




1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……



汉语拼音:xù lùn







  1. 言论。

    宋 陈亮 《与韩无咎尚书书》:“后生小子不获闻前辈绪论,皆以为天下安有定法,各出意见,自立尺度,惟平者可合律,奇者为出伦耳。” 明 李贽 《何心隐论》:“然余未尝亲覩其仪容,面听其绪论,而窥所学之详,而遽以为过,抑亦未可。”《明史·孙慎行传》:“幼习闻外祖 唐顺之 绪论,即嗜学。” 清 王晫 《今世说·文学》:“诸公子环坐,听其绪论。”

  2. 指学术论著的开头部分,一般说明全书的大旨和内容等。

    明 沉德符 《野获编·户部·西北水田》:“今上乙亥, 徐孺东 新入省垣,首申其説,盖即所著《潞水客谈》绪论也。” 瞿秋白 《海上述林·别林斯基的百年纪念》:“ 别林斯基 论 普希金 的许多文章的前面,还有一篇很长的关于历史的绪论,是说明从 狄尔若文 到 普希金 的 俄国 文学史的。”



  1. In the introduction of this paper, probing into the general situation and developing status of the sample making in the punch procreative .


  2. Introduction: Introduce origin of Guang Ya Shuang Zheng, the author as well as the main contents of this book.


  3. The introduction emphasized the thoroughly evolutionary nature of modern astrophysics.


  4. In the next place, the section of exordium shows its brief development history, study actuality and the thought of this paper.


  5. Chapter I: Introduction, covering the motivation for research , literature review and a brief explanation of the methodology.


  6. The article includes three parts of preface, body and further discussion and the body includes three chapters.


  7. In the first paragraph, I give you a simple introduction about our investigation about this topic.


  8. as such , we hope this book can be useful both to working programmers and to students of programming at a level just past the introductory.


  9. Beginning with a basic overview, it moves on to cover syntax, testing scripts, working with variables, and creating Web applications.


  1. 绪论课教学

    teaching of the introduction lesson.

  2. 物理实验绪论

    preface of physics experiment.

  3. 公司会计准则绪论

    An Introduction to Corporate Accounting Standards

  4. 一般说来,书都有绪论。

    Generally, a book has an introduction.

  5. 关于无机化学绪论的教学

    On the Teaching of Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry

  6. 本文的第一部分是文章的绪论部分。

    The first part of this paper is the introduction section.

  7. 绪论部分包括四个方面的内容。

    The prolegomenon mainly includes four aspects.

  8. 论哲学绪论部分的教学艺术

    Teaching Art of Philosophy Introduction

  9. 医学生物化学绪论课的设计

    Design for Introduction Class to Medical Biochemistry

  10. 本文分绪论和三个章节展开。

    This article includes a synopsis and three chapters.

  11. 绪论是一门课的开端,也是一门课的缩影。

    Introduction is the beginning and epitome of a subject.

  12. 本文除绪论外包含四个部分。

    This article contains four parts outside except the introduction.

  13. 本文共分为五部分第一部分绪论。

    On the whole, this thesis includes five parts. Part I Prologue.

  14. 论文第一章绪论部分是开头篇。

    Chapter One, the introduction part is the beginning piece.

  15. 医学类专业基础化学课的绪论课设计

    How to design the introduction lesson of Basic Chemistry in the medical speciality

  16. 本论文共分五章, 另加绪论。

    This thesis is divided into five chapters, in addition to introduction.

  17. 本文除绪论外共分为三部分。

    This article altogether into three parts besides the introduction.

  18. 全篇共分绪论与正文两个部分。

    It consists of two main parts, the introduction and the text.

  19. 本文共分绪论, 正文与结语三部分。

    The thesis comprises exordium straight matter and epilogue.

  20. 绪论明确了研究得必要性和研究意义,研究方法。

    The prolegomenon part shows the need of research, research significance and research methods.

  21. 绪论明确了研究的必要性和研究意义、研究方法。

    The prolegomenon part shows the need of research, research significance and research methods.

  22. 本论文由绪论,正文,结语三部分组成。

    This thesis is composed of exordium, text and epilogue.

  23. 第一章和第二章是本研究的绪论部分。

    First chapter and the second chapter is the introduction of the paper.

  24. 正文包括绪论 四个章节及结论三大部分。

    The body part consists of exordium, four chapters and conclusion.

  25. 绪论部分阐述了本文研究缘起、意义和方法。

    The introduction part elaborated the origin, the significance and the method of the study.

  26. 绪论部分探讨崇高的文化可通约性问题。

    The introduction part inquiries into the commensuration on sublime.

  27. 除绪论外,本论文主要由六部分组成。

    In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into six main parts.

  28. 有机化学绪论课的重要性及教学实践

    The Importance of Introduction of Organic Chemistry and its Teaching Practice

  29. 本论文除绪论和结语外共分四章。

    In this paper, in addition to introduction and conclusion outside is divided into four chapters.

  30. 论文主体分为五章,另有绪论、结语相佐。

    The subject of the thesis is divided into five chapters, having introduction and conclusion to assist.


  1. 问:绪论拼音怎么拼?绪论的读音是什么?绪论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绪论的读音是xùlùn,绪论翻译成英文是 preface

  2. 问:绪论的拼音怎么拼?绪论的的读音是什么?绪论的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绪论的的读音是,绪论的翻译成英文是 exordial



绪论,一般在学术著作开篇,概括作品内容、研学要点及方法的部分。 任何文章总要有一个开头,学位论文的开头通常要求有一篇绪章(叫序、序言、前言、绪论、绪章等等均可),这篇绪章的任务是交代自己的选题、论文的主攻方向、文献检索过程和情况(即前人这方面已经做了些什么)、自己的论文在哪些方面有所创新(或有所整理)、使用的研究方法、论文大致的结构,以及其他需要说明的关于论文的问题。但是不少论文的绪章,写什么的都有,或是感谢之类,或者是发表感想,像散文而不是论文。对绪章提出一定的规范要求,就是逼着作者必须考虑自己是否做了文献检索,论文是否提出了新观点。 在规范的学位论文中,此部分不可或缺。在一般情况下,“绪论”的内容至少应该包括选题的价值与意义、文献评论、此文的思路、资料和方法、各章节的主要内容及逻辑安排等,以此彰显此项研究与已有成果之差异,强调此项研究在资料、方法上的独特性,以及全文写作的基本思路,以便读者更好地把握全文,并激起阅读的兴趣。