






  1. 空间或位置靠后的部分。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《拟古》诗之四:“后面崔嵬者, 桓公 旧塚庐。” 宋 杨万里 《舟过桐庐》诗之三:“后面山无数,南面柳更多。”《三侠五义》第八回:“恶道把身使空,身往旁边一闪,后面 张龙 照腰就是一脚。”

  2. 背后,不当面。

    曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“他说没有办法。 金八 在后面操纵,没有一点法子。”

  3. 次序靠后的部分;文章或讲话中后于现在所叙述的部分。



  1. Approaching drivers cannot see that it is stationary until they are too close to it to he able to stop in time to prevent an accident .


  2. He leaned back, laced his hands behind his head, and directed his gaze out the window.


  3. Her gaze fell to the corner of the barn closest to her, and she watched for few moments, expecting him to appear from behind it.


  4. "Sort of the way you do me, " I said archly. I had carried the equipment up the slope from the hedges behind the lab shed.


  5. If you place this parameter at the top with a label of [_] it gets applied to all the graphs defined in the file. Here's an example.


  6. It was one of those intermissions which frequently occur in nocturnal combats, which are always followed by an increase of rage.


  7. I have to admit the bike was a bit of a struggle, especially in the hot sun, and I finished near last place (maybe 3-4 people behind me).


  8. Rather than hitting back with superior products, the company hid behind politicians who appeared to help it in the short term.


  9. The owner, Mr. Rader, always took me back to his factory to ask his workers if they wanted any magazines.


  1. 谷仓后面。

    Back behind the barn.

  2. 肩胛骨后面

    facies posterior scapulae.

  3. 在…的后面

    at the back (of)

  4. 她在后面。

    She's at the back.

  5. 她在后面。

    She's at the back.

  6. 后面的风景

    a backward view.

  7. 在烟囱后面

    abaft the funnel.

  8. 衣橱在后面

    The closet's back there.

  9. 愤怒,后面是?

    So anger, what next?

  10. 点火开关后面


  11. 跟在我后面。

    Stay behind me.

  12. 到后面来一点

    Go backwards.

  13. 落后拖在后面

    To lag behind.

  14. 就在眼球后面

    It's right behind his eyes.

  15. 在你后面,爸爸

    Right behind you. Dad.

  16. 秒后面的小数

    Number of fractions of a second

  17. 朝后面的镜子。

    a mirror facing backwards.

  18. 注意后面,魔狗!

    Watch your six, devil dog!

  19. 颞骨岩部后面

    facies posterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis

  20. 松鼠在树后面。

    The squirrel is behind the tree.

  21. 这个后面再谈。

    But I will come to that later on.

  22. 主厨在吗,在后面

    Is chef here? He's out back.

  23. 我们可以坐后面

    We can ride in back.

  24. 站到桌子后面。

    Stand behind the end of the table.

  25. 后面还有座位。

    There are vacant seats at the back.

  26. 有, 在旅馆后面。

    Yes, its in the rear of the hotel.

  27. 动词后面跟什么

    What comes after the verb

  28. 后面, 后边后边的部分

    A hind part.

  29. 有,在旅馆后面。

    Yes,its in the rear of the hotel.

  30. 潜伏在岩石后面

    to harbour behind the rocks


  1. 问:后面拼音怎么拼?后面的读音是什么?后面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面的读音是hòumian,后面翻译成英文是 back; later

  2. 问:后面板拼音怎么拼?后面板的读音是什么?后面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面板的读音是hòu miàn bǎn,后面板翻译成英文是 rear-panel

  3. 问:后面的拼音怎么拼?后面的的读音是什么?后面的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面的的读音是,后面的翻译成英文是 latter

  4. 问:后面抱举拼音怎么拼?后面抱举的读音是什么?后面抱举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面抱举的读音是hòu miàn bào jǔ,后面抱举翻译成英文是 rear body lock and lift

  5. 问:后面楼梯拼音怎么拼?后面楼梯的读音是什么?后面楼梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面楼梯的读音是,后面楼梯翻译成英文是 backstair

  6. 问:后面模式拼音怎么拼?后面模式的读音是什么?后面模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面模式的读音是hòu miàn mó shì,后面模式翻译成英文是 backplane module

  7. 问:后面燃烧拼音怎么拼?后面燃烧的读音是什么?后面燃烧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面燃烧的读音是hòu miàn rán shāo,后面燃烧翻译成英文是 rear wall firing

  8. 问:后面配线拼音怎么拼?后面配线的读音是什么?后面配线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面配线的读音是hòu miàn pèi xiàn,后面配线翻译成英文是 back plane wiring

  9. 问:后面光电效应拼音怎么拼?后面光电效应的读音是什么?后面光电效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后面光电效应的读音是hòu miàn guāng diàn xiào yìng,后面光电效应翻译成英文是 back wall photovoltaic effect