







汉语拼音:què zǒu







  1. 亦作“却走”。退避;退走。

    《韩非子·初见秦》:“白刃在前,斧鑕在后,而却走不能死也。” 汉 王充 《论衡·纪妖》:“ 田单 却走,再拜事之,竟以神下之言闻于 燕 军。” 唐 杜甫 《李鄠县丈人胡马行》:“迴鞭却走见天子,朝饮 汉水 暮 灵州 。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第六篇:“佛教既渐流播,经论日多,杂説亦日出,虽或悟无常而归依,然亦或怖无常而却走。”



  1. I thought I could very free and easy to leave. Actually have a sign feet are away.


  2. The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill near Linz.


  3. The poor girl tries to get the stove. but it goes to the kids around the Christmas tree.


  4. Now investment analysts are falling over one another to raise their profit forecasts and slap "buy" recommendations on the stocks.


  5. The clocks in the library need to be synchronized ; one is a minute and a half behind the other.


  6. The love awkward place lies in: When you love my time, I am loving others; When I fall in love with you finally, you actually walked.


  7. And I myself have reached the end of a dream.


  8. He knocked on the door. Pinocchio woke up, and tried to go to the door. He couldn't move because his wooden legs were burning!


  9. Darkness only light for a while, light is gone. Now more than ever the black darkness.


  1. 你却走进了我的!

    Of all the blog joints in all the nets in all the world, you walk into mine!

  2. 你却走进了我的!

    Of all the blog joints in all the nets in all the world, you walk into mine!

  3. 乌龟走得很慢但却走得很稳。

    The turtle walked slowly but surely.

  4. 他用言语追随,他们却走了。

    He pursueth them with words, yet they are wanting to him.

  5. 但她不停的要求,却走越远。

    But she kept pushing and pushing, further and further.

  6. 而我自己却走到了梦境的尽头。

    And I myself have reached the end of a dream.

  7. 冰河时代来的很慢,但却走的很快。

    Ice ages come in slowly, but go out with a bang.

  8. 我虽然花了几天功夫, 却走了几个地方。

    I have spent a few days, but walked only a few places.

  9. 但是我们的媒体却走得离全球化越来越远

    And our media is less global by the day.

  10. 但是令他吃惊的是,老虎并没有走向他却走开了。

    To his surprise, the tiger did not come at him, but went away.

  11. 以购物的方式, 一小时却走不完罗浮宫的一个角落。

    But you can never appreciate one corner of Louvre within one hour in respect of shopping.

  12. 你会吸引某人, 但是他却走的很快, 并不会逗留太久。

    You will attract someone however who wants to move fast but not necessarily stick around.

  13. 每壹步,都跟不上你,看距离越走却越远。

    Each step, could not follow you, see the farther the distance more walk but.

  14. 我们却能走上一整晚

    We are the ones who can go all night.

  15. 我很想不等你了,我却舍不得走。

    I also want to move on, but I cannt.

  16. 汤姆费了好大得劲才把它提起来, 可提着走却很吃力。

    Tom could lift it, after an awkward fashion, but could not carry it conveniently.

  17. 当他接近她时 她却又走远了。

    and gets in her personal space, and then she moves away.

  18. 她跑到火车站,但火车却开走了。

    She run to the station only to find that the train have left.

  19. 汤姆费了好大的劲才把它提起来,可提着走却很吃力。

    Tom could lift it,after an awkward fashion, but could not carry it conveniently.

  20. 我一人脱身容易,可若要带上他们一起走却难比登天。

    My one person gets away easily, can if want to take to climb them to walk together but difficult liken to ascend heaven.

  21. 现在他却要走到相反得阵营中去了。

    Now he was to march over to the opposite camp.

  22. 我明知道她很痛苦,但却转身走开了。

    I saw she was in pain and I just walked away.

  23. 我以为约翰不会来了,他却突然走了进来。

    I had already given John up, when suddenly he walked in.

  24. 我漫无目得得走走停停, 却始终走不出你得世界。

    I aimless by fits and starts, you can't walk out of the world.

  25. 我漫无目的的走走停停, 却始终走不出你的世界。

    I aimless by fits and starts, you can't walk out of the world.

  26. 雨仍在淅淅沥沥地下着, 我却忍不住走到室外。

    I am drawn outside while the rain still falls.

  27. 当我走进她时,她却转身走了,好象没看见我似的。

    She turned away when I came up to her, as if she hadnt seen me.

  28. 但对尹小星而言, 鸟无翅膀不能飞, 人无双腿却能走!

    But for Yin Xiaoxing, while birds cannot fly without wings, a person can walk even without legs!

  29. 摘要当今临床重方重剂满目皆是,而轻方轻剂却越走越远。

    The author finds out that the heavy diaphoretic prescription is very popular in clinic, while the light one is less and less applied.

  30. 我想要沐浴在这湿润的斜风细雨中,你却已经走远。

    I want to bathe in the humid Inclined drizzle, but you already long gone.