











汉语拼音:míng jì zài xīn








  1. Thanksgiving is a good feeling, remember, Thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.


  2. He should always remember that market quotations are there for his convenience, either to be taken advantage of or to be ignored.


  3. Then, remembering me in his loneliness, he will suddenly know of this testament, and I ask him then to inscribe it as a memorial to me.


  4. Why are the results of each test were "beaten black and blue" , it really is too terrible, it's horrible, the taste of it I remembered.


  5. Inculcate a year for you, I will bear in mind that your words and deeds will affect my life, I will always remember you.


  6. It is why we ask you to bear this in mind when the dark Ones are called to justice, and stand for their crimes against Humanity.


  7. And your families did their job -- supporting you and loving you and remembering you and being there for you.


  8. Oh, that this great truth might possess us: the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.


  9. Tomlinson also taught him a lesson in injustice that he talks about to this day.


  1. 将某事铭记在心

    to inscribe something on ones memory

  2. 你的爱。我铭记在心。

    Your love. I have borne in mind.

  3. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。

    Lei Fengs spirit should be remembered.

  4. 只是它将光铭记在心。

    It only has to do with the Light in the heart.

  5. 点滴关怀, 我们永远铭记在心。

    Your bits of caring are indelible in our hearts.

  6. 这事你一生应铭记在心。

    You should treasure it up in your memory in your whole life.

  7. 君父慈训, 一定铭记在心。

    I must remember by heart the teachings of my father and sovereign.

  8. 君父慈训,一定铭记在心。

    I must remember by heart the teachings of my father and sovereign.

  9. 我们友谊的记忆将铭记在心。

    The memory of our friendship will be enshrined in my heart.

  10. 你的要言我会铭记在心的。

    I will keep your succinct but practical words in mind.

  11. 你的要言我会铭记在心的。

    I will keep your succinct but practical words in mind.

  12. 这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。

    Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.

  13. 你是他们永远铭记在心的妈妈。

    You are the mother they remember.

  14. 从父的教诲自当铭记在心。

    The teachings given by his uncle should of course be engraved on his mind.

  15. 从父的教诲自当铭记在心。

    The teachings given by his uncle should of course be engraved on his mind.

  16. 母校,我永远会把你铭记在心!

    The alma mater, I forever can engrave on mind you!

  17. 我希望你把这些训诫铭记在心。

    I wish you to lay these admonitions to heart.

  18. 她对自己所负的责任铭记在心。

    She is mindful of her responsibilities.

  19. 他自小就把那只老鼠铭记在心。

    He remembered that rat from his boyhood.

  20. 这条教训所有企业都应铭记在心。

    This is the lesson underscoring all the others.

  21. 我们应将这样一个教训铭记在心。

    We should treasure up such a lesson in our memory.

  22. 老师的死让所有的学生都铭记在心。

    The death of their teacher graved all the students.

  23. 老师得死让所有得学生都铭记在心。

    The death of their teacher graved all the students.

  24. 老师的死让所有的学生都铭记在心。

    The death of their teacher graved all the students.

  25. 意大利立法者及其他人应铭记在心。

    Italian lawmakers and others should bear them in mind.

  26. 他话说得很慢,好让我铭记在心。

    He pronounced the words slowly so that they would sink into my mind.

  27. 如我的前辈一样,我将把它铭记在心。

    Like my distinguished forebear, I take this lesson to heart.

  28. 学校的训谕我们一直铭记在心,受益不浅。

    We have stored in our mind and learned a lot from the school instruction.

  29. 学校的训谕我们一直铭记在心,受益不浅。

    We have stored in our mind and learned a lot from the school instruction.

  30. 我们应当珍惜所拥有的这些温暖, 铭记在心。

    We should cherish what we have these warm, remember.


