势力范围的。

    You dont want me to intrude on your territory.

  10. 你不会愿意我侵犯您的势力范围的。

    You don't want me to intrude on your territory.

  11. 从场域看,是村庄势力范围的界定。

    And from the field aspect, it is the limit to the village's sphere.

  12. 一些拉丁美洲国家沦为美国的势力范围。

    Some latin american state fall within the usa's sphere of influence.

  13. 关于势力范围的本章内容分为三部分。

    This section on sphere of influence is organized in three parts.

  14. 你已经扩展到他的势力范围里去了。

    You have burgeoned out into his sphere of influence

  15. 你不愿为争夺势力范围而交战, 对吗?

    You do not want to fight over the same turf, do you?

  16. 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界。

    He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking.

  17. 为了维护其势力范围,他还倡导易货贸易制度。

    He also initiated the barter system in order to defend his territory.

  18. 经济地增长极大地扩大了美国的势力范围。

    The economic boom has greatly expanded the us's sphere of influence.

  19. 莫斯科或许会抱怨西方的势力范围又扩张了。

    Moscow might complain that the western sphere of influence was again expanding.

  20. 科学家认为,微波炉工作,微波炉的高达67米的势力范围。

    Scientists believe that the work of the microwave oven, the microwaves sphere of influence of up to 67 meters.

  21. 雅尔塔体制的形成与苏联势力范围的确立

    The Establishment of the Yalta System and the Setting Up of the Soviet Sphere of Infuence

  22. 唐末至五代,舟曲境仍在吐蕃势力范围。

    To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.

  23. 江西是外面的势力范围早期中华文明在商代。

    Jiangxi was outside the sphere of influence of early Chinese civilization during the Shang Dynasty.

  24. 对势力范围的追求屡屡出现在西方大国的历史中。

    Spheres of Influence are common in the history of the western great powers.

  25. 此后特修斯统一并扩展了阿提卡的势力范围。

    Theseus went on to unite and extend the borders of Attica.

  26. 确实, 选择投票制会压倒性的夸大优胜党的势力范围。

    Indeed, in a landslide, AV can exaggerate the swing to the winning party.

  27. 由于东西方争夺势力范围,冷战进一步加剧了这种局面。

    The cold war further exacerbated the situation as the East battled the West for influence.

  28. 他们在各国都有分支机构,并且正试图扩大势力范围。

    They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach.

  29. 这起案件再次证明了俄罗斯安全部门可怕的势力范围。

    The case is one of several that illustrate the fearsome reach of Russias security services.

  30. 在政党的势力范围之外,军队的强势影响常常染指其中。

    Beside the dominion of the party, and frequently overlapping it, stands the powerful dominion of the army.


  1. 问:势力范围拼音怎么拼?势力范围的读音是什么?势力范围翻译成英文是什么?

    答:势力范围的读音是shìlìfànwéi,势力范围翻译成英文是 sphere of influence