











汉语拼音:fàng sōng shēn xīn



  1. And the removal of the team together, and I Paiqian lonely, physically and mentally relaxed way is a woman and go to bed.


  2. Relax, enjoy the view and open air environment, perfect for a sunset cocktail or just a cappuccino .


  3. Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax. --Dianne Hales.


  4. Hidden in the natural mountain forest, is for you to relax, meet friends, family vacation only.


  5. Scientists from Oxford University suggest the women wanting to become pregnant to relax, and conduct such a test.


  6. These drinks might seem to be relaxing and to aid sleep.


  7. With a population of a little over one million people, it is both dynamic and relaxed.


  8. Blue light has seen to lower blood pressure by calming the nervous system hence relaxing the body and mind. Blue creates large airy spaces.


  9. Do Your Body And Mind The Power Of Good In The Well-Equipped Fitness Room And Sauna, Available To Guests At No Extra Charge.


  1. 摒弃所有杂念 放松身心。

    Just block everything out and let it go.

  2. 摒弃所有杂念 放松身心。

    Just block everything out and let it go.

  3. 听音乐是放松身心的好方法。

    Listening to music is a good way to relax.

  4. 家使我恢复精力、放松身心的港湾。

    My home is where I can get refreshed and relaxed.

  5. 不管你今天是放松身心,还是拼命苦干。

    Make this a day of relaxation, or of physical work.

  6. 培养一种能放松身心的爱好,比如编织。

    Take up a relaxing hobby, such as knitting.

  7. 丹恩他们喜欢在阳光下游泳,冲浪和放松身心。

    They like to swim, surf and relax in the sun.

  8. 浴室是女性缓解压力和烦恼,放松身心的好地方。

    The bathroom is the female alleviates the pressure and trouble, good place that loosens body and mind.

  9. 就为了今天,我要独处宁静的半个小时,放松身心。

    Just for today I will have a quiet half hours all by myself and relax.

  10. 它能带给我们新的体验,扩展我们的眼界,帮助我们放松身心。

    It introduces us to new experiences, broadens our minds and helps us relax.

  11. 举例来说, 皮克斯动画工作室鼓励员工通过玩耍放松身心。

    Pixar, for example, encourages its employees to loosen up and bodies through play.

  12. 身心放松, 忘情舞动

    You cant dance and stay uptight

  13. 我要换换思绪身心放松

    I need some distraction oh a beautiful release

  14. 桑拿,蒸汽浴,理疗按摩让您身心放松,恢复体力。

    Sauna, steam bath, massage and treatments enable you to relax and revitalize.

  15. 户外运动使我们身心放松同时也是一种健康的生活方式。

    Dirk Outdoor sports are the Relaxation of Mood and a healthy lifestyle.

  16. 彻心呼吸自然空气,彻体享受温泉呵护,彻底放松疲惫身心!

    Take a deep breath, the hot spring will give you a thorough mental fatigue relax!

  17. 这个假期,我想要放松自己的身心。

    During this holiday, I want to relax my mind and soul.

  18. 度假毫无疑问是一个让身心都放松的方式。

    Holidays are a firmly established way of allowing the mind and body to recuperate.

  19. 这里是气氛实在是太轻松了, 让我的身心完全放松。

    The atmosphere was just so soothing that made me totally relaxed.

  20. 这里是气氛实在是太轻松了, 让我得身心完全放松。

    The atmosphere was just so soothing that made me totally relaxed.

  21. 湿蒸让两个人身心完全放松,皮肤也变得吹弹欲破。

    Wet evaporate makes two individual body and mind complete loosen, the skin also becomes blow play be about to defeat.

  22. 放松能使我们身心健康, 带笑容易增进彼此友谊。

    Relaxation enhances and mental health, and a smiling face promotes friendship.

  23. 它散发的淡淡杏仁香味,让疲倦身心得到全新放松。

    With light almond fragrance, it can make your tired body and soul relaxed.

  24. 我们的身心在这里能得到无限的放松,休憩。

    Our bodies and hearts have a great relax and rest at here.

  25. 全身放松法对新兵集训期身心反应的影响

    Effects of Relaxation on Psychosomatic Reaction of Recruits to Military Training



沉浸于美妙音乐中 音乐使人放松是我们自我体会到的,但事实上,已有权威研究对此予以证实:聆听合适的音乐可以有效的减压并帮助人们相对迅速的恢复良好的身心状态。如果听音乐对你来说不足以使你兴奋,那么试着学习和演奏音乐吧。一项对奏乐和压力的关系的研究证明在办公室的角落里放把吉他并在午饭时间奏上一曲Stebie Ray Vaughn的Little Wing,人们的身心状态就会改善很多。

每天运动半小时 没错,就是运动。“但是,我每天已经没有空闲时间可以运动了”。简单说来,运动几乎可以算是人类众多活动的基础关键。


做个深呼吸 呼吸频率直接反映出压力等级,处于高度警惕、高度压力的状态时,人们的呼吸急促而浅。实际上,情况可能会更糟糕,此时人们也许会唤气过渡,甚至可能会导致昏迷。而处于平静放松的状态时,人们的呼吸缓慢而深,并且毫不吃力。
