







汉语拼音:liú lèi








  1. For his part, his eyes began again to cloud with tears; he saw that I noticed them and he turned his glance away from me.

  2. Be it a murder mystery, suspense thriller, romance or comedy, they always make me panic, laugh or cry.

  3. When a man is living with, always is to think of the end of life, as it is rather bleeding without tears.

  4. This is not the expected end, just as the TV presenter Caoyin said, she did't know why she was tearing, maybe she felt regret to the result.

  5. I wasn't prepared for the fact that the sheer weight of my love for her would reduce me to tears on a daily basis.

  6. I said to myself: little sister did not cry, but my mother burst into tears, the pain is definitely ah!

  7. When you think you have nothing, you still have time at least, time can heal all wounds, so please do not cry.

  8. That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

  9. A few of the thousands of performers wept (as had a couple of female paratroopers as they passed the balcony during the earlier parade).


  1. 她流泪了。

    There was water in her eyes.

  2. 我也流泪了

    I was in tears.

  3. 我感动得流泪。

    I was moved to tears.

  4. 她感动得流泪。

    She dissolved in tears.

  5. 感动得不禁流泪

    to dissolve in tears

  6. 使某人伤心流泪

    to reduce somebody to tears

  7. 可是,你可以流泪。

    But you could be in tears.

  8. 娟娟边回忆边流泪。

    Recalls and beautiful while bursts into tears.

  9. 您在替谁流泪?

    For whom do you mourn?

  10. 今日垂涎,明日流泪。

    Todays slaver will drain into tomorrows tear.

  11. 雨心碎风流泪。

    Heart of rain is broken.Tear of wind is wept.

  12. 我是高兴的流泪。

    I was shedding tears of joy.

  13. 都会让你伤心流泪

    That will tear at you

  14. 成功得流汗,得流泪。

    It may take sone sweat and tears.

  15. 她因为失败而流泪。

    She wept for her failure.

  16. 他们因喜悦而流泪。

    They wept tears of happiness.

  17. 噩耗使她不禁流泪。

    The sad news brought tears to her eyes.

  18. 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪。

    Onions make your eyes water.

  19. 挥手告别流泪的家属

    Waving goodbye, as I left them in tears

  20. 请不要为我流泪。

    Don't shed any tears for me.

  21. 枯萎与流泪,衰老与绝望

    Faded and torn, old and forlorn

  22. 使人流泪的情节剧

    a tearful melodrama.

  23. 将流泪的面颊紧贴

    Bosom for a teary cheek

  24. 秋天外出了,冬天流泪了。

    Autumn has outed. Winter has teared.

  25. 他被感动得流泪了。

    He was moved to tears.

  26. 烟熏得她眼睛流泪。

    The smoke made her eyes water.

  27. 我切洋葱时会流泪。

    I tear up if I have to cut onions.

  28. 我切洋葱时会流泪。

    I tear up if I have to cut onions.

  29. 以是事故我今流泪。

    Today I weep because of this reason.

  30. 恶耗使她不禁流泪。

    The sad news brought tears to her eyes.


  1. 问:流泪拼音怎么拼?流泪的读音是什么?流泪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流泪的读音是liúlèi,流泪翻译成英文是 To shed tears; water

  2. 问:流泪的拼音怎么拼?流泪的的读音是什么?流泪的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流泪的的读音是,流泪的翻译成英文是 lacrimal

  3. 问:流泪证拼音怎么拼?流泪证的读音是什么?流泪证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流泪证的读音是,流泪证翻译成英文是 dacryorrhea



流泪(lachrymation, dacryorrhea, tearing,epiphora), 眼科症状。主要与3种原因相关。第一种是角膜、虹膜、睫状体等组织病变或烟尘和化学物品等因素刺激所引起的泪液分泌过多。第二种是由于泪道系统阻塞,正常分泌的泪液不能顺利排入鼻腔,以致反流溢出。第三种是由于下睑外翻,泪小点不能紧靠在泪阜上,泪液不能由泪小管进入鼻腔,因而外溢。