



  1. 用脑筋想;出主意。如:发动群众动脑筋,找窍门。如:他工作责任心很强,又善于动脑筋。



  1. As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project list one by one on the cards.


  2. To this end, the SME owners also use their brains to find ways to see what manner by what means to bail out a new path.


  3. I am sorry to see that you did not use your head this time.


  4. Sandra: If you're planning to ask Mindy out, you'll need more than a thinking cap. Maybe you should think better of it.


  5. Matsuzaswa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with age-using of the head.


  6. KIDS these days do nothing but play mindless video games, leaving no time for constructive toys like those their grandparents loved.


  7. Did your mother ever tell you "think before you speak? "


  8. We're being paid to think now disproportionately more in the United States than we're being paid to manufacture and produce something.


  9. And yet a revival of hopes that the odd penny might yet be squeezed from loyal readers is under way.


  1. 动动脑筋!

    use your loaf!

  2. 她爱动脑筋。

    She likes to juggle ideas.

  3. 你必须动动脑筋。

    You must use your head.

  4. 但你没有动动脑筋!

    But you are not thinking!

  5. 但你没有动动脑筋!

    But you are not thinking!

  6. 动动脑筋再试一次。

    Tax your brains and try again.

  7. 看来你也在动脑筋了。

    See, now you're thinking too.

  8. 动动脑筋把销售搞上去!

    Use your head and increase your sales!

  9. 因为数学能让我动脑筋。

    Because Mathematics can improve our thinking.

  10. 我们得动脑筋, 想个办法。

    We must use our brains and think of a way.

  11. 我们得动脑筋,想个办法。

    We must use our brains and think of a way.

  12. 所以烹饪也是需要动脑筋的。

    So it takes brains to get to cookery.

  13. 他经常劝人们多动脑筋。

    He often advises people to their brains.

  14. 不动脑筋慢慢苦干的人

    Person who works slowly and with determination, but without inspiration

  15. 在测验之前你该动动脑筋。

    You should limber up your wits before the test.

  16. 看书得时候一定要动脑筋。

    We should exercise our brains while reading.

  17. 看书的时候一定要动脑筋。

    We should exercise our brains while reading.

  18. 看书的时候一定要动脑筋。

    We should exercise our brains while reading.

  19. 埃拉迪奥比我会动脑筋。

    Eladio thinks more than I do.

  20. 他动脑筋想办法,摆脱了困境。

    He thought his way out of the dilemma.

  21. 你知道答案的,好好动动脑筋!

    You know the answer. Just use your noodle!

  22. 第二,动脑筋提出自己的见解。

    Secondly, use your own head and present your point of view.

  23. 最后, 我想让大家来动动脑筋。

    In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.

  24. 肯动脑筋得人总能胜过别人。

    A man who can think will always have advantage over others.

  25. 肯动脑筋的人总能胜过别人。

    A man who can think will always have advantage over others.

  26. 光苦干还不行, 我们还得动脑筋。

    Hard work alone isn't enough, we must use our brains, too.

  27. 真遗憾,你这次作业没有动脑筋。

    I'm sorry you didn't use your head this time.

  28. 梅尔在动脑筋,在估计各种可能性。

    Mel's mind was speculating, assessing possobilities.

  29. 多动脑筋,就能找出门路来。

    If you put your mind to it you'll get the knack of it.

  30. 这个困难促使我动脑筋找出答案。

    This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.


  1. 问:动脑筋拼音怎么拼?动脑筋的读音是什么?动脑筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动脑筋的读音是dòngnǎojīn,动脑筋翻译成英文是 To think carefully; to think actively.