








大笑 [dà xiào]
  1. 放开胸怀,痛快的笑。


大笑 [dà xiào]
  1. 大声或痛快的笑。




  1. But when he turned around, Kathleen was already off laughing with one of her aunts.

  2. He joined his hands and began a prayer, which excited my laughter from its odd phraseology.

  3. I guess did not know what I toot What do you mean, just think a lot of fun pointing to her, she laughed, I have to grab the baton.

  4. Then she thought how startled Ashley would be if she did this, and she suddenly laughed, laughed until tears came to her eyes.

  5. With a laugh, he added that shareholders of Softbank might have more tolerance for risk than Yahoo's shareholders.

  6. "For a red rose? " they cried; "how very ridiculous! " and the little Lizard, who was something of a cynic, laughed outright.

  7. To laugh with her. To want her to be a part of their life.

  8. She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides.

  9. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh.


  1. 捧腹大笑。

    To fall about in the aisles.

  2. 令人捧腹大笑

    convulse sb. with laughter.

  3. 我在大笑。

    I'm laughing out loud.

  4. 嘲讽的大笑

    derisive snort

  5. 高兴地大笑

    to laugh with delight

  6. 轻蔑地大笑

    to laugh contemptuously.

  7. 观众在大笑。

    The audience laughs.

  8. 我放声大笑。

    I burst into laughter.

  9. 粗俗得大笑。

    a loud and vulgar laugh

  10. 他开怀大笑。

    He gave a hearty laugh.

  11. 粗俗的大笑。

    a loud and vulgar laugh

  12. 她放声大笑。

    She laughed a hearty laugh.

  13. 放声大笑, 哈哈大笑

    Bellow out a laugh

  14. 她抬头大笑。

    She stuck her head up and laughed.

  15. 突然大笑起来

    to burst out laughing

  16. 他捧腹大笑。

    His sides were shaking with laughter.

  17. 她捧腹大笑。

    She was holding her sides with laughter.

  18. 他们开怀大笑。

    They laughed together.

  19. 我们大笑不止。

    We burst out laughing.

  20. 我们放声大笑。

    We howled with laughter.

  21. 情不自禁的大笑

    voluntary laughter

  22. 他们捧腹大笑。

    They were convulsed with laughter.

  23. 观众放声大笑。

    The audience was shrieking with laughter.

  24. 想大笑一场

    Reckon for a laugh every time.

  25. 纵声大笑, 狂笑

    A big laugh.

  26. 纵声大笑,狂笑。

    A big laugh.

  27. 或是大笑一场。

    Having a good laugh.

  28. 引来微笑/ 大笑

    to raise a smile/ laugh

  29. 她轻蔑地大笑。

    She laughed scornfully.

  30. 他刺耳地大笑。

    He brayed with laughter.


  1. 问:大笑拼音怎么拼?大笑的读音是什么?大笑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑的读音是dàxiào,大笑翻译成英文是 roar with laughter

  2. 问:大笑声拼音怎么拼?大笑声的读音是什么?大笑声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑声的读音是Dà xiàoshēng,大笑声翻译成英文是 roar of laughter

  3. 问:大笑不止拼音怎么拼?大笑不止的读音是什么?大笑不止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑不止的读音是dàxiào bùzhǐ,大笑不止翻译成英文是 laugh incessantly; to piss o.

  4. 问:大笑不能拼音怎么拼?大笑不能的读音是什么?大笑不能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑不能的读音是dà xiào bù néng,大笑不能翻译成英文是 aphonogelia

  5. 问:大笑江湖拼音怎么拼?大笑江湖的读音是什么?大笑江湖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑江湖的读音是,大笑江湖翻译成英文是 Just Call Me Nobody

  6. 问:大笑瑜伽拼音怎么拼?大笑瑜伽的读音是什么?大笑瑜伽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大笑瑜伽的读音是,大笑瑜伽翻译成英文是 Laughter Yoga