



  • 【解释】:指自己做了坏事,自己受到损害或惩罚。
  • 【出自】:茅盾《〈呼兰河传〉序》:“除了因为愚昧保守而自食其果,这些人物的的生活原也悠然自得其乐。”
  • 【示例】:玩火者只会自食其果。


  1. 'I think it's right to say that that risk has backfired on us. I feel embarrassed about it, ' he said.


  2. A year from now he'll be paying the penalty in the mid-term elections, just as Clinton did.


  3. There is a deep-down attitude that if management wants something it must be bad so they will have to be made to pay for it.


  4. Being an ex-victim of this particular human, I had to admit that I was gleeful at her receiving a dosage of her own medicine.


  5. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.


  6. However, if these techniques are used to promote the sale of inferior-quality products , both manufactures and businesses will pay for that.


  7. Japan will reap as it has sowed, if it continues to act recklessly.


  8. Award a penalty kick: there is no such thing as 'ball to arm' in this situation: the player must take the consequences of his actions.


  9. God helps by facing man with the results of his actions and demanding that the balance should be restored.


  1. 自食其果。

    As you make you bed,you must lie on it.

  2. 真是自食其果!

    What a boomerang it is!

  3. 真是自食其果!

    What a boomerang it is!

  4. 自食其果。自作自受

    Lie in the bed one has made

  5. 此谓自食其果。

    This is called reaping what you have sown.

  6. 此谓自食其果。

    This is called reaping what you have sown.

  7. 让他自食其果吧。

    Let him stew in his own grease.

  8. 他疯了,自食其果。

    He was batty. He asked for it.

  9. 让他们自食其果吧。

    Leave them to stew in their own juice.

  10. 贪婪者常常自食其果。

    Greed often overreaches itself.

  11. 让他自食其果好了。

    Let him stew himself in his own juice.

  12. 他因贪婪而自食其果。

    He fell a victim to his own avarice.

  13. 他干坏事而自食其果。

    His evil doings reBounded upon himself.

  14. 自作自受。自食其果。受到报应

    Take a dose of the same medicine

  15. 他由于贪婪而自食其果。

    He fell victim to his own avarice.

  16. 那你就准备自食其果吧

    Then be prepared to suffer the consequences.

  17. 那你就准备自食其果吧。

    Then be prepared to suffer the consequences.

  18. 那你就准备自食其果吧。

    Then be prepared to suffer the consequences.

  19. 这次让他自食其果算了。

    Let's give him enough rope to hang this time.

  20. 迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。

    Dick fell a prey to his ambition.

  21. 他这样胡来一定会自食其果。

    He shall smart for his foolishness.

  22. 我意识到了我这是自食其果。

    I recognize I have brought this on myself.

  23. 他干的种种坏事使他自食其果。

    His ill doings redounded upon himself.

  24. 她的恶劣行为必将使她自食其果。

    Her evil ways will certainly catch up with her.

  25. 他的恶劣行为必须使他自食其果。

    His evil ways will certainly catch up with him.

  26. 他干了坏事, 免不了要自食其果。

    He could not avoid having to atone for what he had done.

  27. 你应遵守规则, 否则得自食其果。

    You should abide by the rules, or you have to abide by the results of your mistakes.

  28. 麦克佩斯因野心勃勃而自食其果。

    Macbeth fell a prey to his ambition.

  29. 说他自食其果,更是火上加油。

    It was eminently superfluous to him to be told that he was reaping the consequences.

  30. 他担心为这个愚蠢举动而自食其果。

    He feared that he would smart for this foolishness.


  1. 问:自食其果拼音怎么拼?自食其果的读音是什么?自食其果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自食其果的读音是zìshíqíguǒ,自食其果翻译成英文是 reap what one has sown

