






  1. 谓脑神经。指思维器官。亦指思考记忆等能力。

    毛泽东 《学习和时局》:“脑筋这个机器的作用,是专门思想的。” 巴金 《家》三:“同情的念头把他们的脑筋占据了。” 徐迟 《在高炉上》:“我们没有图纸,事先也不能计划,一切得临时动脑筋。” 巴金 《关于龙虎狗》一:“现在想不起不要紧,以后会慢慢想起来的,我用不着在这件小事上多花费脑筋。”

  2. 指思想意识。

    毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“曾经留恋过别的东西的人们,有些人倒下去了,有些人觉悟过来了,有些人正在换脑筋。” 老舍 《龙须沟》第二幕:“您心里光知道有官儿,老脑筋!”



  1. A reasonable man is a thinker and a man of action , and with his brain he produces the great career we see around us .


  2. He was one of the smartest men I've ever met, with a phenomenal IQ and a steel-trap mind.


  3. He is expected to focus on the vexed issue of how much money needs to flow from north to south to pay for dealing with global warming.


  4. Cosette was the difficulty, for she did not know how to climb a wall.


  5. Even if you can overcome these worries, it's not always easy to think of interesting places to go.


  6. Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming willing to broach the test question of the business .


  7. He puzzled over the matter some time, and finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm.


  8. There must be a way, if I only hat wit enough to find it out.


  9. As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project list one by one on the cards.


  1. 动动脑筋!

    use your loaf!

  2. 费点儿脑筋

    need some effort.

  3. 脑筋有问题

    Have a screw loose

  4. 聪明。好脑筋

    be full of brains

  5. 脑筋的运用

    the workings of the brain.

  6. 费一番脑筋

    go through a lot of brains.

  7. 我开动脑筋。

    I do some brainstorm.

  8. 他脑筋灵活。

    He's got a quick mind.

  9. 那人脑筋好。

    That man has a fine brain.

  10. 懒惰脑筋要生锈。

    Idleness rust the mind.

  11. 懒惰使脑筋生锈。

    Idleness makes the wit rust.

  12. 他们脑筋比较活。

    Their minds are more flexible.

  13. 我伤透了脑筋。

    I beat my brains.

  14. 别动歪脑筋

    Don't get any ideas.

  15. 他的脑筋非常好。

    He has a very good mind.

  16. 她脑筋有点古玩。

    She is a bit funny in the head.

  17. 懒惰使脑筋锈烂。

    Idleness is the rust of the mind.

  18. 你必须动动脑筋。

    You must use your head.

  19. 他一点脑筋都没有。

    He hasnt got any brains whatever.

  20. 脑筋是易于僵化的。

    It is easy for the mind to ossify.

  21. 时代变了。该换脑筋!

    Times have changed, we need new ways of thinking!

  22. 他的脑筋转得快。

    His brain acts quickly.

  23. 时代变了。该换脑筋!

    Times have changed, we need new ways of thinking!

  24. 出去走一下,换换脑筋。

    Let's go for a walk and give our minds a rest.

  25. 我的脑筋一片混乱。

    My head is in a whirl.

  26. 脑筋正常的新主治医生

    Nno firstyear attending in her right mind.

  27. 但你没有动动脑筋!

    But you are not thinking!

  28. 但你没有动动脑筋!

    But you are not thinking!

  29. 老下雨, 真伤脑筋。

    It's a nuisance the way it keeps on raining.

  30. 你应该换换这老脑筋了。

    You should change that kind of old idea.


  1. 问:脑筋拼音怎么拼?脑筋的读音是什么?脑筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑筋的读音是nǎojīn,脑筋翻译成英文是 brain; mind

  2. 问:脑筋好的拼音怎么拼?脑筋好的的读音是什么?脑筋好的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑筋好的的读音是,脑筋好的翻译成英文是 brainy

  3. 问:脑筋不正常的拼音怎么拼?脑筋不正常的的读音是什么?脑筋不正常的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑筋不正常的的读音是,脑筋不正常的翻译成英文是 dippy

  4. 问:脑筋转不过来的拼音怎么拼?脑筋转不过来的的读音是什么?脑筋转不过来的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑筋转不过来的的读音是,脑筋转不过来的翻译成英文是 unreconstructed



(1) [brains;mind;head]∶指思维、记忆等能力