











汉语拼音:shēng dòng xíng xiàng






生动形象 [shēng dòng xíng xiàng]
  1. 生动——描写的物体、人物等非常具体鲜明;形象——描写的物体、人物等非常相像。



  1. Streep's Mrs. Thatcher is eerily watchable and aurally exact (and she did not even use a voice coach).

  2. Her reputation, to a large extent, rests on her novels about Nebraska prairie and the description of immigrants in the American Southwest.

  3. and his assiduous research among those friends who shared life on the boat humanises the later Hemingway's image as a bullying old booby.

  4. Some translations are very vivid, while others make it difficult to understand.

  5. Poet described the lotus leaves, such as snare drum, like squeezing into a crowded endure endure even the sight of a very vivid.

  6. As one of special forms of language communication, comic sketches are plain, humorous, vivid and impressive in language.

  7. Now when Squealer described the scene so graphically , it seemed to the animals that they did remember it.

  8. On each face of the tower body of the remaining three floors, there is a Buddha statue engraved on it, all sitting there, very vivid.

  9. The image of a seated person almost fully hidden by clothing captures the cold and loneliness of winter.


  1. 是一个形象生动的人文景点。

    Is an image vivid humanities scenic spot.

  2. 艺术形象生动的感人, 意象雄奇瑰丽。

    It imparts to readers impressive artistic figure, conceived with imposing imagination.

  3. 构图饱满, 完整连贯, 形象生动, 粗犷洒脱。

    Full composition, coherent, vivid image, the rough free and easy.

  4. 初读时它给人的印象是形象生动。

    What strikes at a first reading is its vivid images.

  5. 南部剪纸图案形象生动,栩栩如生,广受好评。

    South of papercut patterns vivid, lifelike, wide acclaim.

  6. 一双眼睛,在鼻梁的两侧,的确很形象生动。

    An eye, in bridge of the nose's both sides, is indeed very vivid vividly.

  7. 形象生动,观看后会令你大开眼界,茅塞顿开。

    Vivid, after watching will make you feed one's sight on, become enlightened at once.

  8. 罗斯的故事写得不错,她的语言表达形象生动。

    Rose's stories weren't bad; she had a nice turn of phrase.

  9. 月相得晦朔是古代劳动人民最形象生动得日历。

    The changes in the size of the moon constituted the most vivid calendar for ancient workers.

  10. 月相的晦朔是古代劳动人民最形象生动的日历。

    The changes in the size of the moon constituted the most vivid calendar for ancient workers.

  11. 月相的晦朔是古代劳动人民最形象生动的日历。

    The changes in the size of the moon constituted the most vivid calendar for ancient workers.

  12. 他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,这是显而易见的。

    What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range.

  13. 要有概括性, 要生动形象, 忌冗长呆板。

    Have an allembracing, to the vivid, long wooden bogey.

  14. 多媒体教学,生动形象地展现抽象难记的知识。

    Displaying the complex contents in a lively way with multimedia teaching.

  15. 这是一幅多么生动形象的画啊!它告诉我们。

    What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that.

  16. 而冒险得聊天以及与朋友玩是这么得生动形象。

    Chat and adventure as well as playing with friends are so vivid image.

  17. 而冒险的聊天以及与朋友玩是这么的生动形象。

    Chat and adventure as well as playing with friends are so vivid image.

  18. 这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。

    The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.

  19. 从船头到船尾,这艘船呈现出一条龙乘风破浪生动形象。

    From stem to stern, the boat presents a vivid image of a dragon ploughing the waves.

  20. 把自己生动形象地描绘成失败者,仅此便可使胜利成为泡影。

    Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.

  21. 周杰伦的成名之旅。不正是这首诗最形象最生动的诠释吗?

    Jay famous trip. this poem is not the most vivid image interpretation

  22. 我们追求生动的形象及鲜明的色彩。

    We seek for lively image and vivid color.

  23. 为了生动,形象地描述它们,人们经常把它们隐喻化。

    To describe them vividly, people usually express them in terms.

  24. 一篇记叙文最终是靠一句句话组成的,因此,大家在语言表达上要注意准确、鲜明、生动、形象。

    Narration is composed of many sentences, so you should be accurate, vivid, lively and life-like in expression.

  25. 她正试图为自己创造一个更为生动活泼的形象。

    She is trying to create a racier image for herself.

  26. 形象在构图中非常生动, 吸引我们欣赏他们的活动。

    The forms are lively inside the frame and beckon us to enjoy their activity.

  27. 比喻派生义具有生动, 具体, 形象的特点。

    Liken and derive the characteristic with the vivid, concrete, image of justice.

  28. 以生动复杂的人物形象展示了对人类的深度解剖和分析。

    To the vivid complexity of the images show the depth of the human anatomy and analysis.

  29. 民族声乐形象具有具体可感性,典型性和生动丰富性。

    Images of national vocal music have the nature of easy conception, typicalness and vividness.

  30. 这本书生动地刻画了拥挤的世界中孤单的人类的形象。

    The book paints an image of the human being as alone in a crowded world.

