







汉语拼音:kū qì








  1. 哭和泣。后泛指哭。

    《礼记·檀弓上》:“哭泣之哀,齐斩之情,饘粥之食,自天子达。” 孔颖达 疏:“哭泣之哀,谓有声之哭,无声之泣,并为哀。” 唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“王生十年而失先王,哭泣哀悲,弔客不忍闻。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·王文雄》:“贼遂猖獗,挺入 陕 境,至 盩厔 , 秦 惟闭城独守,日夕哭泣,目皆肿。” 丁玲 《团聚》:“她伏在床上嗖嗖的哭泣。”



  1. but, in the sound of weeping parents to save their "precious darling" , and that voice is so distraught, even though, only to see the lips!

  2. It was a dark little tale about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he wept into the cup, his tears turned into pearls.

  3. Natasha did not change her position, only her whole body began to writhe with noiseless , convulsive sobs, which choked her.

  4. He said 'No. I broke down and I wept and I morned and I fasted. Then I began to pray night and day. '

  5. When you are angry with me and far away from me, I just wanna cry in my lonely heart. But you know , the light is always around us.

  6. Climbing over the walls and dropping down into the courtyard, they discovered an old woman sitting on her doorstep weeping bitterly.

  7. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) . . . you must . . . do me this honor.

  8. The pain was terrible, but there didn't seem to be any reason in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.

  9. Eyes downcast and lips pouted, she looked as if the next shot would have shown her crying.


  1. 幽咽的哭泣

    low sobs whimpers.

  2. 流星在哭泣

    The meteor may be cry.

  3. 她开始哭泣。

    She began crying.

  4. 哭泣的骆驼

    The Story of The Weeping.

  5. 她暗暗哭泣。

    She wept in secret.

  6. 她只有哭泣。

    She could do nothing but cry.

  7. 心开始哭泣。

    The heart starts weeping over.

  8. 一阵哭泣傻笑

    a cryinggiggling jag

  9. 她尖叫,她哭泣。

    She screamed. She cried.

  10. 哭泣,骂老天爷

    You cry, you yell at God.

  11. 他掩面哭泣。

    He covered his face with his hands and started to cry.

  12. 他掩面哭泣。

    He covered his face with his hands and started to cry.

  13. 别为我哭泣。

    Don't weep about me.

  14. 海妖的哭泣

    The Weeping of the Sirens.

  15. 哭泣的雪岭

    The Snow Mountain Is Crying.

  16. 在哭泣中度过

    weep away

  17. 我抱头哭泣。

    I hung my head and cried.

  18. 我因软弱哭泣

    I weep for the weak.

  19. 我妈整日哭泣

    my mom always crying.

  20. 然后醒来哭泣。

    Then wake to weep.

  21. 痛苦也不哭泣。

    No cry while paining.

  22. 她哭泣着央求。

    She asked with a sob.

  23. 哭泣的人, 悲叹的人

    One that weeps.

  24. 一口一口心底哭泣。

    As I eat one mouth by one mouth, I cry from the bottom of the heart.

  25. 他会彻夜哭泣。

    He would spend his time weeping.

  26. 悲痛欲绝地哭泣

    to weep inconsolably

  27. 他可以随意哭泣。

    He can cry at will.

  28. 那婴儿正在哭泣。

    The baby is in tears.

  29. 不要叹息,不要哭泣!

    Do not sigh, do not weep!

  30. 伤心欲绝地哭泣。

    And she wept most bitterly.


  1. 问:哭泣拼音怎么拼?哭泣的读音是什么?哭泣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哭泣的读音是kūqì,哭泣翻译成英文是 weep

  2. 问:哭泣者拼音怎么拼?哭泣者的读音是什么?哭泣者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哭泣者的读音是,哭泣者翻译成英文是 crier

  3. 问:哭泣杀神拼音怎么拼?哭泣杀神的读音是什么?哭泣杀神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哭泣杀神的读音是,哭泣杀神翻译成英文是 Crying Freeman

  4. 问:哭泣的人拼音怎么拼?哭泣的人的读音是什么?哭泣的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哭泣的人的读音是,哭泣的人翻译成英文是 weeper

  5. 问:哭泣的女人拼音怎么拼?哭泣的女人的读音是什么?哭泣的女人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哭泣的女人的读音是,哭泣的女人翻译成英文是 The Weeping Woman